Public comment on the draft Private Property requirements will be accepted through Monday, March 27. There are multiple ways for you to provide public comment and ask questions. Feedback received will be used to further refine the draft requirements before they move through the legislative process later this spring.
Submit a comment or question via the project comment form
You can submit a comment or question any time via the project comment form.
Attend the Virtual Community Meeting March 16
Join Denver Community Planning and Development and Department of Transportation and Infrastructure for a virtual community meeting on the Outdoor Places Program on March 16. The project team will provide a project overview, discuss the draft program requirements for outdoor patios on private property, and participants will have an opportunity to ask questions.
Virtual Community Meeting
5:30 - 7:00 p.m., Thursday, March 16
Virtual meeting via Zoom
View event page for complete details
Attend Upcoming Office Hours
The city will be hosting office hours where you can speak to the Outdoor Places Program administrator and project manager one-on-one. Sign up for office hours.