Anyone Who Distorts The Gospel is Accursed
The apostle Paul spent his entire ministry proclaiming, defending and contending for the purity and exclusivity of God's Gospel. When the Gospel first came under attack in the Galatian churches, Paul responded with righteous anger and indignation towards the false teachers because so much was at stake. He issued a severe warning and then repeated himself so there would be no misunderstanding. "As we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, he is to be accursed!" (Gal. 1:9). This is as harsh as God’s inspired Word ever gets…pronouncing a damning curse on anyone who distorts or alters His Gospel.
Nothing Can Be Added to God's Gospel
Paul pronounced the damning curse on the Judaizers, who only professed to believe in the person and work of Christ, but were distorting His Gospel by adding something to it. These false teachers were requiring Gentiles to become Jewish proselytes and obey the Mosaic Law to be saved. They were nullifying God's saving grace by adding religious rules and rituals as requirements for salvation. They were insulting the Lord Jesus Christ by adding to His perfect, all-sufficient work of redemption. Paul soundly rebuked the Judaizers when he wrote: "we know that a person is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ" (Gal. 2:16).
Is the Roman Catholic Clergy Accursed?
There are many perversions of God's Gospel today; however, the greatest of all distortions is the false and fatal gospel of the Roman Catholic Church. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC), the following six requirements have been added to the Gospel and are necessary for Catholics to be saved: baptism (CCC, 1256), sacraments (CCC, 1129), good works (CCC, 1477), the sacrifice of the Mass (CCC, 2180), penance (CCC, 980), and keeping the law (CCC, 2068). According to God's inspired, infallible Word, every Roman Catholic pope, cardinal, bishop, priest and nun is under a divine curse for teaching a distorted gospel. They are all included in Paul's divinely inspired anathema. "Even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed!" (Gal. 1:8). Catholics must be warned that their clergy is condemned by the one true God. No one should believe the uninspired words of men unless they conform to the inspired Word of God (Acts 17:11).
What Does it Mean to Be Accursed?
In Galatians 1:8-9, the word “accursed” is the Greek word anathema. It means to be turned over to God for destruction. God's Word is pronouncing a damning curse on anyone who distorts or alters His Gospel. If you add anything to the Gospel or take anything away from the Gospel, you are to be turned over to God for destruction. Those who teach any way of salvation, other than through the perfect, all-sufficient work of Jesus Christ alone, are accursed. The Lord Jesus describes what it means to be accursed in Matt. 25:41. He said: “Depart from Me, you accursed, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels.” To be cursed is to be put away from the presence of Christ, and thrown into the eternal fire prepared for the devil.
Christians Must Not Tolerate any False Gospels
Most of our Christian leaders are rightfully exposing Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons and Muslims as false teachers, but we can only wonder why they are not denouncing the false teachers of Roman Catholicism. Have they considered Paul's question? “For am I now seeking the favor of men, or of God? Or am I striving to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a bond-servant of Christ” (Gal. 1:10). Paul's admonition is clear. If we tolerate any false gospel, we are not pleasing our Lord.
Christians Cannot Be Yoked with Unbelievers
Paul did not seek unity with the Judaizers, who believed in Jesus but were distorting His Gospel. He was outraged because they were confusing the Galatian believers. Paul was amazed and astonished that Christians were tolerating a false gospel and not resisting the Judaizers. We see the same thing happening today. Many Christians are tolerating false gospels. Instead of exposing the false and fatal gospel of Catholicism, they are seeking unity with Roman Catholics to fight the social, moral and political wars. We must obey God's Word! "Do not be bound together with unbelievers" (2 Cor. 6:14).
We Must Rescue Those Who Are Deceived
Satan’s most popular and destructive lie is that salvation can be merited by good works. Of all the different faiths in the world, there are really only two. One is by grace through divine accomplishment, the other is by works through human achievement. One is based on what Jesus Christ has DONE, the other is what man must DO. People will never know they are deceived until they are confronted by the truth. As truth bearers, we must rescue those who are perishing by speaking the truth in love. We must call Catholics and others who are trapped in religious deception to repent of their false and fatal gospel and to believe God's Gospel (Mark 1:15).
Contending the Purity of the Gospel
Why does God's Word pronounce a damning curse on anyone who distorts or alters His Gospel? Evangelist Mike Gendron gives the answer from Galatians 1:6-9, in a message he preached at Redeemer Bible Church in Phoenix, AZ. Watch the message here.
Letters to Equip and Encourage the Saints
I recently received a flyer from your organization bashing the Catholic Church. There were the lies of Satan spread throughout your vicious propaganda. What a shameful thing to do. You should focus on seeking and saving the lost, starting with your own self, not tearing down God-fearing lovers of Jesus. I am appalled and disgusted and pray you will quit spreading lies. C.B., FL
Dear C.B., It is our love and compassion for Catholics, who are trapped in religious bondage and deception, that motivates us to reach them with God's Gospel. In all of our publications we contrast the truth of God's Word with direct statements from your Catechism. We are not bashing the Catholic Church, but we are exposing it for what it is - an apostate church that has dogmatically departed from the faith of the apostles (1 Tim. 4:1-3). If you truly are God-fearing lovers of Jesus you will demonstrate your love by obeying HIs first command - "Repent and believe the Gospel" (Mark 1:15).
Hi. I noticed that your ministry is very anti Catholic. I encourage you to go and spend time in adoration of the Eucharist and just sit there and ask Jesus to reveal himself to you. You’d be amazed about what you find out. Remember we both follow the same Christ. But one misinterprets the Bible while one does not. Gabriel, Internet
Gabriel, Our ministry loves Roman Catholic people but hates the religion that deceives them about life's most critical issue - "How can a condemned sinner become right with God?" When you adore the Eucharist, you are committing the sin of idolatry. It is the same sin of idolatry the Israelites committed when they worshipped the golden calf as the true God that delivered them from Egyptian captivity (Exodus 32:8). Your only hope of knowing the true Jesus is to see Him gloriously revealed in His infallible Word!
Mike, I have been watching the first of your videos that I just happened to come across. It felt like a box of fireworks had gone off, so I'm going to have to run through it all again. Well, nothing just happens Glory to God! It's so wonderful to be saved by Jesus and what a treat to hear God's Word so beautifully and simply explained. I shall be sharing them with others! Yours in Christ, Davina, Internet
Hey Mike, I just finished your book Preparing for Eternity and LOVED IT!! The last chapter where you answered questions from Catholics really tugged at my heart. I feel sad for people who are caught up in all the lies the Catholic Church has taught! It blows my mind how people are so ignorant when it comes to knowledge about the Bible. And at one time, that would have included me! I want to be like you, starting with my family and friends, and show them how the Bible is true and their religion is not. I look forward to reading your next book Contending for the Gospel! Thank you for all your knowledge and dedication. It is very inspiring! L.V., Neenah, WI
Mike, Why are you knocking Catholics? If you don't agree with us just stop badmouthing us. Who made you judge and jury? I know Jesus died for me, all Catholics are taught that. Please help me understand. I think you are a great speaker but you are wrong. D.S., MA
D.S., It is my love and compassion for Catholics that motivates me to proclaim the Gospel to them. If you believe Jesus died for you, why do you insult Him by adding your works, sacraments, indulgences, and purgatory to His perfect, all-sufficient, finished work of redemption? Salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. You must repent of your dead works and trust Christ alone (Heb. 6:1).
Catholic Priest Drops Truth Bomb on Biden
Roman Catholic priest William Kosco of St. Henry's Catholic Church in Buckeye, AZ has caused quite a controversy. He called Joe Biden to repent of his immoral positions on abortion and homosexuality and said he would refuse to offer him the Eucharist if he came to his church. He accuses Catholic bishops of being cowards and compromisers for not enforcing historic Roman Catholic teaching. Watch his message here.
Pope Under Fire Again for Denying Hell
Marking his 10-year anniversary on the papal throne, Pope Francis denied the existence of Hell, saying that “is not a place.” Francis was asked, "What is your own interpretation of Hell and what happens to people who go to Hell?" Giving his trademark convoluted, and somewhat evasive answer, Francis denied the existence of Hell and said, "If one goes to attend the Last Judgment, and sees the faces of those who go to Hell, one gets scared. If you read Dante, you get scared. But these are media representations." Expanding on his answer, Francis described Hell simply as "a state." He said, "there are people who live in Hell continuously." Then he contradicted himself saying, "there was no one actually in Hell." Read more.
Mike's Speaking
Countryside Bible Church
Southlake, TX
April 23
Mike will speak on Evangelism God's Way at 8:45 am Sunday morning in the Chapel at Countryside Bible Church. For more information call (817) 379-5300.
Fellowship Church
Lubbock, TX
May 5-6
Mike will teach during the Core Lecture Series on sharing the Gospel with Roman Catholics Friday evening and Saturday morning. For more information click here.
Countryside Bible Church
Southlake, TX
May 14
Mike will give a message on Evangelizing Roman Catholics Effectively at 8:45 am Sunday morning in the Chapel at Countryside Bible Church. For more information call (817) 379-5300.
Messiah Bible Church
Zelienople, PA
June 17-18
Mike will teach a seminar on "How to Proclaim Good News to Roman Catholics” Saturday morning, from 10 am until noon, and from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm. The seminar will be held at the Harmony Museum, 218 Mercer St. in Harmony, PA.
Mike will also preach the Sunday morning message at 10 am. The church is located at 114 W Spring St, in Zelienople, PA. For more information click here.
All Christians are called to proclaim the Gospel faithfully and contend for it earnestly. These two books will equip and encourage you to be effective witnesses for Christ, while contending for the Gospel against the relentless attacks on its purity and exclusivity.
Ambassador Pack of Eight Gospel Tracts
The pack includes packages of all eight of our Gospel Tracts plus one set of twelve Gospel Cards to equip and encourage you to sow the imperishable seed of God's Word. Carry some with you and give them to people wherever you go.
Twenty Video Messages on One Flash Drive
Mike Gendron's most popular Keynote messages are available on one flash drive. They cover a range of biblical topics including Bible prophecy, Roman Catholicism, Discernment, Contending for the Faith, Evangelism, and Apologetics. To order click here.
This set of 3 DVDs contains these messages: False Converts in the Church, Witnessing for the Glory of God, Rescuing Loved Ones From God's Wrath, Why Evangelize if God Has Already Chosen?, Where Will You Spend Eternity?, Why Should I Believe the Bible?. Order here.
Mike Gendron and 17 Bible prophecy experts contribute to these timely books that examine how today's society and culture are increasingly saturated with evil, delusion and deception. The authors reveal an in-depth picture of what is happening, including rumors of wars, ethnic anarchy, a global religious tsunami, pandemic tidal waves, end-time money entrapment, and the growing mideast turmoil.
See more of Mike's messages, teachings and interviews on AGTV and VCY.TV
Archived Monthly Newsletters
Most of our past monthly newsletters can be accessed here.