We are writing to update you on our annual meeting scheduled for June 27 – 30, 2020 meeting in Portland, Maine. Like you, the leadership of the NACCC and our staff are monitoring the rapidly unfolding situation concerning the COVID-19 virus. Our annual meeting sites are selected and contracted two - three years in advance of each planned meeting. As the date for the meeting nears, there are substantial penalties for canceling the meeting. In the case of Portland, that could be approximately $130,000 in penalties. Discussions are underway with the hotel, and we hope to resolve things shortly.

For the past few weeks, a task team has been working on how the business of the annual meeting might be conducted other than face to face. The essential business includes the nomination and election by the church delegates of NACCC leadership, ratification of the Board of Directors and Leadership Council motions from the past 12 months and passage by the delegates of the 2020/2021 budget. The business meetings are just a small portion of what happens at an annual meeting, and we are also looking at some ways these interactions might happen as well.

We will keep you apprised as plans develop and ask that you pray for all our NACCC churches, our country, and world during this difficult time.