Serving and equipping our churches to fulfill the Great Commission.
Learn About the Appalachian Backpack Ministry
Come to Our Planning Meeting on June 9 @ 6-7 pm

SYBA partners with NC Baptists on Mission in the Appalachian Coalfields Ministry to meet physical and spiritual needs of people living in the Appalachian area. Working with ministry centers and small churches in the five Appalachian states, we help mobilize volunteers and resources to meet needs through a backpack ministry.

The Backpack Ministry team will return to Evarts KY this year on November 17-19. We are praying that we will be able to provide 600 backpacks to children in this area. Click here to see what items are included in the backpacks.

Would you or your church like to know more about this ministry? Please join us at the SYBA offices at 3009 Amity Hill Road, Statesville on June 9 @ 6-7 pm! Directions
You are SYBA!
Our Mission  
Our Mission is to Serve & Equip Our Churches to Fulfill the Great Commission.

Our Vision
Our vision is to serve our South Yadkin Baptist Association churches so they fulfill the Great Commission. We aspire to design services and tools specific to their needs to equip them to serve Christ effectively, fulfill their calling to disciple and reach those unchurched in our community. We aspire to bring value to our churches and help them to be a do all that God has called of them for His kingdom.

Our Values
Our five values of the South Yadkin Baptist Association define the way we do ministry together as a network of churches. The drive behind our values is a solid faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to fulfill our calling to serve, equip, encourage and care for our churches, pastors and their staff.

Partner in Prayer
We encourage and pray for our pastors, churches and unchurched friends through planned events and systems to pray corporately, in small groups and through our prayer network.

Encourage Pastors
We appreciate our pastors and will give care, personal visits and consistent contact with associational leaders to affirm their ministry in the local church.

Do More Together
We engage our churches in relationship with each other to network on initiatives to build the body of Christ and proclaim the name of Christ in our community and wherever God leads.

Help Fulfill Ministry Needs
We help, provide and assist churches with resources to fulfill their mission and help them minister to needs.

Mobilize to Share Christ's Love
We mobilize churches to share the gospel with unchurched friends in our community, some of whom will accept Christ as Savior.
[PO Box 5249, Statesville, NC 28687]  [704.873.4372]  []