Here we go again! A Nail Biter!

As you all know, with the Pandemic hitting last year, the Alumni/Advancement Office lost the fun and potential revenue from the 5th Annual Cavalier Classic Golf Tournament, the Class of 1980 40th year reunion, the Class of 1970 50th year reunion and the Old Timers/Legends Reunion.
So we initiated the ALL HAIL! Campaign with a target of raising 40K to be used for Alumni Scholarships/Tuition Assistance, which did not replace the lost fun, but did replace lost revenue. Shortly after beginning ALL HAIL, Lo! and Behold! Alumnus called and said that he would match 50 cents for very dollar raised. Thanks to many of you, we squeezed by the 40K in a "nail biter" and we were able to fund Alumni Scholarship/Tuition Assistance needs. We also set a record for Alumni Giving.