Junipero Serra High School Newsletter
Junipero Serra High School believes that students of all faiths and backgrounds deserve an academically challenging, spiritually enriching Catholic college preparatory education that forms them to become generous, responsible citizens and leaders
"Service to others is the price you pay for your time here on earth" - Muhammad Ali
"For it is in giving that he receive." - St. Francis of Assisi
Here we go again! A Nail Biter!
As you all know, with the Pandemic hitting last year, the Alumni/Advancement Office lost the fun and potential revenue from the 5th Annual Cavalier Classic Golf Tournament, the Class of 1980 40th year reunion, the Class of 1970 50th year reunion and the Old Timers/Legends Reunion.
So we initiated the ALL HAIL! Campaign with a target of raising 40K to be used for Alumni Scholarships/Tuition Assistance, which did not replace the lost fun, but did replace lost revenue. Shortly after beginning ALL HAIL, Lo! and Behold! Alumnus called and said that he would match 50 cents for very dollar raised. Thanks to many of you, we squeezed by the 40K in a "nail biter" and we were able to fund Alumni Scholarship/Tuition Assistance needs. We also set a record for Alumni Giving.
Last August we received notification from the Archdiocese that Serra was one of 8 high schools to receive a challenge offer from a Foundation. The offer was $1.00 for a $1.00 Match from any individual donor, not only Alumni, by a date certain. We did it with 4 days to spare. We don't think this offer will be repeated.
This year, with no revenue from athletics or any events, once again a potential budget shortfall. Without any request from Advancement/Alumni Office, our 50 cent for every $1.00 Match Donor from last spring called in February and told us he would Match up to 80K this year. With a few days to go, we have had 92 participants, including Serra Teachers, Administrators, parents and four other Catholic High Schools Alumni and two new 5001 Club Members
If you Click Here and donate online before 10 AM on Tuesday, June 1st
or send a check postmarked by May 31st, it will count. Not only will it count, our donor
will match dollar for dollar if we hit the 80K mark before these deadlines.
Join Orlando McCall '81 on the left and Deetricha Younger '96, on the right, Chris Gahan '70, David Melvold '60, Marcus DeLay '76, Vince Kates '61, Dale Le Cesne '79, Derik LeCesne '73, Pat Lynch '59, Helena J. Conley '98, Dennis Pitts '63 (bottom right), Perry '66 and Sandra Even plus Teachers and Administrators, Joe McDorman '91, Kirk Bertrand, St. Bernard's '88, Vivian Bertrand '88, St. Monica's '88, Jose Lopez, IT Director
and Dr. Lota Castillo (bottom left) in helping Meet the Match!
Unless directed otherwise, donations are directed to Alumni Scholarships/Tuition Assistance. Please Click here for Alumni Scholarship Requirements. Questions, contact Vince Kates '61 (310) 323-6675 ext. 3010 or
You will be helping a student, and maybe become a part of a record Alumni donation year in dollars and a record for number of donors in a year. As above, an ALL HAIL! Card T $61.00 Becomes $122.00 AND an Alumni Tile at $201.00 becomes $402.00
The 1958 football team was the last CIF team to play without face masks.
The 1988 football team won Serra's first state championships.
The spring 2021 football team is the last team to play on the old field.
(One point losses to Long Beach Poly and Bishop Alemany prevented a perfect season.)
The fall 2021 football team will be the first football team to play on the new turf field.
DeMar Harper Field is just about finished and the track is painted.
5th Annual Cavalier Golf Classic is on July 23rd
The 5th Annual Cavalier Classic!
Ready to Tee off, after a long year wait.
Serra's 5th Annual Cavalier Classic Golf Tournament is scheduled for July 23rd at Serra's home course, Chester Washington, 2.1 miles driveway to driveway.
You can Click Here to register to play in the 5th Annual Cavalier Classic or to register a foursome and/or becoming a Cavalier Classic Sponsor.
Registered to date and/or sponsoring to date: Joe Cormier '81, Marcus Delay '75, Candyce Simpson, Dr. James Berryman '74, John Dunlap, David Jeffers '74, Pat Cavanagh, '66, Eric Boyd '79, Roy Bragg '79, Ed Washington '79, Jeff Hazelit '89, Joe Richmond '59, Don Carlson, James Allison, Bob Caniglia '61, Keith LaStrapes, Helena J. Conley '91, Chuck Scheper '74, Tom Krumme '59, Melvin Jackson MC, Melvin Patton, Reginald Gautt, Charles Washington, Richard Monteilh MC, Michael Ross '74 and a special thank you to The Bridge Builders Foundation.
If you want to provide items for the Silent Auction, for the Goody Bags, Advertise in the Event Program or to volunteer, contact Brian Cooper '74 at (310) 910-5414 or by e-mail at
SWAG: Serra Women's Alumni Group
SWAG members and basketball champions Jessica McConico '07, Porsche Kirksey '04, Marina Giles '08 and Caila Hailey attended Lady Cavaliers win over Bishop Amat and appeared at center court of the Dwan Hurt Memorial Gym.
This years Lady Cavs closed the regular season 10-2 and ranked 15th in Southern Section. They open CIF play offs Thursday, May 27th.
Men's Basketball in the Playoffs!
Led by Coach Bernard McCumbry, in this abbreviated season, the Cavs finished the season at 9-9 and ranked 20th CIF 2AA. They open the play offs today.
Events Back on the Calendar!
1) JULY 23 Serra Cavalier Golf Classic
2) AUGUST 14 50th Year Reunions Classes '70-'71
3) Old-Timers Legends TBD
4) OCTOBER 23 40th Year Reunions '80-'81
Treat Day Truck provided end of semester faculty lunch! It was great! Thanks to PTO President Tiffany Segee and daughter Dee'Anna Segee '16
Contact Treat Day Truck for great food and service at (213) 400-3339 or go to their website
Cavaliers have faith and integrity.
Cavaliers are humble and accountable.
Cavaliers are scholars who lead and serve.
Cavaliers are soldiers for Christ.
We are Cavaliers.
All Hail!
Joe Cormier '81
Director of Development