April 10, 2019
The Messenger
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Let Your Voice Be Heard
Michael Chittum, Executive Director
The National Association of Congregational Christian Churches (NACCC) exists to help its member congregations fulfill their missions and to be healthy. That means that the member churches sets the agenda for what the NACCC does. 

Within the NACCC, various boards, committees, and task teams need to hear YOUR voice in order to know what is important to you and how best to serve you.

Currently there are task teams seeking your input on a variety of issues and topics. The desire of these task teams is to improve aspects of the NACCC, such as the Annual Meeting and Conference, the Year Round Delegate program or the NACCC website. BUT . . . unless you respond to the surveys, these groups cannot work effectively to improve the NACCC. When a survey shows up in your email inbox, PLEASE do not ignore it. Please open it, answer the questions, and let your voice be heard.

Ministerio Vida RLMI
Julie Robie, Missions Administrator

Rev. Dr. Josue Hernandez at work with Ministerio Vida RLMI in Honduras. Their ministries include church planting, evangelism and medical and dental clinics. Please pray for Josue as he grieves the loss of friend and mission partner Dr. William Joseph Goode. Josue and Dr. Goode worked on medical brigades together. 

More information about Ministerio Vida RLMI can be found on Facebook . Short term mission volunteers are welcome.
Send us your news and photos!
Submissions for the May issue are due by April 25, 2019
National Association of Congregational Christian Churches
8473 S. Howell Avenue, P.O. Box 288
Oak Creek, WI 53154
800-262-1620 ext. 1610