In This Issue
KHC's Interim Policy for Inspections for CoC, HOME TBRA, and ESG in Response to COVID-19  
Applicable Through April 30, 2020, Unless Notified Otherwise
Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) continues to monitor the COVID-19 situation in Kentucky. To provide transparency and customer service, KHC will update this notice and share with partners via eGrams, targeted emails, and the Housing Contract Administration's (HCA) Help Desk's COVID-19 Section. Archived eGrams are available on KHC's website.
In response to concerns related to COVID-19, KHC is implementing the following policies for inspections and monitoring. KHC's policy changes seek to minimize spread of COVID-19 and protect the health of tenants, homeowners, partners, and KHC staff. All forms associated with the following interim policy can be found under Inspection Guidance on the HCA Help Desk.

KHC's Interim Policy
(Subject to Change)
Housing Quality Standards (HQS) Inspections

(Initial inspection prior to lease-up and annual inspection if in unit more than 12 months)

Applies to CoC and HOME TBRA projects
  1. ALL initial and annual in-person HQS inspections have been suspended from March 30 through April 30, 2020.
  2. In lieu of in-person inspections conducted by agency staff at this time, units requiring inspections will receive a provisional initial HQS inspection via "Owner Self Certification" and on-site inspections will occur at a future date once it is safe to do so.
  3. Agency will complete an Interim Approval Form, which will be sent to the landlord and tenant.
  4. Agency must maintain the owner's Self-Certification Form and Agency Approval Form within the client's file.
Habitability Standards Inspections

(Initial inspection prior to lease-up and annual inspection if in unit more than 12 months)

Applies to ESG-funded RRH and Prevention Projects
  1. ALL initial and annual in-person Habitability Standards inspections have been suspended from March 30 through April 30, 2020.
  2. In lieu of in-person inspections conducted by agency staff at this time, units requiring inspections will receive a provisional Habitability inspection via "Owner Self Certification" and on-site inspections will occur at a future date once it is safe to do so.
  3. Agency will complete an Interim Approval Form, which will be sent to the landlord and tenant.
  4. Agency must maintain the owner's Self-Certification Form and Agency Approval Form within the client's file.

As this situation is fluid, this guidance is subject to changes that will be announced via KHC eGrams.
Questions and Answers About Gov. Beshear's Suspension of Evictions in Kentucky  
The Kentucky Equal Justice Center has provided guidance on Governor Beshear's Suspension of Evictions issued on March 25, 2020 (see page 5 of Executive Order 2020-257). It is important to note that this order does not suspend payment of rent or mortgage. It states "No provision contained within this Order shall be construed as relieving any individual of the obligation to pay rent, to make mortgage payments, or to comply with any other obligation that an individual may have under tenancy or mortgage." For example, if the Governor lifts the Executive Order in two months and a tenant hasn't paid rent for two months, a landlord can file a court action to for eviction and also can file a lawsuit against the tenant for the rent not paid (plus late fees and other costs) and potentially the balance of the rent payments owed under the lease. Everyone should continue to pay rent and mortgages if feasible, even if they can only make partial payments.
Public Comment Reminder 
The 2020 Consolidated Plan for Kentucky's Block Grant Housing Programs is available for public comment through Friday, April 17, 2020

The Consolidated Plan is the Commonwealth's application and distribution plan for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD) Programs (CDBG, ESG, HTF, HOME, and HOPWA). Kentucky Housing Corporation and the Department for Local Government are the agencies responsible for submission of the plan to HUD.

Kentucky has drafted the Consolidated Plan and is receiving written comments to obtain public input. Written comments will be accepted, and where applicable, will be incorporated into the document. The plan covers the time period of July 1, 2020, to June 30, 2024.
KHC and DLG have also prepared a Draft Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (AI). Both KHC and DLG must certify that the agencies will affirmatively further fair housing in the implementation of their HUD programs; the manner in which the agencies fulfill this obligation is through the development of the AI. The AI document is a comprehensive analysis of public and private sector policies that impact fair housing choice for members of the protected classes in Kentucky. The Draft AI includes a demographic and housing profile, an analysis of public and private sector policies and their impact on housing choice for members of the protected classes, an assessment of Kentucky's progress achieved since the 2015 AI, a list of impediments to fair housing choice, and a fair housing action plan.

The Consolidated Plan and AI are available for review on KHC's website. Please send written comments to Corporate Planning and Accountability, KHC, 1231 Louisville Road, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 or by email to

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