February 6, 2023 - v. 3, number 2
Applications Being Accepted for
2023 Sustainable CT Fellows
Apply by February 20
Sustainable CT is placing highly qualified fellows across the state’s Councils of Governments (COGs) to help cities and towns become registered, certified, or recertified with Sustainable CT during the summer of 2023.
Fellows will assist cities and towns within the various COG territories and assist on COG projects that align with Sustainable CT goals. Fellows gain valuable experience working within a professional setting and are directly engaged with cutting-edge sustainability initiatives, local government operations, and regional coordination and operation. Application deadline: February 20.
Fairfield Celebrates Sustainability
The Fairfield Sustainability Task Force celebrated at the Fairfield Museum and History Center on January 25 with so many who have shared in the town's great efforts and successes. Sustainable CT's Lynn Stoddard was there as well to say a few words of congratulation for Fairfield being recognized as a sustainability leader!
EnergizeCT: Community Partnership Initiative Grants II
The Community Partnership Initiative seeks to leverage the local knowledge, trusted relationships, and experience of local community groups, nonprofit organizations, and municipalities in Connecticut who are committed to raising awareness and measurable participation in the sponsors’ energy efficiency offerings within their communities. Virtual open question forums on Tuesday, February 7: noon registration; 7:00 p.m. registration. Round 2 applications are due March 3, 2023.
How to Start a Cultural District in Your Town
In this virtual roundtable, CMSC discusses the value of establishing a cultural district, the basics of the program, as well as common challenges and how to overcome them. Submit your questions in advance to be answered by the panelists! February 23, 10-11:30 a.m.
Climate Leader Webinar Series: Becoming a Bicycle Friendly Community
More than 500 communities across the nation have achieved the Bicycle Friendly Community designation from the League of American Bicyclists. Beyond earning 10 points for your town as a part of your Sustainable CT certification (Action 6.1.5, Implement Complete Streets), achieving at least the bronze-level status in this program will make your community a welcoming place for bicyclists. February 23, 11-11:45 a.m.
This FREE program supports U.S. local governments committed to certifying in the LEED for Cities rating system who also see value in the peer-to-peer networking and collaboration that comes with participation in a national cohort. Application deadline: February 24.
Our Loss is CIRCA's Gain
Nicole Govert, until recently a Program Assistant for Sustainable CT, has accepted a new position as a Community Resilience Planner at the Connecticut Institute for Resilience and Climate Adaptation (CIRCA). In her new role, Nicole will provide support for various phases of the Resilient Connecticut program as well as support new CIRCA programs. Bon chance, Nicole!
NVCOG Maps Waste
How do we tell the story of CT’s waste management crisis in a way that is accessible to the public, valuable to decision-makers, and engaging for all readers? Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments (NVCOG) has done it with an interactive Waste Crisis Storymap.
This month: we catch up with Sam Gold, tireless Executive Director of River COG. How did we fit so many good ideas into one show? You'll swear it was magic.
The IMPACT is available February 15 at sustainablect.org and wherever you get your podcasts.
Move the Money Challenge
Sustainable CT's goal in 2023 is to invest $1 million in support of 100 projects working on environmental and neighborhood quality of life project across the state. Any project aligned with Sustainable CT's 100+ actions and sub-actions, and matching the CMF eligibility criteria will receive support, coaching, and fundraising infrastructure to raise up to $30k.
Do you have a passion for clean energy and the environment, a commitment to social change, or just a wish to give people in your town an event to be proud of? Reach out to Joseph Dickerson, Sustainable CT's Community Match Fund Manager! He's as excited for the future of CT towns as you are! "Our fast, easy, and supportive fundraising programs empower project leaders to expand their network and provide the funds to carry out the projects they know will be most impactful to their towns," Joseph said. Follow this link to schedule a time for a conversation, and let's move the money!
The Next Sustainable CT Coffee Hour:
February 17 at 10 a.m.
Fundamentals of the Homelessness Response System
Our Category 12 Actions focus on Sustainable, Compassionate Homelessness Prevention and the February Coffee Hour will provide an opportunity to learn about homelessness providers and resources for your communities. Staff from the Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness and Coordinated Access Network providers from across the state will be on hand to provide information and answer your questions.
Join Sustainable CT for virtual, informal, discussions on the third Friday of each month. We share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are free and open to all.
For more fun and informative February events,
Westbrook makes the new year bright
With a resolution of its Selectboard on January 17, 2023, the Town of Westbrook became the 131st Sustainable CT registered Connecticut municipality and the very first newly registered town in 2023. A coastal community of just under 7,000 inhabitants, Westbrook "embraces an on-going process of working toward greater sustainability," according to the Selectboard's resolution. Welcome aboard, Westbrook. You just made the new year a little brighter for all of us.