Put Data To Work For Students - Promises and Pathways
IEBC Welcomes Chancellor Eloy Oakley - Saying No to Remediation
Any Person Can Be A Data Person
Based on his experience conducting numerous workshops for a wide variety of educators in 2016
, IEBC President/CEO Brad Phillips has proven that you don't have to have a PhD in statistical analysis to put data to work on behalf of students.
Audiences arrive at IEBC workshops hesitant, but quickly become enthusiastic as they learn how IEBC's method to help institutions determine their leading/lagging
indicators can help them focus their efforts more strategically, leading to positive results. For example,when community colleges embrace the use of leading indicators such as attendance and persistence rates to make program corrections early, they can positively affect their traditional lagging indicators such as graduation rates.
Along with "Data Use Demystified," IEBC's most popular topics continue to be "Predictive Analysis: Leading and Lagging Indicators," "The Psychology of Data Use," and "Telling Your Story with Data."
Recent workshop participants' feedback included:
"Great information that can be applied immediately to make more effective presentations/discussions at the schools and complex level."
"Usually, I find activities presenters do to be somewhat superfluous, but the activities we did were practical and truly helpful tools for us to have."
"I know what I need to do to beef up my data presentations. A lot of great tools/tips to take back to my institution."
"Enjoyed the stories and the group discussion and group work. The psychological connections were very intriguing. Would love to attend future workshops!"
For more information on these workshops, please click
here or contact us at
Supporting Students With Promises and Pathways
Getting into college is a significant achievement for many students. But it isn't enough on its own to guarantee their success in college. Once students are on campus, many are underprepared, finding themselves in basic skills classes, a year away from college level coursework. If they make it through to college level courses, we also need to assure both students and employers that their education will be useful in the workplace after graduation.
IEBC is an enthusiastic supporter of two national initiatives which focus on funding the cost of college without the threat of enormous loans to be paid back and supporting students completing college in a timely way, with little or no debt hanging over their heads.
The National Promise model addresses the funding needs of students, providing economic support to increase opportunities for low-income and first-generation students, for whom a college education may seem otherwise unattainable.
IEBC is supporting Promise initiatives by strengthening student preparation for college to ensure that they enter post-secondary education college-ready, avoiding the need for remediation that costs the students and the college.
The AACC Pathways Model helps students explore their academic and career options, choose a program of study, and develop a plan when they enter college, rather than a year or so down the line. Pathways are based on "program maps," plans that help simplify student decision-making and inform colleges how best to provide support to help students stay on track to complete their programs.
For faculty, IEBC has pioneered a simple four-stage process called "Curriculum to Career Choices" (CtCC). CtCC experts engage faculty in examining how their Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) in the classroom align with relevant occupations. It ensures that a given Pathways of Study program is meaningful where it really counts - with employers counting on institutions of higher learning to provide its workforce of today and tomorrow.
Chancellor Oakley Photo Courtesy California Community College Chancellor's Office
Oakley Assumes Leadership of California Community Colleges
IEBC congratulates and welcomes Eloy Ortiz Oakley as Chancellor of the California Community Colleges, the nation's largest system of higher education. We join leaders, including state governors, university presidents and President Barack Obama, who recognize Chancellor Oakley's commitment to students and his implementation of innovative reforms.
Chancellor Oakley most recently served as President of Long Beach City College, where he implemented guided pathways and the nationally recognized Long Beach College Promise, which inspired similar programs across the country. America's College Promise, introduced by President Obama in 2015, was modeled in part on the Long Beach College Promise.
Chancellor Oakley is himself a graduate of the community college system, the first person in his family to attend college. His experience includes military service and private industry consulting in addition to his leadership in education with the UC Board of Regents and American Association of Community Colleges.
IEBC President/CEO Brad Phillips said, "We are so pleased that Chancellor Oakley has been lauded as someone who is relentlessly focused on student success - a focus we share. We look forward to working with him. His well recognized commitment to students, to underserved populations and to innovative systemic approaches are exciting."
IEBC President/CEO Brad Phillips
Say No To Remediation
Collaboration is the key to ensuring high school graduates are prepared to succeed in college. Through the South County Education Collaborative, based on IEBC's model and data, Southwestern College and Sweetwater Union High School District faculty are aligning, sequencing, and scaffolding curriculum and assignments in English and math to eliminate the need for remediation courses.Their effective work is already benefiting students.
"Collaboration is at the heart of this effort and will be the reason for its success," says Dr. Phillips. "'No more remediation!' is the mantra!"
Where To Find Us In January 2017
January 10, Cleveland, Wisconsin: Brad Phillips, IEBC president/ceo, will be the keynote speaker at Lakeshore Technical College with data use workshops to follow..
January 12, Schnecksville, Pennsylvania: Continuing on to Lehigh Carbon Community College, Dr. Phillips will be delivering a keynote address and conducting data use workshops at their Spring 2017 Convocation.
January 23-25, Oakland, California: Jordan Horowitz, IEBC vice president, will lead a session on "Measuring Success: Leading and Lagging Indicators for Linked Learning" and IEBC 's John Watson, senior director and April Eldahaby, project director, will lead a session on the "Work-Based Learning Data Pilot" at the Linked Learning Convention. More than 1,200 leaders education, business, workforce development, and policy are expected to attend.
January 26-27, Costa Mesa, California: Brad Phillips will participate in a panel presentation at the Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative "Regional Guided Pathways" two-day workshop. The topic of Phillips's presentation is "Linking Academic Learning Outcomes With Employer-Based Competencies: Increasing Data Use." Dr. Phillips joins facilitator Randy Beach, Academic Senate for California Community Colleges; and panelists Jarek Janio of Santa Ana College and Shannon Mills/Tadael Emiru of Cosumnes River College.
From All of Us at IEBC
Institute for Evidence-Based Change |
(760) 436-1477 | www.iebcnow.org