April 11, 2023

In this edition of ENews:

  • Bishop Megan Visits St. Luke's Galt for Easter
  • Pamela Dolan to Lead Workshop on Contemplative Gardening
  • WordFest! Registration Now Open
  • Kick off Earth Day 2023 with The Ants & the Grasshopper
  • Bishop Curry shares Easter Message on CBS Sunday

Around the Diocese

Bishop Megan Visits St. Luke's Galt for Easter

Top left: Flowering of the Cross, (with the Rev. Barbara Elizabeth Nixon, organist Lynne Secrist, and several young folk.) Top Right: Two Crucifers preparing to lead the Recessional! Middle Left: Bishop Megan explaining her special vestments to our younger members. Middle Right: The Bishop with those being received and confirmed with the beautiful, flowered cross! (left to right, the Rev. Barbara Elizabeth Nixon, Dekan Zeller, Amanda Jackson, and Mark McMillen) Bottom: Bishop Megan with some of our younger folk holding her crozier!  (and with the Rev. Barbara Elizabeth and Deacon Bob Olsen)

Bishop Megan visited St. Luke's, Galt for a celebratory and joyous Easter Day! One of our confirmands said, "This morning was magical!" It was indeed a joy as we gathered to worship our Risen Lord, share in a delicious luncheon and host an Easter Egg Hunt for youth of all ages!  We had a huge turnout for this smaller congregation.  

–the Rev. Barbara Elizabeth Nixon

The Rev. Dr. Pamela Dolan to lead workshop on Contemplative Gardening

Grounding our Bodies, Grounding our Souls:

Spirituality in the Garden

This workshop will combine hands-on work in the garden and contemplative practices, with the goal of enjoying a day of embodied spirituality. No prior experience of gardening or contemplation is required. A growing body of scientific evidence is teaching us that time spent “digging in the dirt” has profound positive impacts on our health.

Pamela Dolan, an Episcopal priest and author of Contemplative Gardening, will lead us into considering how our souls also benefit from gardens and gardening. We will learn to look more closely, to embrace a beginner’s mind, and to experience a garden as a feast for the senses, as well as a place that draws us closer to God, creation, and our own selves. Gardening is a profoundly hopeful and centering activity, helping to ease anxiety and bring us back to an awareness of all that creation has to offer.

The day will begin with a reflection on the nature of contemplative gardening and what it means to become grounded in a place. The morning will be spent doing hands-on work in the garden at Table Farm in Sacramento. All ability and skill levels are welcome! This will be followed by a brown-bag lunch and then our afternoon session will be based on a series of reflections from the book Contemplative Gardening, along with time to journal and pray individually. We’ll end the day with group sharing and go home renewed, refreshed, and maybe even eager to spend more time in the garden and with God.

Contemplative Gardening

Saturday, April 29 | 12:00-2:00 pm (Pacific)

Table Farm at 23rd Street & Anita Avenue | Sacramento

Cost: $35

Scholarships available - contact the Bread of Life Office

Pamela Dolan spent the first half of her life running from yard work and unintentionally killing houseplants. Her book Contemplative Gardening is the story of how becoming responsible for a church garden changed all that. She now finds spending time outside, and especially the act of growing food, to be central to her experience of the sacred. Pamela is an Episcopal priest and serves as rector of the Church of St. Martin in Davis.

Register for Contemplative Gardening

Registration for Word Fest 2023 is Now Open

Following the success of last years' inaugural event, we are pleased to announce that registration is now open for WordFest! 2023, scheduled for Saturday, May 6 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm on Zoom.

The theme this year is Exploring the Psalms – Lament, Listen, Laugh, Lead.

The Rev. Peter Rodgers has invited three leading scholars — Dr. Richard Rohlfing, Dr. Max Botner, and Dr. Libby Backfish — to share on these three aspects of the psalms. Like last year, Wordfest! is divided into two parts: Discovery – learning about scripture, and Delivery – learning how to integrate scripture into worship.

Originally designed to help Lay Readers, Lay Preachers, and Bible Study Leaders, WordFest! is open to all. All sessions take place on zoom, and will be recorded.

Cost is $10.

Register for WordFest! 2023

Trinity Cathedral

Healing Prayer Bible Study and Fellowship

First Saturday of the Month | 10:00 am

We pray, study and learn together. The group is currently studying The Grace Outpouring by Roy Goodwin. The book is about the author trying to figure out what God was calling him to do and what happened when he listened.  

Zoom link:  


For more information call Elba White

at 916 684 4015.

Commission for the Environment

Kick Off your Earth Day 2023 Celebration

The Church of the Incarnation and the Commission for the Environment are excited to invite you to a screening of the documentary film The Ants & the Grasshopper on Wednesday evening, April 19

The film will be screened in-person at The Church of the Incarnation in Santa Rosa, and simultaneously broadcast over Zoom. We hope you'll watch with us!

Please RSVP for the in-person event to bob.wohlsen@gmail.com

Read More about the film. Watch trailer

Zoom information:

The Ants and the Grasshopper Screening

Apr 19, 2023 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81516563752 pwd=WTQ3WW91QzFGRUUvRWc1TlZqOUNrUT09

Meeting ID: 815 1656 3752

Passcode: 719100

From the National Church

An Easter message: The victory of light over darkness

The Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, the Most Reverend Michael Curry, offers a message about the power of God's love.

Deadline for 2023 Creation Care grants is May 1, 2023

Up to 12 Episcopal projects will be awarded grants—ranging from $8,000 to $25,000 each—for work related to climate change resiliency, church efforts to reach net carbon neutrality by 2030, environmental degradation, and the inequitable and systemic impacts of environmental racism. The grant process is overseen by the church’s Task Force on Creation Care and Environmental Racism in partnership with the Office of Creation Care. 

Learn More and Apply


I Will, With God's Help: Journey Toward Racial Healing and Justice Workshop

Saturday, April 29 | 9:30 am - 4:30 pm

St. Luke's | Auburn

Register: https://forms.gle/YCgcdyRvdHWJfLBB8

Registration fee of $15 (cash or check) on day of workshop.

Contact Diane Williamson for questions. dianewilliamson864@gmail.com

ECS Announces beginning of 2023-2024 Annual Grant Cycle

Information about grant opportunities can be found here: www.norcalecs.org.

Request for Proposals (RFPs) are due to the Grants Chair by May 1, 2023.

The Request for Proposals document can also be found on the ECS website.

2023 Women’s Retreat: Being Embodied Beings

May 19-21 | Mercy Center, Auburn


Please contact Susan Hotchkiss if you wish to be put on the waiting list.

Sponsored by Trinity Episcopal Cathedral and Diocesan Partners in Ministries of Health.

$40.00 for Saturday attendance which includes lunch.

Scholarships are available.

Click here to Register

*In Case You Missed it…

Job Opportunities in The Diocese

Saint Luke’s | Auburn is seeking a part-time Parish Mission Coordinator to assist the Clergy, Vestry and parishioners in the mission and management of the church. Read the Position Description Here.

Trinity Cathedral | Sacramento is seeking a full-time Formation Associate. Responsibilities include: Chair the Formation Ministry and Family Ministry Teams; lead formation ministries at Trinity Cathedral in alignment with our strategic plan and mission statement; Make formation opportunities available to the wider diocese. Read the Position Description Here.

Clergy Openings in The Diocese

We have a brand-new new page on our website, listing pending clergy openings in the diocese: https://www.norcalepiscopal.org/site/open-positions/

For job descriptions or questions, please contact transitions@norcalepiscopal.org or call Cn. Julie at 916.442.6918 x 214

The ENews is published weekly on Tuesdays.
To submit news/events, please email communications@norcalepiscopal.org by Wednesday of the prior week
Submit a Calendar Event

The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California

Making Disciples, Raising Up Saints & Transforming Communities for Christ


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