5/8/2023 | Issue 179 | View as Webpage (Click here to view previous issues)

Important Dates

Looking for ways to celebrate?

20 Ways to Honor the Women Who Make Your Mother's Day So Special

Ways to Honor Your Mom's Memory on Mother's Day

10 Ways to Honor Mom on Mother's Day

Mother's Day Activities

News & Announcements

Tomorrow is Our Annual Claim Conference

The agenda will have presentations from CEA’s Laurie Johnson, Janiele Maffei, Lynda Foster, Doug Van Gent, Chet Davis, and Andrew Fawcett, as well as Morgan Griffith from Exponent.

The conference also includes some Did You Know? educational questions, along with several poll questions for us to gather more information about our attendees, including “Is this your first conference, or if not, how many have you attended?” and “For which earthquake event(s) have you actively handled earthquake claims?”

Stay tuned in the next issue for answers to these questions, and a wrap-up of the conference! Break a leg, everyone!

Building Closed for Maintenance

Be aware that the building will be completing preventative testing of the emergency power systems at 801K this Saturday, 5/13 from 7:00am to approximately 3:00pm. Although building management doesn't anticipate an interruption in power to the building, for your safety they are advising that no staff be on site during this time.

Please contact building management if you have any questions or concerns at 916-444-8710.

CDI Approves Proposed CEA Policy Changes

This past "May the Fourth" was not only an important day for Star Wars fans but also for CEA. Last Thursday we received CDI approval to implement the Governing Board's approved package of coverage revisions. CEA is targeting to implement the changes on 8/1 and 11/1 for new and renewal business, respectively. 

Lessons Learned from Humboldt Earthquakes by Sat Ardas Singh

At last week’s All Staff, Janiele Maffei presented some of the lessons learned from the Humboldt earthquakes, while wearing some very cool Snapchat sunglasses. These quakes highlight not only the importance of mitigation, but the relationship between regional climate, income, and earthquake damage. 

The Humboldt area is a natural watershed that contributes to generally soft, wet soil, allowing earthquake waves to travel farther and with more force. It is also a low-to-moderate income area, with a high percentage of housing built before 1980.

Much of this housing is not retrofitted, including post and pier, wood frame, and mobilehomes. Building codes in the area, designed with low-income residents in mind, allow housing damaged in an earthquake to be rebuilt without being retrofitted. In this way, the most vulnerable, low-income homes remain at risk of earthquake damage again and again. 

But, good news! Due to the efforts of CRMP, FEMA has authorized funds for a special Humboldt EBB program that will be able to retrofit about 200 homes in the area. While EBB grants cannot be used to repair earthquake damage, after the homes have been repaired, grant funding can be used to retrofit them. In this way, CRMP is contributing critical mitigation services to aid in recovery efforts, while building a more resilient community.

Book of Business Snapshot: March 2023

The BoB report for 3/31/23 is in the snapshot below. If you have any questions or need

more information, please contact an analyst in Insurance Operations.

Springtime for Sacramento and CEA! by Sat Ardas Singh

It's that time of year again…plants are blossoming, trees are blooming, and everyone is sniffling due to allergies! Of course, those of us who suffer from allergies know that spring brings blooms, and blooms release pollen. For many, pollen in the air can trigger allergic reactions like sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, and congestion. Abundant rainfall and windy weather can lead to even more pollen in the air, making allergies worse.  


Fortunately, there are many things you can do to make your symptoms better. You can try to avoid allergens by staying indoors on days with high pollen counts or using air filters. Over-the-counter antihistamines and decongestants can help. And many people find relief from natural remedies like nasal rinses with a neti pot or herbs such as horehound, goldenrod, or butterbur. Just remember to do your research and talk to an herbalist or a doctor before trying new treatments. 


It's also nice to remember that even though allergies are unpleasant, they are a sign of new life emerging in spring. This season brings new growth. Flowers, trees, and other plants begin to bloom and create colorful and lush landscapes. Allergies are a sign that nature is active and thriving!  


So…thanks, nature? 

Minimize Mosquito 

It is that time of year…when mosquitoes are biting! “Buzz”, “Slap," "Ow” becomes almost routine as we try to get rid of those pesky mosquitoes. But could your habits at home be making this situation worse?  


Vector control experts warn that anything that can hold water for more than five to seven days can become a breeding ground for mosquitoes. So, when you are in your backyard or balcony, regularly check your potted plant saucers, bird bath, even pet bowls and drain them of unnecessary standing water. Remember mosquitoes need as little as a half inch of water to complete their life cycle. And they can transmit West Nile virus (WNV) to humans and heartworm disease to dogs.  


Find more tips to minimize mosquito nuisance at www.fightthebite.net and www.msmosquito.org.   

They’re Back by Ben Deci

What do politics and wildfires have in common? Neither sticks to a season anymore; they are both flaring up all year around. And it’s no joke—worrying about either can be a source of stress and anxiety. Despite the next general election being a year and a half away, in the past few weeks a California gubernatorial candidate and four presidential candidates have made headlines.

If you’re already dreading divisive campaigns and abrasive rhetoric, there are a few things to keep in mind:

1. Set boundaries. It’s okay to limit your exposure to the news cycle. Your only responsibly as a voter is to make an informed, reasoned choice, not to hang on to every word.

2. Practice self-care. You don’t need another reason to get enough sleep, eat well, exercise, and do things you enjoy, but having one is always great.

3. Seek the support you need. Stay connected with friends and family who share your values. And if you’re feeling overwhelmed or depressed in a way you just can’t shake, seek time with a mental health professional.

Remember, politicians make their living by trying to convince folks they’re the right choice in an election. But the right choice is always yourself.

Human Resources

Job Opening 

The position of Senior Personnel Specialist (Senior Benefits and Transaction Specialist) in HR has been reposted. If you know who may be interested, please share the link with them and encourage them to apply. This position will remain open until filled. 


You can always access our civil service openings on Cal Careers by clicking the Job Openings tile on our homepage of Shockwave. Feel free to reach out to [email protected] with any questions.  

Form Required for All Civil Service Employees 

CEA will participate in this fiscal year’s (2022-23) Leave Buy-Back Program (Excluded Employees) and the Employee Leave Cash Out of Vacation/Annual Leave (Represented Employees) programs.  

If you don’t wish to participate, you must still fill out a Leave Buy-Back/Leave Cash Out form showing you are declining participation by Wednesday, 5/31

For additional details or forms, please review Danielle Dammann's email from 5/1. 

Retirement Planning Session  

Do you know the difference between a 401k and 457b plan?  

Join our dedicated Retirement Specialist with Savings Plus on Wednesday, 5/17 from 10:00am-11:00am to find out the answer to this question and learn about other midcareer retirement and retirement planning options. 

Refer to the email from Hilda Vargas on 5/3 to sign up!

New "Rapid Security Release" Required for Apple Users

A Rapid Security Release is a new type of update that allows Apple to push out smaller, high-priority security updates in between the normal updates. Please take 5 minutes to update all of your iOS devices. Got to Settings -> General -> Software Update, to install the latest version of iOS 16.4.1(a).

If you have any questions regarding this new kind of update, or how to update your device, please contact either Help Desk or the Information Security team.

Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month (AAPI)

In May, we celebrate the contributions of Asians and Pacific Islanders in the United States.

Here are some easy ways we can recognize the cultural influences, traditions, and contributions of this group of Americans in our country.

Read: Check out these book recommendations on Shondaland.

Watch: Browse this movie list compiled by ScreenRant.


Locke Asian Pacific Spring Festival

Sacramento Asian Pacific Film Festival

AAPI Open-Air Night Market

Sacramento’s 28th Anniversary Dragon Boat Festival

Shop: Support local small businesses. #ShopAAPI

Time of Remembrance and Reconciliation for those who Lost their Lives during WWII

Declared by the United Nations General Assembly in 2004, May 8th and 9th are recognized annually as the days to honor all victims of the Second World War.

Did you know? The United Nations (UN), an intergovernmental organization, was created as a result of this war. It was designed to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, with the UN’s members uniting efforts to come together and play a central role in helping one another settle disputes by peaceful means, and in such a manner that international peace and security are not endangered.

The UN Charter, which was finalized in 1945, binds members together and requires members to maintain international peace, security, and law; to maintain friendly relations; to solve international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character; and to promote universal human rights and fundamental freedoms for all—without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion.

Although many countries, including the United States, have their own days recognizing the events, victims and heroes of WWII, these two days were created for anyone to pay tribute to the war’s victims in however they choose to do so.

Read more about this event and its background here. And, view the United Nation’s Charter here.

Who was Harry Belafonte?

by Kelley Afghari

Harry Belafonte, actor, singer, and civil rights activist, died on April 25th, 2023, of congestive heart failure. He was 96 years old.

Born in Harlem in 1927, Belafonte rose to fame in the 1950s as a singer. His third album introduced many to the sound of Calypso. The breakout hit Day-O (The Banana Boat Song) became a signature song for Belafonte. During this time, he was also building an acting career and appeared alongside some of the great actors of the era. Harry Belafonte is one of the few EGOT (Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, Tony Awards) winners.

Among his many achievements, though, perhaps the most enduring is his role as a civil rights activist. Harry Belafonte joined the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s. He became one of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s closest confidants. Over the years he organized demonstrations, raised money, and contributed his personal funds to keep movement activities going. Click here to read more about his extraordinary life.

Who We Are

Read about what this employee ate as a 9-year-old, and vowed to never eat it again...

New Hires & New Grandbaby

Please help us welcome our two newest employees and the newest member of our extended CEA Family! Tyler Lindberg joined IT's Application Administration team in IT Ops and Ananya Adyasha joined the Catastrophe Response & Resiliency department. To learn more, click their bios below. Also, sending a big congratulations to Laura Spahr on another new grandbaby!

Meet Tyler
Meet Ananya

Meet Judah Robert, born on 4/2 to her youngest granddaughter, Danica.

Cinco at Drake's Barn

Thank you to everyone who met at Drake's Barn on Friday to celebrate Cinco de Mayo (including Dwayne Johnson "The Rock")!

Friends and spouses enjoyed music by a local DJ, individual-sized pizzas (photographed right with Dawn), authentic taco truck cuisine, and tasty beverages until the rain rolled in.

We look forward to the next after-hours get-together!

Things to Do

Farmers Market Season: Capitol Mall on Wednesday (10:00am-1:00pm) and Chavez Park on Thursdays (10:00am-1:00pm) 

Whole Earth Festival: From live music and performances, tasty food, art, and sustainable vendors, there is something for the whole family at the Whole Earth Festival! This zero-waste, student-run event will take place this weekend from Friday, 5/12 to Sunday, 5/14 at the UC Davis Quad. Click here for more information.

Meet a Monkey, Listen to Music, Enjoy a Merlot: The Sacramento Zoo is hosting happy hour events on Thursday, 5/18 and Thursday, 6/15 from 5:00pm-8:00pm.

Earthquake News

What is “Seismic Inflation?”

In this week’s Media Digest, an excellent article by Los Angeles Times Reporter Ron Lin digs deep into the idea of “seismic inflation.” He describes that as the projected losses from a major California earthquake (seismic) and the way those projected losses are soaring (inflation). Appearing first in the Los Angeles Times, his article was picked up by several papers around California.

At the same time, plenty of text-based and broadcast news outlets (did you know you can watch video clips through the Media Digest, too?) are continuing to tout the new Earthquake Soft Story retrofit grant program brought about through CEA’s collaboration with Cal OES.  

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