Just as we make deposits into our bank accounts to keep them healthy and sustainable, it’s important to do the same for our emotional bank accounts.
If you think you have a deficit with your partner or just want to make sure your emotional bank account is flourishing, here are some suggestions (adapted from the Gottman Institute):
1) Catch your partner doing something good. Notice what your partner does that you appreciate, even if it’s something they do every day, and say thank you.
2) Give your partner a compliment. The most impactful compliments are ones about who your partner is as a person. For example, “I really love and appreciate how thoughtful you are of others.” Even better is if you follow up your compliment with an example of a time your partner demonstrated that trait.
3) Do something nice for them. For example, make them coffee in the morning, empty the dishwasher even though it isn’t your turn (or usual responsibility), or offer to cook dinner when you know they’ve had a hard day. The options are endless.