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Ansary Group issues press release attacking Jose Jardim

PHILIPSBURG - On Friday, October 2, 2020, the Ansary Group represented by Parman International BV issued a press release with the following headline: 'ONCE AGAIN JOSE JARDIM OF THE CENTRAL BANK OF CURACAO AND SINT MAARTEN (CBCS) MISLEADS THE...

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The ENNIA court case is going to be the biggest court case of the century. Whatsapp us your email address via +1-721-588-0800 and we will send you immediate breaking news on any developments surrounding the ENNIA case, Mullet Bay and the key players in the court case, especially the owner and majority shareholder of Ennia, Mr. Hushang Ansary.
Read the following articles below for the latest news, including the response of the Central Bank to the latest media reports about ENNIA.
The ENNIA-saga and the crucial role of Mullet Bay

PHILIPSBURG - When Hurricane Luis hit St. Maarten in 1995 its flagship resort Mullet Bay was destroyed. Owner Sun Resorts and its controlling shareholder Hushang Ansary did not do anything with the property in the following decades. But Mullet...

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Analyse redactie: Ansary: Binnen twee weken settlement...

Het is van cruciaal belang en een zeer welkome stap van de Centrale Bank CBCS om het herstructureringsproces bij de Ennia Groep te bespoedigen, aldus Hushang Ansary's Parman International bv (PIBV), die er gelijk aan toevoegt dit te willen doen...

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MHF explains hiring process non-BIG Medical Professionals

CAY HILL - In a press release to the general public issued on September 29, 2020, the management of the Mental Health Foundation, MHF, gives an elucidation on the hiring process of non-BIG medical professionals in its institute and about the...

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MHF Board confirms appointment Interim Director

The Board of the Mental Health Foundation (MHF) confirmed in a general notice to whom it may concern that Psychiatrist Dr. Kitty Pelswijk has been appointed as Interim Director of the foundation effective October 1, 2020.

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6 new confirmed COVID-19 cases

PHILIPSBURG - As of October 2nd, there were six (6) persons who tested positive for COVID-19; however, there was a recovery of five (5) persons; bringing the total active cases to eighty (80). The total number of confirmed cases is now six...

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NAGICO Insurances head offices to reopen on Monday

PHILIPSBURG - The Management of NAGICO Insurances advises the general public in a press release issued on Friday, October 2, 2020, that the company intends to reopen its head offices on the Cannegieterstreet on Monday, October 5, 2020, albeit...

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Union leader Claire Elshot disappointed with PM statements

PHILIPSBURG - President of WITU and member of CCSU, Mrs. Claire Elshot, is disappointed with the statements made by the Minister of General Affairs in the Council of Ministers Press briefing of September 30, 2020, and in the Daily Herald...

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SXM Daily News October 2, 2020

SXM Daily News October 2, 2020

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Four cases of fish poisoning reported to CPS

PHILIPSBURG - The Collective Prevention Service (CPS), a department of the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour (Ministry VSA), is advising the public to pay attention to proper food handling procedures when preparing meals as ...

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Sint Maarten is about to lose half of its GP's

PHILIPSBURG - Almost half (eleven) of the GP's (general practitioners) on Sint Maarten are going to reach retirement age within three years. The requirement that a GP has a Dutch BIG-registration (quality control) makes it difficult to recruit...

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PPB wants cruise ship crews to come to St. Maarten

Philipsburg Promotional Board wants cruise ship crews to come to St. Maarten ~ PHILIPSBURG -- More than 12,000 cruise ship workers are still at sea in US waters, five months after the industry shut down because of the coronavirus pandemic.

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Premier Aruba ernstig bedreigd

Van onze correspondent Oranjestad - Minister-president Evelyn Wever-Croes wordt ernstig bedreigd. De beveiliging rond haar persoon en haar familie is opgeschroefd. De premier maakte zelf bekend dat de autoriteiten donderdag een dreigement...

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'Significante voortgang'

Rhuggenaath hoopt op afronding 'in komende dagen' Van een onzer verslaggeefsters Willemstad - De Curaçaose regering is erin geslaagd 'significante voortgang te boeken' in de onderhandelingen met Nederland. Dat heeft premier Eugene Rhuggenaath...

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Opinie: Coronatijden en belastingplan

Door Peter Kavelaars De derde dinsdag van het jaar is alweer voorbij en dat betekent dat in Nederland de Miljoenennota en het Belastingplan voor 2021 zijn gepresenteerd. In deze barre coronatijden waar de meeste overheden net als burgers en...

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Wet Calmes tegen EVRM

Raad van Advies keurt strafverzwaring delict tegen toerist of ambtenaar af Van een onzer verslaggevers Willemstad - Het wetsvoorstel van Statenlid Rennox Calmes (ex-PIN en nu onafhankelijk) om strafbare feiten tegen een toerist of ambtenaar...

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Due to hot weather, CPS advises public about heat illnesses

With the extreme heat that the country has been experiencing during the past couple of weeks, residents and visitors are requested to take measures to prevent heat-related illnesses, the Collective Prevention Services (CPS), a department within...

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CPS calls on the Community to Prevent Mosquito Breeding

Due to daily rain events, the community is being reminded to take a proactive approach in removing mosquito breeding habitats in and around your yard, the Collective Prevention Services (CPS), a government department under the Ministry of Public...

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Ministry of VROMI alerts public to Great Salt Pond pumping

GREAT BAY - The Ministry of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure (Ministry of VROMI), hereby alerts the public that the Department of Infrastructure Management, will commence with the lowering of the water in the Great ...

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Analysis: With Trump hospitalized, more Covid cases emerge

President Donald Trump was taken to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center early Friday evening less than 24 hours after news broke of his Covid-19 diagnosis, plunging the country into a deepening crisis as the circle of current and former...

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Ministers agree amendments to coronavirus law

Ministers have made enough concessions to gather majority support for their emergency coronavirus legislation which is supposed to anchor social distancing and other regulations in law. Among the amendments made to the first draft of the...

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New Dutch coronavirus infections head for 4,000

A total of 3,831 new coronavirus cases were reported to the Dutch public health institute RIVM in the 24 hours to 10am on Friday morning, up almost 600 on Thursday. The number of hospital patients has also risen by 42 to 733, including 160 in...

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45% of Dutch companies have applied for coronavirus help

So far 45% of Dutch companies with at least two people on the books have applied for government help to stave off the impact of coronavirus, national statistics agency CBS said on Friday.

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Unmasking the Dutch face mask dilemma

This week the Dutch government did a u-turn and 'urgently recommended' the use of face masks in public spaces. But masks still remain optional, and often invisible in stores and cafes. Lauren Comiteau investigates. Some things are hard to get...

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