Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost - Nov. 19, 2023

Annual Meeting This Sunday at 11:30am

This Sunday is annual meeting Sunday at Epiphany. Everyone is welcome to gather in the fellowship hall at 11:30am. I'll share my report on what God is doing at and through Epiphany over the past year and also cast some light on what is ahead for our church. We will also hear from Mtr. Pamela, Tom Miller on behalf of the finance committee and Gordon Coffee on behalf of the missions committee. While you need to be a member to vote as we elect members to our vestry (Epiphany's governing board), our meeting is open to everyone. There will be child care for younger kids, and older children will be making Christmas cards for home-bound members of our church. We will conclude our meeting around 12:30pm so we can all get home for lunch (and kickoff).

This year, we have three candidates for three open vestry positions. Our candidates are Lois Koch, James (Jim) Roberts, and Jeff Zimmerman. Biographies of our candidates are now available here.

If you are a recent attender to Epiphany I want to particularly extend an invitation to you to be part of our annual meeting. Annual Meeting is a great way to get a snapshot of our church, how we operate, what is important to us, and how we steward the funds you entrust to us.

God bless,

P.S. Epiphany's clergy and lay representatives will be at our Diocese's annual meeting (called Synod) the next two days. Please pray for Bishop Chris as he leads his first synod, and for all of us as we meet together in Woodbridge at All Saints Church. Epiphany's delegates to Synod this year are Janelle Banta, Don Holt and Joyce Schmalz.

Stewards of God's Varied Grace

Coates Food Bags deadline Sunday, Dec.3

Thanks to your donations we have delivered 150 weekend food bags to Coates Elementary School so far this school year. That’s 900 breakfasts, lunches, and dinners! We need your continued support through the coming months. Please bring your donations of individual food items or packed gallon bags by Sunday, December 3 for our next delivery. Not sure what is needed? Contact Sally Eckard ( or Bea Long ( 

Thanks for Giving - On to Christmas

We have back-to-back holiday food drives; we wrapped up our Thanksgiving food drive this week and are kicking-off our Christmas food drive.  Let’s do it one more time -- 25 boxes!  WFCM will hold this event in mid-December with the goal to feed 600 families (2000 people).  Here is link for the Christmas food signup.

Cash donations will be used to purchase outstanding food items needed to complete our holiday food boxes and any remaining funds will be donated to WFCM.  Cash donations can be made payable to Epiphany with ‘Holiday Food’ specified in the menu; or via the app by selecting ‘Holiday Food’ in the drop-down. 

Food & cash should be dropped at Epiphany by Sunday, December 10.

If you have any questions, please contact Debbie Hanger at or 202-436-1686. 

Vestry Candidate Biographies Available

Epiphany's annual meeting is coming up on Sunday, November 19. During our meeting we will be electing three candidates to serve on Epiphany's governing board, the vestry. We have three nominees for these open positions, Lois Koch, James (Jim) Roberts, and Jeff Zimmerman. Biographies of our candidates are now available here.

Did You Get a Stewardship Packet?

Last Sunday was the beginning of our annual stewardship campaign. Above, Leslie shares about her own journey of faith toward tithing. If you are on Epiphany’s postal mailing list, you should have received your stewardship packet in the mail over the past week.  Extra stewardship packets and pledge cards are also available in the fellowship hall.  We will be presenting our pledge cards to God next Sunday, Nov. 26 at both services.

Pie and Turkey Nov. 22

A tradition at Epiphany is to gather the day before Thanksgiving for pie. This year, we are gathering for pie but also to hear about the trip Mtr. Pamela and David made to Turkey this summer. Put Wednesday Nov. 22 on the calendar at 7:00 and bring a pie to share (sweet or savory).

This Week At Epiphany

Epiphany Calendar Nov. 17 - Nov 26

Friday, November 17

8:30am Men's Ministry in Library or via Zoom

Office closes at noon for Diocesan Synod

Saturday, November 18

9:00am Band of Brothers Men's Group

Diocesan Synod

Sunday, November 19

8:00am Worship

10:15am Worship (livestream)

11:30 Annual Meeting

6:30pm Youth Bonfire at Franks

Monday, November 20

9:00am Morning Prayer

9:30am Ladies Morning Bible Study in Library or via Zoom

Tuesday, November 21

9:00am Morning Prayer

Wednesday, November 22

12:00 noon Simple Eucharist

6:00pm Crossover Rehearsal

7:00pm Pie and Turkey

Thursday, November 23


Friday, November 24


Saturday, November 25

Sunday, November 26

8:00am Worship

10:15am Worship (livestream)

11:30am Confirmation class

1:15 & 2pm Worship at Chantilly Heights

If you have an Epiphany event to add to the calendar, please contact Jimmy Crawford at

Church of the Epiphany | 3863 Centerview Drive | 703-481-8601


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