Thank you for registering for the Apple Dumpling Festival 5K. The weather looks great for Saturday morning. This email contains some great information for you regarding the race and afterwards.
Packet Pickup
For those who have already registered, feel free to pick up the runner packet on Friday October 18 at the Stuart Farmers Market in Downtown Stuart. 9 AM to 12 PM.
You may also pickup up the runner packet the morning of 7 AM to 7:45 AM at the Food Bank Parking lot on Commerce street. (The green building with the barn quilt.)

You may also late register for the race during these two times as well.

Race Morning
7- 7:45 AM: Packet pickup and Late Registration.Food Bank Parking Lot on Commerce

7:45 AM; race briefing in the parking lot

7:50 AM; walk to start which is on Wood Brothers Drive next to Clark Brothers Construction (Thank you Sponsor)

8 AM; Race starts

9 AM or a little after, when all participants have finished we will do awards. Post race snacks and drink with awards in the parking lot on Commerce.

10 AM: Apple Dumpling Festival Opens~ go enjoy the festivities.

Race Course
Information about the race course.

The course is not closed to traffic, but 80% of the course is run on the Mayo River Rail Trail. We will have the Sheriff's office and the Fire Department holding traffic to start the race and Sheriff's office monitoring the intersection for the rail trail and crossing Commerce Street.

Enjoy the Beautiful Art Sculpture of the Trail H.A.N.D.S.

Other Information

~ Bathrooms will be the port-a- johns, up the street towards the festival. We will pass them during our walk up to the start

Awards: Top three males and females, Top Master (anyone over 40) male and female.
Age Awards: Top 3 females and males in each of the following; 0-5 years, 6-9, 10-14, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60 & older

Monies Raised is used for Trail enhancement in Patrick County!
Thank you to our Sponsors!

The Patrick County Love Sign

Celebrating the 50 years of "Virginia is for Lovers" and the Patrick County LOVEworks
is the 50th sign that was installed.
Purchase your ornament(s) at the Patrick County Chamber of Commerce Monday through Thursday, 9 AM until 2 PM

and at the following special events:

Saturday, October 19th
Patrick County Chamber of Commerce
10 AM until 4 PM

Saturday, November 9th
Reynolds Homestead
at the Holiday Craft Fair
10 AM until 3 PM

Saturday, December 7th
Patrick County Chamber of Commerce
Hometown Christmas
10 AM until 1 PM

Ornaments are $13 each (sales tax included)
The Patrick County Chamber of Commerce
334 Patrick Avenue, Stuart, Virginia 24171
Visit our new location Monday through Thursday
Office Hours:
Monday through Thursday 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Friday, By Appointment 
Times subject to change due to meetings. For Information:
Please call 276-694-6012 [Office] 
For immediate assistance, please call 276-229-9917 [Director]
The mission of the CHAMBER is to provide services and support to its members; voice the position of business and industry in the County of Patrick and the Town of Stuart (herein defined as the "Trade Area") in both public and private forums; engage in activities that promote economic development, workforce training, and tourism within the Trade Area; implement training activities that enhance business and civic leadership; and engage in any business not prohibited under local, state and Federal laws and those laws governing tax-exempt organizations.