The Voter
League of Women Voters of the Midland Area
New Member 
Welcome to Ruth Copp, our newest League member. We're looking forward to getting to know her! 

With Sympathy
 Longtime member Aleta Smith passed away March 5 at the age of 86. Our condolences go out to her family and friends.

Educational booklet for new voters
Your Elected Officials
  Like us on Facebook
Board of Directors

VP Membership

VP Program


Judy Donahue - Program
Terry Townley - Education
Cathy Heng - Print Media
Katherine Redwine - New Media
Carole Swinehart - Voter Service
Kim Steinke - Voter Service



Opportunities from our AAUW Friends
AAUW Used Book Sale
April 29, 30, & May 1, 2016
Find great bargains at the AAUW's Used Book Sale April 29, 30, & May 1 at the Midland Mall, 9-9 Friday and Saturday, 10-4 Sunday. Most books are priced from $1 to $2.  Children's books start at 25 cents. Recent publications are $2-$6. Sunday is Bag Day. For more information about the sale, call 989-750-7030 or go to their website
Proceeds from the sale support college scholarships and educational projects.  More information can be found at .

Gardening for Fun Day Trip,
June 8, 8:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Trip to Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park. 
Co-chairs Kerry Buell ( & Gina Pederson (

LWV-Midland members are invited to go on this AAUW trip. Please let Kerry or Berta know soon so that they know how many participants to plan for. Spouses and other guests are welcome. Payment will not be needed until May 8.

For more details, see The Twig newsletter.
APRIL 2016
Equal Pay Day - April 12

April 12 is Equal Pay Day. Though federal law banning sex-based wage discrimination was enacted 52 years ago, there is still a significant pay gap between women's and men's wages. The Michigan Equal Pay Day Coalition, of which LWV is a member, is sponsoring Equal Pay Day events in Lansing. More information can be found here . It's not likely that many of us will be in Lansing on April 12, but we can wear RED that day to symbolize that women's wages are "in the red."

The gender gap in pay is a complex issue, with many factors contributing to it. However, it is clear that much more progress is needed in order for the work of women to be considered as valuable as men with comparable qualifications for the same job.

Sue McCollister, President

Annual Meeting, Wednesday, May 18
Annual Meeting Wednesday, May 18
Holiday Inn, 810 Cinema Drive, Midland
6:00     Social Time
8:30     Dinner
7:30     Ann Manary, Midland County Clerk
8:15     Business Meeting
Mark your calendars for an evening of socializing with new and old friends, an informative presentation by County Clerk Ann Manary, and a business meeting. We will elect officers and directors for next year and consider 2016-17 program and budget proposals for membership approval.
On April 18 you should receive a mailing that gives information about the meeting and the all-important dinner menu choices. Please return your dinner reservations by May 9. 
Radio Days Success!

Hoorah!  This year we met...and exceeded...our Budget goal in sales for Radio Days!
For several years we have had a budget goal of $2,000 in ad sales for Radio Days, but we have failed to meet it.  We've come close a couple of times, but have missed by $200 to $400.  This year we raised $2,230.00! 
Thank you to our sales reps:  Fran Hamburg, Carol Locker, Sue McCollister, Judy McDowell, Katherine Redwine, Karen Sherwood, Carole Swinehart, Rosemary Wilson, and Dave Wirth.
Thank you also to our readers who recorded public service announcements at the WMPX studio on a very snowy day:  Diane Brown Willhelm, Linda Carey, Kim Steinke, and Dave Wirth.
And, finally, thank you to Julie Schmidt, who took charge of everything while Karen went to sunny Florida for a February vacation.
Please go over the list of local businesses that have supported our program by purchasing ads or sponsoring public service announcements.  Frequent these businesses whenever you can and be sure to thank them for their support of the League of Women Voters during Radio Days.

Radio Days Contributors
A Woman of Achievement

Recognition of Board Director Fran Hamburg with a lifetime achievement award at the March 16 Great Lakes Bay Region YWCA awards event was a fun and impressive occasion. Fran's acceptance speech was delightfully humorous. There were 11 League members present, and we beamed with pride!   See Midland Daily News coverage.
Women of Achievement 2016
Cathy Heng, Sue McCollister, Fran Hamburg, Jane Wirth, Judy McDowell, Dave Wirth

Fran Hamburg_ Dave Wirth
Fran Hamburg with her award - the vase - and Dave Wirth
Cathy Heng and Rhosan Stryker
Dree Stryker
Dree Stryker
LWVMI WORKSHOP - Making Democracy Work
The State League of Women Voters is offering us an excellent opportunity to participate in a workshop on Saturday, April 30 from 9:30 am -- 2:30 pm in Lansing. The location is St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 218 West Ottawa St.
The workshop -  Defending Democracy  by Making Democracy Work
 is open to all League members and will focus on the League's advocacy work on voter rights, voter protection, money in politics and redistricting. Former Michigan Senator Gretchen Whitmer will be one of the speakers.

The cost for attending the workshop is $17, which the League will reimburse. It includes early refreshments, a box lunch and materials. You can register online by clicking here.

Registration deadline is Monday, April 25th.

We will be carpooling, so if you're interested, contact Sue McCollister at or 631-4180. 

Congratulations Terry Townley!

LWV Board member Terry Townley has been selected as a Named Gift Honoree by the Midland AAUW Branch, for "significant contributions to both the branch and to the Midland community". She has served the Midland Branch in a variety of ways and is very active in her church. We're pleased for her and for the fact that she includes our League in her efforts for service!   For more information, click!
 If you are interested in joining, please fill out the form below, and send it in. If you have questions, please email Judy McDowell, VP Membership. 
mail to: LWV - Midland Area
P.O. Box 1203
Midland, MI 48641-1203
Any other questions or problems, email Katherine Redwine, e-newsletter editor.