September 29, 2022

Apply to Serve on a 2023 Law Society of Alberta Committee

Committee volunteer work is offered to active, practising lawyers who are interested in contributing to the work of the Law Society. Diversity of perspectives plays an important role in helping us achieve our mission of serving the public interest by ensuring a high standard of legal services and professional conduct.


Committee appointments will be approved at the Feb. 2023 Bencher meeting. Committee members are appointed for varying terms. The following vacancies are anticipated for 2023:


  • Audit and Finance (one vacancy): The Audit and Finance Committee has approximately seven, two-hour meetings per year. 
  • Conduct (one vacancy): The Conduct Committee meets in panels of three once a month (always a Tuesday). Most meetings last no more than an hour and the panel composition is based on the committee member’s availability.
  • Practice Review (one vacancy): The Practice Review Committee meets in panels of four on Wednesdays at 7:45 a.m. There are approximately 16 panel meetings each year, most lasting no more than an hour and the panel composition is based on the committee member’s availability. On average, committee members participate in 4 panel meetings each year.


We encourage you to review the relevant committee descriptions. If you are interested in volunteering please fill out this online application form.


Please note: Lawyers currently serving on a committee who have served more than eight years will not be appointed regardless of the quality of service as an effort to allow more volunteer opportunities. Those current volunteers who have not reached this threshold and are interested in continuing are asked to complete this application form and select the Current Volunteer option at question one. 


Committee meetings will be conducted virtually unless otherwise indicated. For any meetings which do occur in person, parking and mileage costs will be reimbursed in accordance with Law Society policy.


The deadline for applications is Friday, Oct. 14, 2022. It is the responsibility of the applicants to ensure their applications are complete. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.


If you have questions, please contact Governance

2023 Recruitment Dates

Summer Student Recruitment Dates: Feb. 21 – 24

The 2023 first year summer student recruitment period will be Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2023, to Friday, Feb. 24, 2023. No offer of employment shall be made before 5 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 24, 2023. Such offers must remain open for acceptance for a minimum of 24 hours. An offer of employment may be made at any time after the recruitment period and shall be left open for a reasonable period of time. Please note the recruitment rules do not apply to employers located outside of Calgary and Edmonton. For further information, please refer to Rule 49.1 and 49.3 of the Rules of the Law Society of Alberta

Articling Student Recruitment Dates: June 5 – 19

The 2023 recruitment period will be from Monday, June 5, 2023, to Monday, June 19, 2023. Employers may only make offers of employment after 8 a.m. on the second Tuesday of the recruitment period (June 13, 2023). These offers must remain open for acceptance for 24 hours. Please note the recruitment rules do not apply to employers located outside of Calgary and Edmonton, or to NCA students. For further information, please refer to Rule 49.1 and 49.2. of the Rules of the Law Society of Alberta

Court of King's Bench Announcement 

Expansion of Filing Digital Service (FDS) to Drumheller, Fort McMurray, Grande Prairie, Medicine Hat, Peace River, St. Paul, and Wetaskwin

Commencing Sept. 27, 2022, the King's Bench Civil Filing Digital Service (FDS) has expanded to include all Judicial Centres (Drumheller, Fort McMurray, Grande Prairie, Medicine Hat, Peace River, St Paul, and Wetaskiwin). 

FDS allows lawyers and legal assistants to file a wide range of civil documents not requiring fee waivers electronically, in all Judicial Centres of the Court of King's Bench. Because FDS requires the creation of an account, it is available to lawyers (and legal assistants) and law firms only. This announcement does not apply to filings made by self-represented litigants.

Effective Nov. 1, 2022, use of the FDS filing system will be mandatory for Counsel filing pleadings in civil files in all King's Bench locations in Alberta. A grace period of two weeks shall be observed, until Nov. 15, 2022, before use of FDS for filing these materials will be strictly enforced. Please note that FDS cannot accommodate filings for which payment is waived or from entities that do not currently pay a fee (ie. fee waiver or Legal Aid Certificate, filings by Alberta Justice), and therefore these filings will continue to be accepted by email. For a list of all accepted document types, please visit KB Filing- Accepted Document Types.

Lawyers and legal assistants using FDS must first create an account, if you already have an account to any of the King’s Bench Filing Digital Services, there is no need to create a new one. Instructions for the creation of an account, accepted document types, an overview of FDS, and an additional guide for lawyers and legal assistants are available at the following link: King's Bench Filing Digital Service.

Upcoming Events
Well-Being in Practice | Oct. 4 – 5, 2022

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