Volume 2 No. 30 |July 30, 2020
Sharing our wealth of arts and culture. We're having an ARTS BLAST!

Promoting The Arts & Arts Councils Everywhere
In This Issue

Indian River County's Soup Bowl
Brevard Zoo Aquarium Art Walk and a Meerkat Photo
Another Jazz Spot Closing, Maybe Temporarily
Got Talent, Kids?
Let Your Voice Be Heard

Bits & Pieces from Around the Area & Around the Web


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Shared Links on Willi Miller's Arts Blast Extras
Notes from the Arts Blast desk:

For me, and for many others, I'm sure, it took a few months after the cancellations began in February and the lockdown went into effect in March to get even a hint of an idea that this thing might not be over as soon as we expected. Other than scientists and medical professionals, who possibly could have imagined where we'd be in August? Where is that singing fat lady when we so desperately need her?

Arts Blast, along with just about every media outlet, has been a source of suggestions for ways to distract ourselves. I've recently been wondering if Adam Schnell at Ballet Vero Beach could teach me to do what I think of as "ballet arms." Then I came across a feature by Caterina Hrysomallis in the July 25 New York Times with an even better suggestion, Travel the World Through These Dance Tutorials . Belly dancing, salsa, break dancing, kizomba, champeta, country line dancing, bhangra, and polka. Learn a little history while you shake a little booty — just don't hurt yourself.

I'm a masker, one of the few ways I feel I can contribute to the fight against this virus. If you aren't one, too, please consider joining me.
We'll get there, but we have to wait patiently and safely and remember that "there" might not be exactly the way we remember it.
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Please encourage friends and even friendly strangers to Like our Facebook pages and become Arts Blast subscribers!

Help someone in the arts while supporting Arts Blast.

Arts Blast is a free, arts-dedicated publication that, not surprisingly, has made the COVID-19 hit list. Here's how to help x2:

Through summer, each $50 Arts Blast donor, named or anonymous, may suggest an artist, musician, writer, or gallery for a feature story in Arts Blast! Email for details.
Listen to Cultural Connection on the Air at a new time and place, Sundays at 8 a.m. on WQOL, 103.7 fm.

If you miss the show Sunday, you can listen to a replay for one week at willimiller.com.

Members of Cultural Council of Indian River County are eligible to request a guest segment as time becomes available. Segments are very limited.
Just in from Riverside Theatre:
Because of the Tropical Storm coming our way, we are cancelling performances on Saturday for the Comedy Zone and the music on our outdoor stage. 

Tim "The Dairy Farmer" and BC Murphy will perform on Friday, July 31st at 7:30pm & 9:30pm, but both performances on Saturday have been cancelled. 

The band Beachland will still perform on our outdoor stage on Friday starting at 5:30pm (until 9:30pm), but will not perform on Saturday.
From the Environmental Learning Center:
Dust off your tap shoes, tune your guitar and practice your magic tricks...

Get your act together, because Indian River's Got Talent has arrived!  This new, entertaining event is in the works, and we are now accepting submissions for our Youth Division (grades 12 and under). We will have a full-blown Adult Division coming soon!

Submit an up to two-minute video of any talent suitable for public viewing to  DiscoverELC.org/IRGT . There will be a $5 entry fee. All who enter will receive two free admission passes to the Environmental Learning Center! Scholarships are available to cover the cost of the entry fee.
The Adult Category will happen after the Youth contestants have had their day. Hear Kat Redner, ELC's spokesperson, talk about it on Cultural Connection on the Radio Sunday, Aug. 2, at 8 a.m. A replay will be available at willimiller.com Monday. The show is a service of the Cultural Council of Indian River County.
The Soup Bowl has a green light, but with a different look this year. Stay tuned for details. The Soup Bowl is an annual benefit for the Samaritan Center in Indian River County.

Photo: My footed bowl, inexplicably rejected by the 2011 Soup Bowl committee.
Another Jazz Spot Closes

In the last issue, there was an announcement about the end of the Jupiter Jazz Society's Sunday Jazz Jams. Here's another sad note for live-jazz lovers. This one's in Martin County.

Sharing an email from Jim van Voorheis:

Hello Jazz Friends,

Tonight (July 30) will be our last Jazz Jam evening at “Notes Music Room” for awhile as Priscilla has been ordered to close. I want to thank all the jazz friends that have supported our Thursday night jams. Please come this evening for a celebration of our farewell evening.

Jim van Voorheis

Here’s a special message from owner Priscilla:

Dear Jazz Lovers -
I'm sad to announce that I need to close NOTES because I'm considered a "bar". (state-forced closure). There is a chance that I will reopen on Oct. 1st, but this remains to be seen. I'd like to formally and deeply thank every musician that has played at NOTES, and every customer that has attended our wonderful Jazz Thursdays!

Please come tonight for this, what may be our last show. You can wear masks, sit in separate areas (3 different rooms), and even bring your own glass or cup for a contact-less pour. Please consider purchasing a bottle of wine or selection of beers to take home, or making a purchase from our "thrift room", to help cover our expenses.

Please "note" that even if Notes does not reopen in its current location, I will be arranging JAZZ NIGHTS at other venue occasionally. To be informed of these, be sure to Sign Up for the Notes email (link below) or keep an eye out for emails from Jim. If you know of a music lover who does not receive Jim's emails, please have them contact him to be added.

Last but not least, I am available for private bartending at your home, clubhouse, business, or any location, so please keep me in mind. I am also a professional event planner. My duo act and full band are available for hire as well, and I can be reached anytime at NotesMusicRoom@gmail.com

Thank you, friends! Let's enjoy tonight! :)

The Aquarium Project and More at Brevard Zoo
A Special Event Coming to Brevard Zoo
(Possibly virtual. Stay tuned for details.)
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 10 – 11 a.m.
Join famed ocean explorer and conservationist Jean-Michel Cousteau as he shares inspiring messages of environmental optimism!

Like his father Jacques before him, Jean-Michel has dedicated his life to educating the world about our wonderful “water planet” and encouraging action for its protection.
He has produced more than 80 films, which have earned him Emmy, Peabody and CableACE awards. His 2006 documentary  Voyage to Kure  is credited with inspiring President George W. Bush to establish the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument in Hawaii.
Please be sure to print out your tickets prior to the event. Tickets must be in hand in order to enter the event and each guest age three and up must have their own ticket. Due to limited space, children under age three are required to sit on an adult’s lap. We recommend arriving 30 minutes before event start time to guarantee parking. Ticket does not include admission to the Zoo, Treetop Trek or the Safari Under the Stars gala.

Jean-Michel Cousteau: Protecting Our Water Planet is part of our  Safari Under the Stars  fundraising celebration

From the volunteers of the Aquarium Artwalk Project :

We are inviting artists from Brevard and from all over the world to submit Aquarium and Indian River Lagoon themed art for display throughout Brevard County. We will jury the works and choose a selection that best displays the Aquarium Art Walk themes.
There are no fees to enter the Aquarium Art Walk.

WHEN:    February 1 through April 30, 2021
Dates subject to change due to pandemic impact.
WHERE:  Brevard County, Space Coast – East Central Florida
The Brevard Zoo is open — with firm guidelines and pre-ticketing — but it takes more than admission fees to maintain this great facility and put food in all those hungry mouths. Learn how to help here.

Andrea Hill, Marketing and Communications Director at Brevard Zoo , explained:

Brevard Zoo is an independent, not-for-profit organization that receives no recurring government funding for operating costs, which is highly unusual among AZA-accredited zoos in the United States. Because of the closure, low attendance upon reopening, the Zoo is projected to lose one third of its annual budget of $12.5 million. With 26 years of service in the community, there are so many programs in which the Zoo is engaged that signify our deep commitment to animal wellness, conservation and education. Many of these have vital implications for today and for generations to come. The Zoo needs to raise a minimum of $1 million through philanthropy to avoid further cuts that will greatly reduce the impact and status of the Zoo in the community and will take years of recovery. 

For the last couple of years prior to the pandemic, Brevard Zoo has been working on a vision to bring a world-class aquarium to this area. Known as The Aquarium Project, we started last fall working with the community in a series of workshops to come up with ways to raise awareness regionally about this project. One of these community volunteer groups came up with the Aquarium Art Walk, something they would like to open to the public to see sometime early next year. Obviously experiencing a pandemic was not supposed to be a part of their planning and current timelines my change. However, artists need time to create and so this all-volunteer group is sending out a call for artists now to go ahead and start working on putting this amazing opportunity to showcase aquarium and lagoon-related art to the public. We are excited to have such passionate individuals helping us bring awareness to The Aquarium Project and are looking forward to next year and debuting the Art Walk.
Take a minute to let your voice be heard.

I've been getting survery emails from arts councils and entertainment venues asking for resident input. This is from Nancy Turrell, executive director of the Arts Council of Martin County:
How are you feeling about attending events in the coming months? 
We've teamed up with several of Martin County's most loved events to ask you to share your thoughts with us. It's a short and simple 6 question survey, so please take a moment to tell us how you are feeling. Your candor and participation are greatly appreciated. Your response is requested before midnight on Sunday, August 2nd. 
Stay well...and thank you in advance for participating.

Another from the Arts Council of Martin County, this one for artists and arts organizations:
Live music and comedy venues were the first to close and will be the last to re-open. A new relief bill has been introduced for independent music and entertainment venues struggling during this pandemic. The SOS Act would provide Small Business Administration grants for independent live music venue operators affected by COVID-19.
VISIT  https://www.saveourstages.com,  fill in your info and it will automatically send a letter to Senators Scott and Rubio as well your local Congress Representative to let them know that you support this bill and ask them to do the same.

We NEED the #SaveOurStagesAct and #RestartAct passed in order to keep venues like us from closing permanently. Please SHARE to help independent venues survive the next six months.

Just in From the Boston Symphony Orchestra:

We regret to inform you that we are canceling in-person BSO concerts at Symphony Hall between September 16 – November 28 , due to continuing concerns about the spread of COVID-19. There has never been a cancellation of BSO concerts of this magnitude in the orchestra’s 139-year history and it is with the heaviest of hearts that we inform you of this news. The decision was made for the health and safety of all in consultation with a team of medical experts, and in response to issuances by the CDC and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

While we cannot gather in person this fall, the BSO will create and share online content inspired by the  BSO at Home  series and  Tanglewood 2020 Online Festival . Details of this new content will be announced in September.
From Chris Kling:

My painting, “Gallery Family” has arrived to the RS Hanna Gallery in Fredericksburg, TX for the OPA National Juried Exhibition! I am beyond thrilled! You can see the virtual show at this link .
From Frost School of Music at University of Miami:
July 31, 7:30 p.m. Frost Wind Ensemble  

The program features works by David Maslanka, Percy Grainger as well as Ottorino Respighi’s epic symphonic poem  Pines of Rome .

Lots of exciting ideas are coming from the St. Lucie Cultural Alliance!

Call for Junior Art

All K-12 and college students, don't forget to enter our Young Hearts to Arts contest to get your artwork exhibited county-wide and win prizes. Please, submit your work with a short video describing the inspiration behind it by August 2nd.

Support our mission to better position the arts and cultural sector as a significant contributor to St. Lucie County -  become a member donate , or  join our ART SOS volunteer program , and  support local artists
Help with small gestures, such as liking and sharing our social media posts and  leave us a 5-Star review on Google .
For updates on gallery openings and classes in Melbourne and surrounding Brevard County, check the Brevard Cultural Alliance website and individual gallery social media.
Florida & Beyond , art by Kathie Benson, is set to open on August 31, 2020, at Fifth Avenue Art Gallery. There will be a First Friday Opening Reception to meet the artist and mingle with the gallery members on September 4, from 5:30-8:30 pm.
Animal Nature: Recent Works by Linda Mitchell opens at the Foosaner Art Museum in Melbourne
Aug. 8, on view through Oct. 24. Hours Wednesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Foosaner Art Museum, 1463 Highland Avenue, Melbourne, FL 32935
Community Arts Program (CAP)
2020 VIRTUAL Summer Concert Series

7:30 p.m. (EST) 
EVERY Thursday through August 13

Planning for ArtsFest!

Nancy Turrell, executive director of the Arts Council of Martin County , steered me to these Calls for Artists on their website, martinarts.org. Many other artist opportunities are listed there along with news of events and links to resources for artists. Turrell plans to have a virtual meeting next week "with leaders from most of our large events, primarily outdoor events, to have a conversation about collaboration and a possible survey to gauge people's willingness to participate and what they will expect when they do attend."

Deadline to apply:  October 1, 2020
The Arts Foundation for Martin County invites artists to apply to be an exhibitor at our 34th annual ArtsFest on February 20 & 21, 2021 in beautiful Memorial Park in Downtown Stuart. A hometown celebration of local arts and culture, the 2-day event provides the area with exceptional fine art and craft exhibitors, culinary arts, hands-on activities for the family, and a variety of live musical and theatrical performances. From its genesis in 1988, ArtsFest has become one of the Treasure Coast’s most beloved and best-attended community events attracting arts patrons, collectors, residents, and visitors to the City of Stuart during Florida's busy winter season. ArtsFest Stuart has been chosen annually as a Southeast Tourism Society "Top 20 Event" since 2016!
Deadline to apply:  August 19, 2020
The Arts Council of Martin County, Florida invites artists residing in Florida to participate in its 30th Annual All Florida Juried Arts Show. Selected works will be exhibited at the Court House Cultural Center from Tuesday, October 13 through Saturday, December 12, 2020.

Entry information for the All Florida Juried Show is online now. 

The Arts Council of Martin County has made some exciting additions to its website in these months of downtime. There's a long list of Calls to Artists, a Members' Showcase, a page for Coronavirus/COVID-19 Resources for Arts organizations & Artists, and an Artist Registry for council member artists.

Read the spring/summer issue of MartinArts Magazine online, but be aware that it was published before all this happened.
Around the Web
From ALLARTS.org :
See AllArts.org's long list of streaming opportunities, from art to opera to Sag Harbor American Music Festival’s “The Best Jams”
What will performing arts seasons look like in the near future? For  Opera Philadelphia , known for its packed fall festival, the stage will be virtual.
The opera house announced Wednesday that it will postpone its Festival O20 to launch the  Opera Philadelphia Channel  in its place. 
The good news keeps coming for “Hamilton” fans.
Original “ Hamilton ” cast members Renée Elise Goldsberry, Jonathan Groff, Neil Haskell, Christopher Jackson, Javier Muñoz, Phillipa Soo and more have organized a series of livestream events to raise money for organizations fighting to end systemic racism. Featuring behind-the-scenes stories, trivia, games, prizes and special “Hamilton” content, the #Ham4Change events will stream at Aug. 1, 9 and 15, with the aim of raising $1 million.
Tickets for the livestreams can be purchased for $10. Additional V.I.P. options are available and include a personal voicemails, a live one-on-one performance or virtual meet-and-greet with a cast member. The streams will take place on the virtual venue platform Looped.
CARMEN AT THE TEATRO REAL airs various dates on ALLARTS.org .
This flamenco interpretation of Bizet's classic opera "Carmen" unites two of Spain's most important artists: choreographer Antonio Gades, who popularized flamenco dance, and the iconic film director Carlos Saura. Vanesa Vento interpets Carmen, portraying her freedom, passion, and eventual downfall.
Opera Philadelphia ’s “Sky on Wings” — which made its world premiere as part of the company’s 2018 Festival O — takes Alzheimer’s disease as its subject, with memory driving the plot. Directed by Joanna Settle and conducted by Geoffrey McDonald, the contemporary production (designed by Andrew Lieberman) stars Frederica von Stade and Marietta Simpson. Music is by Lembit Beecher, with libretto by Hannah Moscovitch.
Stream “ Sky on Wings ” through Aug. 31.
From the Boston Symphony Orchestra:

Boston Symphony launches first-ever Summerlong Tanglewood Online Festival this week at  WWW.TANGLEWOOD.ORG

From Florida Humanities:

To assist our state’s most at-risk and critically important museums, libraries, historical societies and other cultural partners, Florida Humanities proudly opens these new grant opportunities to support our partners’ vital – and virtual - public humanities programming in the midst of the coronavirus crisis. The new grant opportunities include:
Apply now for up to $2500 in funding to purchase (either print or digital) democracy and civics-themed books for circulation. NEW! This grant opportunity is now open to Florida libraries, K-12 libraries, educational institutions and cultural organizations with widely accessible literary collections.
Deadline to apply: September 23, 2020

Questions about these additional grant opportunities or want to discuss your proposed project? Reach out to Florida Humanities staff – we’re here to help!
Lindsey E. Morrison
Florida Humanities Grants Coordinator
Edison and Ford Winter Estates Open Select Evenings
Edison and Ford Winter Estates in Fort Myers will be open on select nights this summer, so that visitors can enjoy the cooler evening air along the riverfront. On Tuesday, August 4 and September 1 from 6-9 p.m., the public is invited to take an evening stroll around the property. Guests will also get to listen to a talk in the Moonlight Garden about fragrant plants and the history of the garden.

Dr. Marcos Daniel Flores is a piano performance graduate from The Conservatory of Music of Puerto Rico B.M., The Eastman School of Music M. M., and Arizona State University where he received his Doctor of Musical Arts degree. Flores is an active performer as well as an experienced and inspirational piano teacher.
Like it or not, it's not unusual for event schedules to change, often at almost the last minute. Verify, double check, and then do it again before you head out the door. And when you do go out, take a mask. Without one, you risk being turned away.
Classical Guitar
Live via Skype or archived on YouTube
For more information and to register: veroclassicalguitar@gmail.com
Trumpet Lessons
Call or text: (772) 532-2083 or email annora.daige@gmail.com
Piano Instruction
For more information and to register: E mail  drmdflores@comcast.net
Piano Instruction

Scroll down for guidelines for submitting calendar items and feature suggestions to ARTS BLAST.

Send comments to  willi@willimiller.com .
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Like Willi Miller's Arts Blast Facebook page for updates and Willi Miller's Arts Blast Extras for interesting, inspiring, and fun shared posts, then go to willimiller.com to catch up on every issue of Arts Blast, and see the latest ON THE CALENDAR listings.

Please share this to help Arts Blast reach more readers and spread the word.

As always, For Helen Miller 
Information is to be received in an email at least one week before publication.

Use this format:
Who (organization)
What (Event)
When (dates, time)
Where (Name of venue, address)
Why (a brief description of the purpose)
Web address
Contact for public (for tickets, questions, etc.)
Then add a short, descriptive release if available.
Send only one photo, with caption, until more are requested.
Media contact with email for my followup (not for publication)
Here's a suggestion for uploading information to calendars that allow you to input your own events.
In the body of the listing, sometimes called Description , make sure to include all dates in each upload. For example: Performances are on March 12-31; or the exhibit is open March 12, 14, 15, and 17. That information should be in all dates you post individually.

If you are a member of the  Cultural Council of Indian River County , you need this information:

IMPORTANT: In order to promote your events as a member of the Cultural Council, you must enter your event on the CCIRC calendar via this link:  https://www.calendarwiz.com/culturalcouncil and click on "Submit your event"
The deadline is MONDAY - 10 days prior to the Wednesday publication.
Copyright ©2019-2020 Willi Miller's ARTS BLAST!, all rights reserved.