
Photos courtesy of Paige Green Photography
Dear Community,
As the sun shines on our fields this last day of the year, there is much to celebrate, learn from, and let go of as we move into the next decade. Milestones are surpassed and touchstones beckon deep reflection on where we have been, what we have accomplished, and where our energy and resources went. All to inform how we will show up for ourselves, each other, and our values in the new year.
We at the Bounty are honored to lead our community in direct services, community capacity building, education, advocacy, and collaborative research to shepherd in place-based programming to focuses on hunger prevention.
Whether it was the $122,000 of incentives and CalFresh distributed last year through our Farmers' Market LIFE partners, or the hundreds of children and youth visitors to our farm education programs, our initiatives have impact.
Read the Annual Impact Report for more inspiring results, testimonials, and pictures and consider making a donation of money, volunteer time, or items on the farm wish list.
In Gratitude,
Suzi and the Bounty Team
Bounty Annual Impact Report
What a year it's been! From seed to compost pile and every step in between, we are proud of the results of our collective efforts and you should be too! With over 11,500 pounds of produce grown, 2,000 volunteer hours logged, and $122,000 in Market Match and CalFresh incentives distributed collectively it has been quite a successful year of sharing the bounty. This year, we decided to use the interactive platform Prezi to showcase our annual report as well as expand on the framework of what it means to be a farm-based community food security project. View the Prezi by clicking here and read more about our successes in this blog post.
Petaluma Bounty Collaboration with Sonoma State University
Last month, students from Sonoma State University's Science 220 class, "Dream, Make, Design", have been working on various projects at the Bounty Farm. The students were tasked with addressing a problem on the farm and designing a solution using their innovative minds as well as the Makerspace workshop on their campus.To read more about these projects, click here.
We are excited about this collaboration with SSU and look forward to having more students use the farm for project-based work!
Free Farm Yoga Returns January 7th
We are excited to begin our farm yoga series in collaboration with EmbodyPetaluma this winter! Join us on Tuesdays from 3-4pm starting January 7th for FREE yoga at the Bounty Farm. Yoga will be held in the hoop house to keep warm! Mats are provided. Connect with yourself and the land you are on!
Volunteer Hours Return with Dr. MLKJ Day of Service
The Bounty Farm is kicking off the 2020 volunteer season with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service on Monday, January 20th. Bundle up and join us as we begin another year of growing food and strengthening our community. If you have a big group that would like to join please contact education@petalumabounty.org. We can't wait to see our volunteers again!
Seeking Spring Academic Interns
Petaluma Bounty is looking for outstanding applicants to be a part of our Spring 2020 internship cohort! We have opportunities to learn more about farm-based education, farmer's market and farm stand sales and marketing, community outreach, and farm production.
To apply, simply fill out this
application form and our Education and Engagement Coordinator will reach out to you. Come join us in creating a just and more healthy food system!
Bounty Farm Wish List
The Bounty Farm could use your support!
Many of the items that could help us greatly on the farm you may have in your own tool shed that isn't being used. Please click here to view our wish list items including wheelbarrows, digging knives, and work gloves. We also need cardboard if you have some laying around.
if you would like to donate one of these items. If you would like to support the Bounty Farm with a monetary donation, please
click here
. We appreciate your generosity and could not continue to do all the things we do without your support!
Bounty Winter Produce Outlet Hours
Winter is officially here but you can still get your produce from Bounty Farm! The Bounty Farmstand is open every Saturday from 11am-2pm until January 11th. We will not be at the Petaluma Health Center on January 2nd, but will return January 9th!
You can find fresh winter veggies at our produce outlets like broccoli, cauliflower, romanesco, kale, arugula, chard, collards, beets, carrots, herbs, and more. And remember, we offer discounts for anyone with limited income and 50% off for CalFresh customers.
AmeriCorps VISTA Opportunity at Bounty Farm
Petaluma Bounty is proud to partner with Harvest Against Hunger's VISTA program in hosting a gleaning coordinator at the Bounty Farm beginning February 2020.
The AmeriCorps volunteer will provide capacity building support to a food recovery program, a demonstration production farm, nutrition incentive distribution programs, healthy eating initiatives, and mapping initiatives of our existing emergency food distribution network. For more information please visit the
Idealist posting
or read more on our
Thanking Our Donors
Here is an incomplete list of our donors, sponsors, and service contract partners. Without your support, our work would not be possible!
Agricultural Community Events Farmers Markets, Anna B's Kitchen, Archebold Family, Berkeley Ecology Center/ CNIP, City of Rohnert Park, Clover Sonoma, Community Foundation of Fox Valley, County of Sonoma, Elim Lutheran Church, F.A. Nino's, Foundation for Sustainability and Innovation, Friedmans, Grab N Grow, Hansen Family Foundation, Heffernan Foundation, Hegarty Construction, Hydrofarm, Interfaith Sustainable Food Collaborative, J.M. Rosen's Cheesecake, Kastania Winery, Kibo Farm, Korbel, Lagunitas Brewery, Lisa Krieshok Design, Martin Family, Martinelli Family, McCormick Foundation, McEvoy Ranch, Petaluma Coffee and Tea Co., Petaluma Health Care District, Petaluma Market, Petaluma Poultry, Petaluma Seed Bank, Petaluma Transit, Red H Farm, Revive Kombucha, Sonoma Family Meal, Swallowtail Garden Seeds, Three Twins Ice Cream, Top Speed Data, Truly Creative, UC Davis, Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma, Zimmerman Family, and many other individual and anonymous donors!