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League Calendar

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April 2016
From the President
Dear Members,
As the weather warms, our League is also heating up. There are events every week and to suit every interest. Discussions, shopping, and portrayals of historical figures.  Our League calendar is full! We hope you will come out of hibernation and join us at some of these events.

In the next few weeks, you will be receiving information about our scheduled May 10 Annual Meeting.  Bylaws, budgets, program planning, and a slate of officers and committee chairs will be coming your way soon.  This year we will again have a working meeting to review past accomplishments and then plan for the upcoming year.  Much effort has gone into putting this information together.  The one list that is incomplete is our slate of officers.  We are missing a nomination for President or Co-Presidents.  Many members have been approached but no one has stepped forward. Though I have enjoyed the last four years working as president, our League definitely needs to encourage new leadership. Will you put your name forward? Please contact Beverly Graham to self nominate or to share any other names for this leadership position.  The clock is ticking!

Peggy Kell

Monthly Programs
Second Tuesday
On Tuesday, April 12, from 9:30-11:00am, Steven Smith, Oak Park Township Senior Service Coordinator, will be our resource person at the Nineteenth Century Club, located at 178 Forest Ave., Oak Park.  Please join us for this free presentation. Bring a friend to share in the discussion!

Drinks & Dialogue
On Wednesday, April 20, at Doc Ryan's,  Mark Mesle, Outreach Coordinator for David Orr's Office will be discussing and answering questions on "Effectively Getting Out the Vote." From 5:30-7:00 pm, members and their guests, can enjoy refreshments and learning from this county resource.  Doc Ryan's is located at 7432 W. Madison, Forest Park.  See you there! 

Events this Week
Remember our Member Mingle on Tuesday, April 5, from 6:00-8:00pm, at Connolly's Public House, 1109 South Boulevard.  Appetizers and a cash bar. 

And a final reminder for our Spring Shopping fundraiser at Camille et Famille, 7418 Madison Street, Forest Park, 6:00-8:00 pm.  Wine and appetizers served while you shop.

Members are encouraged to invite friends and neighbors to both of these events.

Great Decisions 2016
On the April discussion agenda for our Great Decisions groups are "The Koreas" and the "United Nations."  Cl ick her for the new discussion topics and dates/times of meetings.
Rachel Carson comes to Oak Park
Rachel Carson, biologist and noted environmental author, will be coming to the Oak Park Library on Wednesday, April 20, from 7:00-9:00 pm, in the person of Leslie Goddard.  Ms. Goddard has portrayed many notable female historical figures, most notably Grace Wilbur Trout at our 2013 State of the Villages Fundraiser.  This Flyer has more information on the program that our League is co-sponsoring with the Oak Park Library to celebrate Earth Day.

Delegate Opportunities
Would you like to represent our League at two upcoming events?  The first opportunity is the LWV Cook County Annual Meeting on Monday, May 2.  We are allowed 5 delegates to vote on the business of LWVCC.  The registration fee would be covered by our League.  We have two more delegate openings.  If you are interested, please contact Peggy Kell ASAP. Supreme Court Justice Anne Burke will be the featured luncheon speaker.  You can attend as an non-delegate also.  Check out the LWVCC Annual Meeting Flyer for more information.
In addition, the LWV US biennial convention is scheduled for June 16-19 in Washington, D.C.  We are allowed 4 delegates for this convention.  We still have two delegate openings.  Our League has money budgeted to help with expenses.  Again, contact Peggy Kell for information on being a delegate.  These are great opportunities to experience League in a larger context.  Check your calendars!
Pool Discussions
The Oak Park-River Forest High School Board of Education is exploring options for replacing and/or rebuilding the district's 90-year-old pools.  The Board will host three community meetings to share options and to gather community feedback.  Please join them to learn more and to share your thoughts. You do need to register for the tours. C lick here for dates and to register.
Advocacy Committee
Members of our Advocacy Committee met with Sen. Kimberly Lightford on March 14. A recap of the meeting can be read here Sen. Lightford interview.  This was a combined effort with members of LWV LaGrange.  Thanks to Diane Moses, Mary Cay Murray and Jackie Paine from our League and Linda Eastman and Laurie Braun from LaGrange for participating in the interview.  And on March 28, the committee also visited with Rep. Camille Lily.  You can find out what members Diane Moses, Marsha Borders, Jane Schlichting, Sandra Sokol, and Linda Valentine, talked about by reviewing the Rep. Lily interview.

Flower Sale Fundraiser Deadline
Thinking of Spring??  Then put thoughts to action and order some flowers to help support the League and your garden.  The deadline to preorder your flats of assorted annuals and perennials is April 15. You need to fill out an order form and mail it to Sylvia Christmas.  Flowers will be ready for pick up on April 29, 30 and May 1 from Good Earth Greenhouse, 7900 W. Madison St., River Forest. This is a painless way to support our League and beautify your home at the same time! Flower Sale Order Form
Former League Member
Former League Member Ann Wheat passed away last year. We wanted to share this information just in case members were unaware of her passing. Our condolences to her family. Obituary

News to Use

GMO Labeling Victory follow-up to March Drinks & Dialogue discussion.

Ballot Ready Initiative A new way to get to know candidates running for office.

League of Women Voters of Oak Park & River Forest | | (708) 342-0803
  lwvoprf@sbcglobal.net | http://lwvoprf.org
P.O. Box 3301
Oak Park, IL 60303-3301