Being a Kid is Not Always Fun and Games 

Anxiety in children and teens: how to recognize it and help them cope

Growing up, children experience a lot of stress. From being afraid of the dark and monsters under the bed to going through puberty and facing academic pressure; each stage of life brings new challenges for children and adolescents. Anxiety is very common in both children and teens, and it's important that parents know how to recognize symptoms so they can help their children. 

Anxiety in young children 

Almost all children experience anxiety in some form or another, which is normal. Low levels of anxiety and worry can actually be helpful, alerting us of danger and keeping us from harm. However, high levels of anxiety can be harmful, and when anxiety starts to affect a child’s everyday life and puts them in extreme distress, it's time to seek help.

Approximately 5.8 million children in the US are diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. 

Anxiety can look different from child to child, depending on what is making them anxious and the kind of anxiety they are experiencing.

Overall, common signs of concerning anxiety include:

  • Avoiding activities, situations or people that make them anxious
  • Focusing on what can go wrong
  • Fears and anxiety that interferes with daily activities 
  • Still experiences worry and distress after being reassured by a parent or adult 
  • Cannot sleep, or wants to sleep with parents 
  • Frequent stomachaches and/or headaches that are not due to an underlying health condition 
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The Hub is Hiring Two Full-Time Program Coordinators

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For the month of May, The Hub will share events through one main events calendar that will live on our website and be shared in the newsletter. This is being done to communicate the increased amount of events for Mental Health Month in the most efficient way. Check back often as events will be added on a daily basis.

Check out all of The Hub's upcoming events HERE


Mental Health Coping Skills for Parents - Healthy Minds

You can use these evidence-based resources to spark important conversations and teach your kids a set of essential mental health skills.

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How to Teach Mental Health Coping Skills - Healthy Minds

These evidence-based resources can help you teach your students the mental health skills they need to be more ready to learn.

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How to Cope with Stress as a Student - Healthy Minds

Being a teenager isn’t easy. These evidence-based resources teach a set of mental health skills that can help now and for the rest of your life.

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5 Books for Teens & Young Adults

Books for Adults

Disclaimer: The Hub shares information and resources on a variety of behavioral health topics. We do not endorse specific events, policies, agencies or products

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In the News

Students are increasingly refusing to go to school. It's becoming a mental health crisis.

The police were in her driveway. They wanted her son. Jayne Demsky's teenage son was not a criminal. He never stole, used illegal substances, or physically hurt anyone. He just didn't go to school. It started in the middle of 6th grade when he began staying home from school on days his anxiety was too difficult to manage.

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National Maternal Mental Health Hotline received over 12,000 calls and texts in its first year

A mental health hotline for new and expectant parents received more than 12,000 calls and texts in its first year, with a surge in January after Massachusetts mother Lindsay Clancy allegedly killed her children, according to data first shared with NBC News.

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The Hub: Behavioral Health Action Organization for Southwestern CT

A division of the Regional Youth Adult Social Action Partnership (RYASAP) 

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