HRAF News Vol. 2023-01
Apply for the 2023 Melvin Ember Internship
Happy New Year! We are kicking off 2023 with our annual Year in Review summarizing our accomplishments from 2022 and what we have planned for the next 12 months. Applications are now open for the 2023 HRAF internship in honor of Melvin Ember. Please see below for application instructions and share widely with any interested candidates. We are excited to congratulate the 2023 HRAF Global Scholars program participants. Finally, please join us in welcoming our newest members of eHRAF World Cultures and eHRAF Archaeology who joined in 2022.
HRAF is pleased to announce a one-year full-time internship in honor of Melvin Ember, President of HRAF from 1987 until his passing in 2009. The purpose of the internship is to learn about cross-cultural research through practical experience. Duties include reading and analyzing recent cross-cultural research with the goal of summarizing materials in Explaining Human Culture, as well as participating in ongoing cross-cultural research projects.

The internship will be reimbursed for living expenses and travel costs. Preference will be given to candidates who intend to pursue graduate study in anthropology or a closely related field, or who have already started graduate school. Candidates must demonstrate an ability to perform statistical analyses and have accomplished academic records, particularly in their major fields and in anthropology courses.

Happy New Year from HRAF! As we begin a new year, it is time for our annual recap and preview. Our HRAF 2022 in Review & 2023 Preview summarizes our highlights from the previous year, as well as what you can expect to see from HRAF over the next 12 months.

The topics featured include:

  • eHRAF Updates
  • Culture & Tradition Updates
  • Staff Updates
  • Collaborations & Partnerships
  • HRAF Research & Publications
  • Summer Institutes
  • Conferences & Events
  • Teaching eHRAF
  • Explaining Human Culture
  • HRAF Membership Updates
  • HRAF Global Scholars
  • Anthropology Day
  • Archaeology Day
  • Top Articles & Posts 2022
  • Friends of HRAF

HRAF is pleased to announce the recipients of the HRAF Global Scholars Program for 2023. This program provides scholars around the world with one year of complimentary access to our research databases, eHRAF World Cultures and eHRAF Archaeology. Applications for the program were received on behalf of individuals and academic institutions in low- or middle-income countries, as defined by the World Bank. For 2023, we have five scholars participating in the HRAF Global Scholars Program.

In the months ahead, we will feature the work of each of these scholars in posts on our homepage and social media.

Congratulations to all!

As we reflect on the past year and begin a new year, HRAF would like to extend a heartfelt welcome to our new members from 2022. We are especially pleased by the diversity and global reach of these members, which include universities, colleges, international organizations, and independent researchers.

Our homepage post features each institution who joined us in 2022, followed by a list of members and their locations. As the depth and breadth of our membership continues to grow, we look forward to engaging with our new members and to following the progress of their research and teaching activities using eHRAF World Cultures and eHRAF Archaeology.
HRAF at Yale University|