Learn It, Try It, Teach It! -
STEL Experiences to Advance our Profession

The Application to Present at ITEEA’s 85th Annual Conference in Minneapolis is now open!
Planning for ITEEA’s 2023 Conference in Minneapolis is well underway and ITEEA is now accepting presenter applications through June 30, 2022. The Conference theme, Learn It, Try It, Teach It! - STEL Experiences to Advance our Profession, encourages presenters to share specific examples of ways to successfully integrate and apply the STEL standards and practices in various contexts through hands-on activities and interactive session experiences. 

This year's application experience is more streamlined than ever, as ITEEA has incorporated Cvent solutions to make the process more intuitive and user friendly.
Application Deadline is June 30, 2022
Separate from professional learning sessions, you don't want to miss the unique opportunity to present to ITEEA attendees at the ever-popular STEM Showcase, an exhibition of best practices in Integrative STEM Education. Showcasers, including K-12 teachers, teacher educators, administrators, undergraduate and graduate students, and informal educators, are invited to feature an idea, technique, or best practice of technology and engineering teaching that they have exemplified. Complete the application below to be a part of this unique and high-profile event!
Application Deadline is October 1, 2022
We hope you’re as excited as we are about ITEEA's upcoming
85th Annual Conference!
If you have any questions, please contact us at or call 703-860-2100.
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