The Squawk!
Apopka Memorial Middle School Community Brief
Monday, February 14, 2022
AMMS Community Member,

The state of Florida’s theme for Black History Month this year is “Celebrating African-American Contributions to Florida’s History”. Learning about and honoring the contributions of African-Americans to our Florida communities is an important part of educating our students and strengthening our school community. The state of Florida website has a month long list of interesting facts about the historical contributions of African-Americans and also important dates throughout history. Here are the facts for this week:

February 12 - Birthday of William Felton Russell, better known as "Bill" Russel, he was player-coach of the Boston Celtics basketball team in 1968 and 1969. Russell was born in Monroe, Louisiana in 1934.

February 13 - The first Black professional basketball team "The Renaissance" organized 1923.

February 14 - Today in 1936, National Negro Congress organized at Chicago meeting attended by 817 delegates representing more than 500 organizations. Asa Phillip Randolph of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters was elected president of the new organization.

February 15 - Today in 1848, Sarah Roberts was barred from a white school in Boston. Her father, Benjamin Roberts, filed the first school integration suit on her behalf. Leon Spinks defeated Muhammad Ali for heavyweight boxing championship. Ali regained the title on September 15 and became the person to win the title three times in 1978.

February 16 - Joe Frazier knocked out Jimmy Ellis in the second round of their New York fight and became the world heavyweight boxing champion in 1970.

February 17 - James Nathaniel Brown, 63, Pro Football Hall of Fame Fullback, Born February 17, 1936 in St. Simons Island, GA, Michael Jeffrey Jordon, Basketball player, former minor league baseball player, Born New York, New York, February 17, 1963.

February 18 - Today in 1913, the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority was incorporated at Howard University.

February 19 - Vonetta Flowers became the first black gold medalist in the history of the Winter Olympic Games. She and partner Jull Brakken won the inaugural women's two-person bobsled event in 2002 at Salt Lake City, Utah.

February 20 - Death of Frederick Douglass (78), Douglass was the leading Black spokesman for almost fifty years. He was a major abolitionist and a lecturer and editor. Charles Wade Barkley, basketball player, born Leeds, AL, February 20, 1963.

To see the entire month’s worth of facts and dates, click here: Florida Black History Dates

I’d like to encourage our students to enter the essay contest announced by Florida’s First Lady Casey DeSantis. This is an amazing opportunity to earn a college scholarship. The Black History Month Essay Contest is open to all 4–12 grade students in Florida. Each student will submit one essay no longer than 500 words based on this year’s theme. Three winners will be selected: one elementary school student, grades 4-5, one middle school student, grades 6-8, and one high school student, grades 9-12. Each winner will receive a 4-Year Florida College Plan scholarship provided by the Florida Prepaid College Foundation.

All entries must be received by 5 pm (ET) on Friday, February 18, 2022. Entries can be mailed or submitted online. Visit the website to submit your entry: Black History Month Contest Submissions

If you and your family are looking for some other ways to celebrate Black History Month, here are a few suggestions:  

As a reminder, please do not bring Valentine’s Day gifts to school on Monday. We ask that you exchange large gifts outside of school. Also, the office can not accept delivery of any food or gifts for students. I appreciate your support.

Let’s have a great week Seahawks,

Dr. Pelletier

Pictured very top: AVID students watched a video about how special it feels to be validated and appreciated. How to make someone smile by validating their worth. They then drew names of their classmates and wrote them a validating valentine. They really enjoyed reading the kind words their classmates said about them.
Dates to Watch For
Monday, February 14th: Valentine’s Day: Remember NOT to bring gifts to school or have anything delivered for students. Please exchange gifts outside of school. 
Monday, February 14th to Friday, February 18th: Black History Month Spirit Week
  • Monday: Thank an educator Day! Take time today to write a note or say “thank you” to your teachers/counselors/staff/coaches at AMMS.
  • Tuesday: Celebrate influential African Americans. Dress up as your favorite African-American inventor, scientist, educator, activist, writer, athlete, entertainer, etc.
  • Wednesday: Stand up for a cause. Wear a shirt to represent your favorite cause or wearing its color. Some examples are: American Heart Month-red; Anti-Bullying-royal blue; Autism Awareness-blue, yellow, red and green; Elimination of Racial Discrimination (United Nations)-orange
  • Thursday: Honor frontline workers. Dress-up as a frontline worker (nurse, doctor, teacher, police officer, firefighter, etc.)
  • Friday: Commit to an act of Kindness. Show kindness to someone who needs your help today.
Wednesday, February 16th: Basketball playoff games are at home: Boys vs. Maitland MS at 5:00 and Girls vs. Union Park or Memorial at 6:00
Thursday, February 17th: Spring Photos (only students who order or bring in an order form)
Friday, February 18th: 6th grade STEM/AVID students only, USF’s Engineering Expo
Monday, February 21st: President’s Day, No School
Thursday, February 24th: 8th grade STEM/AVID students only, UF Campus Tour
Wednesday, March 2nd: PMA #3, Block Schedule, even period classes meet (2nd, 4th, 6th)
Thursday, March 3rd: PMA #3, Block Schedule, odd period classes meet (1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th)
Tuesday, March 7th: Mental Health Lesson (special bell schedule)
Friday, March 11th: Teacher Workday, End of the 3rd quarter, No School 
Monday, March 14th to 18th: Spring Break Holiday
  • #AMMS21-22 #Nationalholidays #Socialdistancing #bettertogether
  • Follow us on Facebook AMMSPTSA & on Twitter @ApopkaMS_OCPS
Useful Links

* Looking for an email address? Click here to access our staff list, responsibilities and email addresses.
Student Corner
Sixth Grade Math with Ms. Renard:
Ms. Renard’s 6th grade math students are working on learning measures of center and how to calculate the mean and median when given a set of numbers.

Florida Department of Education standard being covered in this class:
6.SP.1.3 - Recognize that a measure of center for a numerical data set summarizes all of its values with a single number, while a measure of variation describes how its values vary with a single number. (Content Complexity: Level 1)
Seventh Grade Math with Ms. Richbourg:
Ms. Richbourg’s 7th grade math students are learning how to decide if an event is likely or unlikely to occur. They are using a tool called “Versatiles” to practice this concept.

Florida Department of Education standard being covered in this class:
7.SP.3.5 - Understand that the probability of a chance event is a number between 0 and 1 that expresses the likelihood of the event occurring. Larger numbers indicate greater likelihood. A probability near 0 indicates an unlikely event, a probability around 1/2 indicates an event that is neither unlikely nor likely, and a probability near 1 indicates a likely event. (Content Complexity: Level 1)
Sixth Grade Math with Ms. Tillman:
Ms. Tillman’s 6th grade math class is working on measures of center and finding the mean and median given a set of numbers. They are working together to solve a puzzle given clues.

Florida Department of Education standard being covered in this class:
6.SP.1.3 - Recognize that a measure of center for a numerical data set summarizes all of its values with a single number, while a measure of variation describes how its values vary with a single number. (Content Complexity: Level 1)
Club Spotlight: Anime Club
The Chinese New Year has been celebrated in China for thousands of years, with various activities from different regions of China. The New Year celebration is about removing the bad and the old, and welcoming the new and the good. Lion dance, dragon dance, temple fairs, flower market shopping and so on are just a few of these rich and colorful activities. Leading up to the new year people will clean their houses to get rid of dirt, rubbish and other unwanted items. The New Year is an important family reunion occasion, so those who are living or working far away would return home for the holiday festivities and food.
Did You Know?
Major New Year’s celebrations around the world:
Source: Statista Read full article
Happy Lunar New Year!
Vital Signs
When I was growing up, we would visit my grandmother who lived in Titusville, FL. She had a painting by an artist who was one of The Highwaymen and I always loved it. Learn more about these famous African American artists: See Great Art
Thinking about a career as an artist? Here are some ideas:
AMMS House News
Total House Points as of Friday, February 4, 2022:
** Not in a House yet? 
Ask your ELA teacher to spin the wheel!

Weekly: Wednesday is House Color Day! Earn 1 point for wearing your House color to school. Match it with your House colored mask.

How else can you earn points?
● Follow the Essential 11.
● Go above and Beyond the call of duty. Being a High Achiever.
Learn from your mistakes and move on.
  • Own up to it!

Are you in a club? Consider joining one this year. 

Essential 11
● Rule 1: Respond to adults with “Yes ma’am’ or “No sir”.
● Rule 2: Make eye contact when someone is speaking.
Rule 3: Respect other students' comments, opinions, and ideas.
● Rule 4: Always say thank you when given something.
● Rule 5: Surprise others by performing random acts of kindness.
● Rule 6: Wherever you go, clean up after yourself.
● Rule 7: If someone bumps into you, say excuse me, even if it was not your fault.
● Rule 8: If anyone is bullying you or you see someone being bullied, let an adult know.
● Rule 9: Be positive and enjoy life.
Rule 10: Learn from your mistakes and move on.
● Rule 11: No matter the circumstances, always be honest.
Apopka Memorial Middle School Presents:

“Show Love” for African-American History Month Spirit Week
Featuring the Films of Florida Native, Sidney Poitier
Monday, February 14th:
“To Sir With Love” - Thank an Educator/Mentor

● In this top-rated film (and chart-topping theme-song), Sidney Poitier portrays Mark Thackeray, an engineer and immigrant to Britain from British Guiana who accepts a teaching post at North Quay
● Secondary School in the tough East End of Londonmust. In the beginning, his students are disrespectful and unruly, but by the end of the movie, Mr. Thackeray earns their love and admiration.

*** Take time today to write a note or say “thank you” to your teachers/counselors/staff/coaches at AMMS. ***
Tuesday, February 15th: 
“A Raisin in the Sun” - Celebrate Influential African-Americans

● Poitier was known for ground-breaking roles such as in the one he helped create on the Broadway stage in Pulitzer Prize-winning writer, Lorraine Hansberry’s play. She was the first African-American female author to have a play performed on Broadway. Her best known work, the play A Raisin in the Sun, highlights the lives of Black Americans living under racial segregation in Chicago.

*** Dress up as your favorite African-American inventor, scientist, educator, activist, writer, athlete, entertainer, etc. ***
Wednesday, February 16th: 
“A Patch of Blue”- Stand Up for a Cause

● Aside from being an actor, Poitier was also a Civil Rights Activist and advocate. “A Patch of Blue” is about the friendship that begins between an educated black man (played by Sidney Poitier) who takes time to help an illiterate, blind, white 18-year-old girl (played by Elizabeth Hartman). The film explores racism while playing on the idea that "love is blind."

*** Wear a shirt to represent your favorite cause or wearing its color. Some examples are:
  • American Heart Month-red
  • Anti-Bullying-royal blue
  • Autism Awareness-blue, yellow, red and green  
  • Elimination of Racial Discrimination (United Nations)-orange
Thursday, February 17th: 
“In the Heat of the Night”- Honor Frontline Workers

● In 1967, Poitier shocked cinema audiences in his unapologetic role as a black Philadelphia police detective who is mistakenly suspected of a local murder while passing through a racially hostile Mississippi town, and after being cleared is reluctantly asked by the police chief to investigate the case.

*** Dress-up as a frontline worker (nurse, doctor, teacher, police officer, firefighter, etc.) ***
Friday, February 18th: 
“Lilies of the Field” - Commit an Act of Kindness

● Known world-wide as a gentleman and role model, Sidney Poitier made history by becoming the first African-American male to win the Academy Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role in this film about Homer Smith, a traveling military veteran and handyman. Smith, who is welcomed by a group of Roman Catholic nuns who have emigrated from Germany, takes on a number of repair projects for the women, who are led by the headstrong Mother Maria (Lilia Skala). Impressed by Homer's kindness and strong work ethic, the nuns come to believe that he has been sent by God to help build them a chapel.

*** Show kindness to someone who needs your help today. ***
Discipline Reminders
Students who have failed to serve any discipline infractions (Wednesday school or PASS days) this year and who have forfeited their ability to attend any school functions will not be allowed to attend any home sports games for the remainder of the year. Please check with a dean before coming to a sports event to see if you are allowed to attend.
Seahawk Athletics
Feb. 9, 2022 against Meadowbrook:
The boys had a nail biting game but ended the season beating Meadowbrook 53-50 and also being named the Cluster Champions!

The girls handled business as usual and silenced the Meadowbrook crowd by winning the game 38-2 and also being named the Cluster Champions with a perfect record of 6-0.

This is the first time that our boys and girls team are Cluster Champions together!

Playoffs will start next Wednesday:
  • #5 Apopka Boys vs #12 Maitland 
  • Wednesday, 2/16 at Home at 5pm

  • #1 Apopka girls vs #16 Union park or #17 Memorial
  • Wednesday, 2/16 at Home at 6pm
Yearbooks are on sale NOW
Order your yearbook now online or with this form: Yearbook Order 2021-2022

8th grade parents, you can purchase an advertisement for your 8th grader to recognize them for all their hard work in middle school. Information on purchasing an ad is here: 8th grade Ad
8th Grade News - Gradventure
On Friday, May 13, 2022 the eighth grade students at Apopka Memorial Middle School will be taking a field trip to Gradventure (Islands of Adventure and Universal Studios) in Orlando, Florida. Gradventure is a fun night in the park reserved just for eighth graders. The event provides a multitude of things for students to do in a fun and safe environment. There are Dance Zones, Street Entertainment, and Special Activities all night long, plus all the great rides at both parks. Before they make the transition to high school, let’s celebrate!!

We will leave Apopka Memorial Middle School at 3:00 pm and return to Apopka Memorial Middle School by 1:00 a.m. 

● The cost is $160.00 per student and is due in full by March 10th. The cost covers transportation, admission to both theme parks, one meal ticket in the park, and a special t-shirt designed just for the event.

Universal Season Passes CANNOT be used for this event.

● Signed Permission Slips are due March 10, 2022. Forms should be returned to their 8th grade Science Teacher.

● Payments must be made at SchoolPay. The link is at the end of this message. Do not send cash or check payment with your student.

2022 OCPS Parent Survey
Happy Valentine's Day and have a great week!
Dr. Pelletier, Principal
Apopka Memorial Middle School
Sunday, February 13, 2022
2021-2022 Apopka Memorial Middle Leadership Team
Principal: Dr. Kelly Pelletier – [email protected] 
Assistant Principal over Instruction: Ms. Theresa Hearn – [email protected]
Assistant Principal: Mr. Jeffrey Bartfield – [email protected]
Dean (6th and 7th): Dr. Adrienne Sears – [email protected]
Dean (7th and 8th): Mr. Carl Kolling – [email protected]
ESOL Dean: Ms. Lissette Gentile – [email protected]
Literacy Coach: Ms. Nathifa Drayton – [email protected]
Instructional Coach: Ms. Heather Rideout – [email protected]
ESOL Compliance Specialist: Ms. Lissette Gentile – [email protected]
8th Guidance Counselor/504 Coordinator: Ms. Leanna Brotherson - [email protected]
7th Guidance Counselor/504 Coordinator: Ms. Leslie Strenth – [email protected]
6th Guidance Counselor/504 Coordinator: Ms. Karen King – [email protected]
Title IX Coordinator: Mr. Carl Kolling – [email protected]
Staffing Specialist: Ms. Nicole Mirizio-Moody – [email protected]
Testing Coordinator: Ms. Parniece Crawford – [email protected]
SAFE Coordinator: Ms. Kristen Kushner – [email protected]
Mental Health Counselor: Ms. Lorry James – [email protected]
Media Specialist/Laptop Contact: Ms. Shana Macon – [email protected]
Athletic Director: Mr. Melvin Bolden – [email protected]
School Resource Officer (SRO): Officer Lemieux - [email protected] 
PTSA President: Ms. Julie Brody - [email protected] 
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Copyright Notice
Reproduction of this material, either written or electronically, including the general layout, graphics, analyses, and content topics without the express approval of Target Performance Systems, Inc., a Florida corporation, and OCPS - Apopka Memorial Middle School is forbidden without written consent. Thank you for your support of the Orange County Public Schools and especially Apopka Memorial Middle School. Please contact Dr. Kelly Pelletier at [email protected] with any questions related to the program.
Apopka Memorial Middle | Dr. Pelletier, Principal | 407.884-2208 | AMMS Website