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December 27, 2016                                                       Issue No. 27
In this issue
To our LifeNets Supporters and Friends! 

In this last eNews of both the calendar and fiscal year, I wanted to share some of the diversity of the programs that we do.  Some help communities, others help individuals with extreme circumstances where there is no one else to come to their aid. We truly feel that we have made life-changing differences.   

That's all possible because of your generosity.  But, also it's successful because we have trusted people in the areas who make certain that we maximize every dollar in donations that we receive.  We thank you and value your trust! 

There is still time to make a 2016 tax-exempt donation to LifeNets in the United States.  You can donate via PayPal or Credit card by clicking or pressing the DONATE button.  Or, you can send a check to our address at the bottom of this newsletter.  
Bev Kubik
Bev Kubik

We especially want to thank all of you who contributed prayers and funds to support people at risk of starvation in Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi. As we reported to you through our Facebook Page, they were quite desperate for help to provide planting seed and fertilizer for this coming season which began in November. With your generous donations we were able to supply there  needs. Due to more than two years of drought, causing a serious lack of harvest, they did not have the means to purchase seed to put into the ground this year.  No seed, no future harvest. You may remember that earlier in the year the Cincinnati United Church of God contributed funds to purchase grain for  food. 

Now we would like to report that the "planting rains," as they call them, are coming . It is when there is enough rain to soften the ground so that it can be worked and planted.  We have received reports from all three countries that they are receiving rains and the fields are being planted. They are most grateful for your prayers and support. 

For our people in Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi rain is a matter of life and death, harvest or famine. They do not have the means to purchase the food they would need from a store.  They depend on what they are able to grow.  Please continue to pray for rains that will bring about an abundant harvest. Because of you, t hey are looking forward to a better year in 2017.

My husband and I will be travelling to these areas in April and will visit with many of the people we help.    

2017 Scholarships
The new year means the beginning of another scholarship season. We have about 100 students receiving grants each year to help them with their education. This is a fantastic gift and it is making a difference in the lives of many of our young people throughout the Philippines, Mexico, South and Central America as well as in Africa.  

We are working on a new improved up to date website that we hope to launch in the early part of the year. 

Please read our other stories and follow us on Facebook at LifeNets.  I'd like to hear from you about your thoughts.  Write to us at

Again, my husband and I, as well as the entire LifeNets Board of Directors, thank you with all our hearts for your trust in us. 

Thank you for making LifeNets the charity of your choice.  

Our love and appreciation to all of you!     
Beverly Kubik  
Annual Report  
Our online Annual Report for 2015 gives you an overview of the work that LifeNets does. You can view and download the report at

One area that is highlighted in the previous fiscal year is our Wheelchair Project in which we made 80 wheelchair matches from the 106 chairs that were donated.  This part of LifeNets is managed by Michael Kubik. Here is a note received from one of the beneficiaries: 

"Hi Mike, good morning,  I wanted to thank you and the organization you work for, you guys make people's dreams come true. I can't even begin to express with words the look on my mom's eyes, I know she was thankful and surprised when she saw the beautiful chair that she's going to be able to use and move around more often." -- Robert in Northridge, CA

Undisputed Runs LLC
Also, Undisputed Runs, LLC, highlighted LifeNets in a January 2015 running and cycling fundraising event called "Virtual Keep Moving." and gave $5 for every registration to LifeNets. Undisputed Runs LLC is dedicated to promoting fitness and well-being at all ages and capabilities. This event is designed to increase awareness spinal cord injury. More at
Borehole Completed in Cambodia 
The Well
A borehole that was asked for and prayed for in Srok Village, Lpeak Commune, Kampoung Seam, Kampong Cham has been completed.  Equipment had to be brought in from the capital Phnom Penh about a three hour drive away to drill it. The dedication was held on January 16, 2016. Srok is a village of about 350 families who had no source of water due to being in the hills. The current well will serve about 60 people.
LifeNets Australia helped to fund this project. We are thankful for their generosity and their desire to help particularly in Cambodia which is a first for LifeNets. LifeNets is always pleased to do boreholes as they provide water, LIFE to a community and many are benefited.
The depth of the well is 35 meters which is 115 feet. There was a training course to the villagers to know how to care for the well so it can be used by all and be completely self-sustainable.

Sign on well
One reason that we can do a project like this quickly and reliably is because we have reliable people on the ground who carry the project through from start to finish and ensure that all our funding goes directly to the project. 

We are currently exploring drilling another borehole serving a community similar to this one. 

2017 Calendar Available
A beautifully illustrated 2017 calendar has been mailed to our donors, supporters and friends.  If you would like one sent to you, please let us know at  Please be sure to include your mailing address. You can view the entire calendar here as a PDF by clicking here

Ivan Sobolev
This is a heartwarming example of just one long-term project of LifeNets going back to 2001. Ivan Sobolev was paralyzed in a diving accident. Since that time LifeNets has helped him with medical supplies. He has an amazing story that includes graduation from online college. He just received our last shipment and writes this message that you can read by clicking here.


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LifeNets International
1227 Woodchase Trail
Batavia, Ohio 45103-2605

513 843-7744
513 201-8850
