July 20,

No. 105

AMS Weekly Newsletter
Dedicated to the development of the future stewards of U.S.-China relations
In this week's newsletter we focus on anti-corruption investigations, an examination of Chinese diplomatic culture through Xi Jinping, and our upcoming AMS podcast episode. 
Weekly Readings

China's anti-corruption chief, Wang Qishan, just wrote a major article for the People's Daily and picked up through the other major news portals. The article outlines the major policy activities of anti-corruption investigations and what role they serve in building socialism with Chinese characteristics. Appearing on
page 2 of the print People's Daily, the piece is making the rounds as a must-read article for  our Chinese counterparts.

Following up on last week's readings, State Councilor and former foreign minister Yang Jiechi authored a piece in Seeking Truth (求是) on Xi Jinping's diplomacy and China' s diplomatic culture. Given that Yang is China's most senior diplomat, his views should be taken as a clear and authoritative explication of Chinese foreign pol ic y .

俗语 in Xi Jinping's Speeches

sui4yue4 bu4 ju1, shi2jie2 ru2 liu2
Meaning: time waits for no man and passes quickly
It has been a quiet week for Xi Jinping's chengyu usage, so we are looking back at Xi's speech on June 30 commemorating the handover of Hong Kong. This is a useful chengyu to use if you are giving a speech somewhere where you used to live or study, such as at your alma mater. Especially nice if you pair it with a next sentence that reaches into those memories, like Xi does below by saying  回想当年 ...
Original:  岁月不居,时节如流。转眼间,香港特别行政区迎来 20 周年的生日。回想当年,游子回归母亲怀抱的一幕幕感人场景仍历历在目。
Video of the Week 

This week's video is 永远在路上, an eight-part series regarding the scale and scope of the CCP's anti-corruption efforts in China. 
UPCOMING AMS PODCAST: Dr. Chelsea Chia-chen (中文)

Look out for a new podcast episode coming soon on last week's event with Dr. Chelsea Chia-chen on healthcare reform in China. 

If you have not already done so, you can subscribe to our podcast via iTunes where we have our past Chinese-language lecture events archived.

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