Anxiety and depression during the holidays
While this year’s holiday celebrations may look and feel different, there are still ways to enjoy them.

Holidays can be joyful, but they also can be stressful. Not everyone enjoys this time of year and 2020 brought new challenges for many. In addition to the normal holiday blues, some may feel more isolated, fearful and lonely and perhaps are still struggling with anxiety about the future.

The good news is … these challenges can be overcome. For example, teleconferencing can make it easier to connect with loved ones who live far away or are restricting social interactions. This can be an opportunity to find perspective and focus on what is important.

Mental health tips for navigating the holidays:

·      Try to keep a positive outlook.
·      Think about what triggers you and avoid it if you can.
·      Focus on the traditions that you enjoy — celebrate in ways that are not stressful.
·      Keep your commitments at a comfortable level.
·      If money is a concern, keep your spending in check.
·      Take care of yourself — maintain proper nutrition and sleep.
·      Find new ways to exercise, such as dancing to your favorite holiday music.
·      Don’t be afraid to seek support from family, friends or a professional.

If you know someone who is struggling with heightened depression or anxiety this season, the professionals at Forest View Hospital are here for you. Call us at 800-949-8439 for a no-cost assessment. For more information, visit

Sources: The Centers for Disease Control, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and the National Institutes of Health
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