HRAF News Vol. 2023-02
Apply for the 2023 HRAF Summer Institute
Applications are still open for the 2023 HRAF Summer Institutes for Cross-Cultural Anthropological Research. The application deadline has been extended until March 3. HRAF is excited for our fourth annual Anthropology Day celebration. UConn students, Yale researchers, and HRAF staff will join us for the full-day celebration on February 20. HRAF President Carol Ember will make a presentation titled "Uniformity of Dress" at the annual meeting of the Society for Cross-Cultural Research (SCCR) February 22-25 in Puerto Rico. Carol was presented with the SCCR Lifetime Achievement award at last year's conference. Finally, we are pleased to welcome HRAF's newest staff member Ben Ostermeier, who joins the software engineering team as our Digital Services Production & Development Specialist. Welcome aboard, Ben!
The National Science Foundation (NSF), in a grant to the Human Relations Area Files (BCS #2020156), is supporting three years of Summer Institutes for Cross-Cultural Anthropological Research. The third Summer Institute will be held July 17 through August 4, 2023 in New Haven, Connecticut. The application deadline for the 2023 HRAF Summer Institute has been extended until March 3.

Summer Institutes train faculty, researchers, and advanced graduate students in the theory and state-of-the art methods for conducting regional and worldwide comparative research. The aim is for these methods to be incorporated into educational courses and cross-cultural research using anthropological data. The program will include lectures, discussion, and hands-on exercises. Each participant will design and execute a pilot project during their time at the institute.
The primary instructors are Carol R. Ember (Human Relations Area Files at Yale University), Fiona Jordan (University of Bristol) and Séan Roberts (Cardiff University).

On Monday, February 20, HRAF will host an event in celebration of Anthropology Day. Students from the University of Connecticut have been invited to New Haven for a visit to the Beinecke Library, lunch, a Yale campus tour, and a visit to HRAF. Matthew Longcore, Director of Membership and Outreach and adjunct faculty member at the UConn Stamford campus, will accompany officers from the UConn Stamford Anthropology Society along with Honors students from the Fall 2022 section of ANTH 1000 Peoples and Cultures of the World for HRAF's Anthropology Day celebration.

The group will visit the HRAF offices at 755 Prospect Street. UConn students will present their project from ANTH 1000 Fall 2022 based on the eHRAF Workbook Ethnographic Fieldwork. Yale University postgraduate researchers will discuss the topic of vaccine hesitancy across cultures. The event will conclude with presentations from HRAF staff about HRAF’s history, cross-cultural research, and Explaining Human Culture.

HRAF is pleased to welcome Ben Ostermeier as our new Digital Services Production & Development Specialist. Ben graduated from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE) with a B.A. in History, a minor in Computer Science, and a minor in Digital Humanities and Social Sciences. Subsequently he served as the technician for the IRIS Center for the Digital Humanities, supporting digital scholarship projects created by students and faculty at the university.

Ben developed an interest in developing user-friendly and equitable digital spaces for information retrieval in the humanities, which led him to pursue a Master of Science in Library and Information Science at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. During that time, Ben also served as a graduate assistant for the Scholarly Commons and the Rare Book and Manuscript Library.

Ben has developed or collaborated in several digital scholarship projects, which can be viewed on his personal website at

HRAF President Carol Ember will attend the annual meeting of the Society for Cross-Cultural Research (SCCR), which will take place from February 22-25 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Carol's presentation "Uniformity of Dress" features the results of worldwide cross-cultural research suggesting explanations for why some societies have had little variation in how people dress (that is, in their clothing and adornment) whereas other societies have had considerable variation.  

SCCR is a multi-disciplinary organization, whose members share a common devotion to conducting cross-cultural research. SCCR members are professionals and students from disciplines including Psychology, Anthropology, Sociology, and related fields including Education, Family Studies, Social Work, Human Development, Psychiatry, Communications, Ethnic Studies, and Business.

At last year's SCCR annual meeting in San Diego, California, Carol had the honor of being presented with the SCCR Lifetime Achievement Award.

HRAF at Yale University|