TML Health Online is Almost Here!
While we are incredibly excited about upgrading to our new TML Health Online system, these updates mean the online enrollment system will be down as of Saturday, May 1. This “lockout” will take place May 1 – 15 to ensure an accurate migration of all election data.

While we can’t wait to provide you with easier enrollment and better customer care, we appreciate your patience should this update cause you any inconvenience.
If you need to make enrollment changes during this period, please submit your enrollment forms to or reach out to one of our Billing & Eligibility Representatives for support at (800) 537-9898.

We will be hosting a series of webinars on May 13 and 14 to introduce the new TML Health Online system and what changes have occurred once everything is up and running. Benefits and Billing Coordinators can sign up to attend either day below: