The Church of the Good Shepherd
231 North Church St.
Rocky Mount, NC
eShepherd January 24, 2025
This Sunday at Good Shepherd
The Third Sunday After The Epiphany
January 26, 2025
8:00 AM
Rite 1 Holy Communion
10:30 AM
Contemporary Language Service of Holy Communion
with choir and congregational hymns.
Live streamed at
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Serving this Sunday
8 a.m.
Altar Guild Lalor Smith and Jeanette Belfield;
Celebrant The Rev. Becky Zartman Carpenter;
Eucharistic Minister John Mebane;
Flower Guild Emily Bondy and Betty Norman;
Reader John Mebane
10:30 a.m.
Acolytes Ann Price Harris and Julianne Wilson;
Altar Guild Sallie Colston and Susan Folta;
Audiovideo Engineer Ron Sowers;
Eucharistic Minister Bob Larimer;
Flower Guild Emily Bondy and Betty Norman;
Greeters Bill and Millie Walker;
Intercessor Corey Folta;
Musicians The Good Shepherd Choir;
Lawrence Goering, organist;
Presider The Rev. Becky Zartman Carpenter;
Readers Belinda Allen and Chris Dwight;
Vestry Counters Barbara Hicks and Kenneth Burnette
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This week at Good Shepherd
Annual Meeting this Sunday, Jan. 26 at 9:30 a.m.
Meeting to be held in the Parish Hall with coffee and goodies. Childcare will be available in the parlor.
Choir Practice All choirs will rehearse this Wednesday. For specific information, please click here.
Mid-week Eucharist at Noon on Wednesday in the Sanctuary
Coming Soon:
Thursday, January 30, 2025, 6:30 p.m.
Celebration of New Ministry for the Rev. Les Carpenter, St. Andrews, 301 S. Circle Dr., Rocky Mount. The Rev. Becky Zartman Carpenter preaching.
Sacred Ground – Film and Readings about faith, race and justice Would you like to join us in person in the Parlor to experience Sacred Ground, a program to help us to more deeply understand race and faith, together? Albert Ervin will be our guide as we work through the zoom sessions together. It's two Tuesdays a month, 11:30 – 1:00 PM, beginning February 4, 2025. (February 4 – June 17: Feb 4, Feb 18, March 4, March 18, April 1, April 15, April 29, (2 weeks in a row) May 6, May 20, June 3, June 17.) If you can't make a Tuesday, you can catch up when it works for you.
We are also planning to have a Friday late afternoon gathering between the sessions to gather to watch the films and discuss the readings.
Are you interested in joining us in person? Please email us at to let us know you're coming or if you have questions. Please register with the Diocese and
and request the books to be sent to you. Click here to register.
Join us to play Mahjong with fellow Episcopalians from St. Andrew’s and Good Shepherd. To begin, let’s meet on Wednesday, February 5 at 6 p.m. in the parish hall at St. Andrew’s. Be sure to bring your card!
Kindly respond. Sissy Dunton 252-883-3464 Boyd Harris 252-904-6647 Terry Noble 252-813-4646
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The Church Of The Good Shepherd
Rocky Mount, NC
Elisabeth von Trapp
Friday, January 31, 7:00 p.m.
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Elisabeth von Trapp, whose vocal style has been compared to Judy Collins and Loreena McKennitt, will perform an eclectic program, accompanying herself on guitar. Her concert repertoire ranges from Bach to Broadway, Schubert to Sting, and a New York Times reviewer wrote that "her voice is hauntingly clear and her lyrics tender and romantic." Ms. von Trapp is the granddaughter of Maria and Baron von Trapp, whose real life experiences inspired The Sound of Music.
All are invited to this free concert and the reception that will follow in the parish hall. For more information, please contact Lawrence Goering at 252-442-1134, ext. 5, or
Save the date:
Ensemble Aubade
Sunday, February 16, 5:00 p.m.
This Boston based chamber ensemble (Peter H. Bloom, flute and alto flute; Francis Grimes, viola; and Steven Sussman, piano) will perform Mozart and More, a concert that will take the audience on a fascinating tour, from the salons of Vienna and Paris to the concert halls of New York. The program will include works by Mozart, Farrenc, and Bennett. This will be the sixteenth Lynn Kroncke Memorial Concert.
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Parishioners Celebrating Birthdays This Week
January 23
Liam Jenkins
H. I. Tharrington
John Battle Mebane
Chloe Hedgepeth
January 24
Edward Daniel Jr.
Mackenzie Harrison
January 25
Marion Mann
Jeanne Shannon
January 26
Nan Bayless
Mary Davis Betts
Mary Alice Buck
Mallery Manning
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Vestry Nominations
The Vestry Elections and Annual Meeting will be held this Sunday January 26th at 9:30 a.m.
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Thank you for considering me for the Vestry at Good Shepherd. My husband, Eric, and I have attended Good Shepherd since 2007. Our sons, Noah (18) and Oscar (15), have been raised at Good Shepherd, starting with the Day School, the Cherub and Alleluia Choirs, children’s chapel, and now both serve as Acolytes.
I grew up in the Methodist church and was confirmed at Good Shepherd in June 2017. Over the years, I’ve helped with children’s chapel and Vacation Bible School, served as a member of the Flower Guild, and most recently been part of a Pastoral Aid team. I look forward to contributing to the Vestry and Ministry of Good Shepherd.
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I am honored to be considered to serve on the Vestry of the Church of the Good Shepherd. Susan and I moved to Rocky Mount in late 2022 so we could be nearer to family members in Raleigh. While visiting Good Shepherd the first time, we felt a warmth and friendliness that made us feel so welcome. We love being here so much so that I joined the choir and the Outreach Committee, and Susan took over the eShepherd and serves on the Altar Guild and the Outreach Committee.
Susan and I have been married for 41 years and have 3 adult children and 2 grandchildren. We joined the Episcopal Church more than 20 years ago. We both served on the Vestry and were involved in fundraising and I sang in the choir.
My career has been in magazine subscription marketing. So, you have me to blame for all the direct junk mail and spam email you received over the years. While I didn’t invent it, I used it heavily until I moved into my new position at Dow Jones 1.5 years ago in Finance, overseeing Compliance and Reporting. Yes, it is as exciting as it sounds, but I’m no longer ordering those obnoxious mail pieces.. Dow Jones publishes The Wall Street Journal, Barron’s, The New York Post and WSJ. Magazine.
For fun, I serve on the Rocky Mount Board of Adjustment, am the newly elected President of the Candlewood Homeowners Association and sing in the Tarboro Choral Society and the North Carolina Wesleyan University Chorus.
Susan and I really love this church and are so happy that Becky+ is here to lead us! If elected, I will enthusiastically serve the parish.
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My name is John Tobias, and after fulfilling an interim role on the vestry am honored to extend the role for the next 2 years. My wife Kathy and I have two sons Jeff and his wife Dorsey, and Neal and his wife Jami. We have 4 grandsons Lake, Capson, Walter and Harry-all members of Good Shepherd! We joined Good Shepherd early in 2017.
We were members of OLPH Catholic Church prior to joining Good Shepherd and have lived in Rocky Mount since 1981. I have been involved with the vestry over the past year while Kathy is part of the flower guild. I look forward to continuing to serve on the vestry while our church continues to grow and prosper.
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For those in trouble, sorrow, need, sickness, or any other adversity: especially Dorothy Sarti, Jude Elliot Vester, Shannon Sutton, Notie Vay Meadows, Florine McClain, Scott Sumrall, Fred Folta, Anita Fortier, Joyce Cuthrell, Whitney Herbert, Dinah Fowlkes, Bill Harris, Aileen Harris, Amy McCotter, Jeanette Belfield, Linda Mattocks, Chris Poole, Gregory Strickland, Bruce Biggs, Willie Skinner, and Bobbi Weeks.
For continued health and healing: Bill Hudgins, Mary W. Dawson, Becky Bryan, Elizabeth "Sister" Cherry, Albert Ervin, Frances Gaither, Dwight Johnson, Boo White, and Brent Wilson.
For the blessings of this life:
For those expecting the birth of a child: Emily and Chris Dwight, Sidney and Westray Hicks, Morgan and Benton Moss
For those who have died: Odell Coggins, Norman Aamodt, Randy Reid
To add or remove people on the Prayer List please contact Cheryl Coppedge at Please ask their permission before submitting.
A note about pastoral care emergencies: If you are experiencing a pastoral emergency (e.g. someone you love or you yourself are in the hospital, or you’re experiencing some distressing news) please call my cell phone (570-259-0671) and leave a message if I don’t pick up right away. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. If in doubt, please call – I can’t support you if I don’t know you need support!
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