Become a Leader in Technology and Engineering Education: Apply to ITEEA's 21st Century Leadership Academy Before the December 1 Deadline!

The 21st Century Leadership Academy (21CLA) was established in 2006 as an initiative to facilitate leadership development within ITEEA and the technology and engineering education profession. The goal is to create tomorrow's most successful and respected technology and engineering leaders, consultants, and strategic thinkers.

Participation in ITEEA's 21CLA comes with it a series of events to support leadership development such as virtual sessions and in-person or virtual meetings with leading national organizations and/or associations to discuss education priorities. At the end of their cohort year, members will also attend and be recognized at the ITEEA Foundation/Maley Spirit of Excellence Breakfast in March of 2026.



Since its formation, the 21CLA has provided over 90 educators the opportunity to network with colleagues and peers, connect with and learn from established leaders, and participate in online and face-to-face leadership development activities. This first year is only the beginning of participants’ journey to jumpstart and practice their skills by leading others!

Graduate students, early career university faculty members, classroom teachers, and supervisors or administrators are all invited to apply!

ITEEA extends deep appreciation

to the Technology Student Association

for its sponsorship of the

2024-25 Cohort of the 21st Century Leadership Academy

as well as its long-time support of ITEEA.

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