My name is Samantha Engel, and I am an American Heritage Girl. I am a junior this year, and this is my twelfth year in American Heritage Girls (AHG). Ever since I started at five years old, AHG has been very influential in my life. It has given me so many like-minView as Webpageded friends, challenged me to do things I would not have otherwise done, and bonded me closer with my family. AHG’s mission is “building women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country.”

My AHG Troop has hosted an annual regional summer camp at Calvin Crest since 2014. I have attended since I was nine, and I fell in love with Calvin Crest my first year going. My favorite part has always been the amazing counselors and evening worship! I’ve made some of my fondest memories here, deepened friendships with others, and become closer to the Lord.

I am currently working on earning my Stars and Stripes award, the highest award in AHG, requiring the candidate to plan, implement, and lead a service project. My project idea is to build 20 picnic tables for the “back pad” of the Dining Hall and Mountain View cabin area. In addition, I would like to sand and paint some of the existing tables and move them to Sherwood Forest.
A donation of $250 will cover 1/2 the cost of one picnic table.
A donation of $500 will cover the cost of one picnic table.
A donation of $1000 will cover the cost of 2 picnic tables.

If you would like to make a donation, you may mail a check to Calvin Crest with the memo "Samantha's Picnic Tables." You may also donate safely online and choose the option to "Donate To Samanatha's Picnic Tables."

I will honor donors who give within the three tiers above by recognizing all their names on one plaque, which will be placed at Calvin Crest. I would love your prayerful and financial support, as this goal will not be possible without it. Thank you!