Oneonta District 
 of the Upper New York Conference of the United Methodist Church
April 13th, 2023 Oneonta District UMC News for you
* Please share this newsletter with your friends and congregation members.

District E-newsletters
To subscribe to the Oneonta district E-newsletter, send us your email address.
To submit news for this publication, send it no later than Wed. by 4 PM for Thursday publication, to:
June Annual Conference

Who: All clergy and laity representatives to the Annual Conference Session
What: Fourteenth Session of the Upper New York Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church
When: June 1-3, 2023
Where: Syracuse, NY

Click here to view a tentative draft of the agenda.

Registration is now open- Mon. April 10th - 27th, 2023

Registration for the June 1-3, 2023 in-person Annual Conference opened on Monday April 10, 2023. Registration will close on Thursday April 27, 2023. There will be NO LATE online registration accepted. If you miss registering online by April 27th then your next opportunity to register will be in person at the SRC Arena & Events Center at Onondaga Community College with a late charge of $50.00.

Childcare Workers Needed for Annual Conference!
Childcare is provided at Annual Conference, free of charge, for clergy and laity with children. We are seeking childcare workers that are Safe Sanctuaries Certified to help provide a safe, fun, and loving environment for the children at Annual Conference from June 1st – June 3rd.
Childcare workers are paid a $17/hour stipend plus meals.
If you are interested, sign up here:
Any questions please contact Kristina Clark at
Baptism at Ordination
 Annual Conference is two months away. As part of the Ordination Service Celebration on Friday, June 2, Bishop Héctor A. Burgos Núñez is extending a special invitation to all clergy serving in Upper New York. He is offering to baptize any clergy person’s child or grandchild as part of the ordination service. If interested, please contact Mary Bradley in the Episcopal Office by email or call (315) 898-2020 by Friday, April 14 at 1p.m.
NEW- Are you a New York State Notary Public?
The Conference Office is seeking four notary publics to notarize Conference-related documents on Monday, June 12 and/or Tuesday, June 13. Exact times are to be determined. Notaries will be paid in accordance with the notary public fee schedule. If you have a current NYS notary public license and are interested in notarizing documents in June, please contact Tracy Rickett, Conference HR Generalist, at or (315) 898-2017. 
If you are interested in becoming a notary public, more information can be found on the NYS Department of Licensing Services website. 
Are you subscribed to UNY Notes?
UNY Notes are targeted email blasts in nine categories. You can receive emails from all categories or just those that interest you. We strongly encourage you to subscribe to “From the Desk of Bishop Héctor A. Burgos Núñez,” "Alerts," and “Announcements,” to be sure that you are getting the most important news right away.
Important Reminder
Annual Report Season is coming to a close. Please take note of anything your church should hand in to get caught up.

Past Due- deadline was Dec. 1st:
Church Profile (
Pastor's Profile (
NOW Past Due deadline was February. 15, 2023 (Mail completed & signed copy of each to the District Office) *
Report of Trustees
Report of Finance Committee
2022 Year End Financial Report
2023 Church Budget - Your church format

NOW Past Due by March 15, 2023 (Mail completed copy of each to District Office)

NOW Past Due by March 24th, 2023
2022 Statistical Report (complete online at *

The 2022-23 Church Conference forms are available to download from the UNY Conference website at:

 Click here to download the 2022-23 Annual Report Form Checklist.

If you need help getting forms please contact Teresa at the district office. 
NEWS for You!
Bishop Héctor’s Easter message
On Easter, Upper New York Area Resident Bishop, Héctor A. Burgos Núñez, sent an inspiring letter to the Conference reminding all of us to (re)claim the story of the Risen Christ as the source of faith and hope and the narrative that defines us – not past or present challenges, nor circumstances – but the extravagant love of God, in Jesus Christ.
Listen to new Spiritual Practices podcast
The newest podcast series, Spiritual Practices with the Rev. Nancy Dibelius, is now available. Listen as Upper New York's Director of Spiritual Vitality leads us on a guided meditation based on John 21:1-19. In this first episode, find yourself immersed the story of Jesus as he meets the disciples in the Sea of Galilee after his resurrection.
The Rev. Brett Johnson to host a Wesley tour in the UK
Follow the footsteps of John and Charles Wesley July 13-22, 2024 with Canton United Methodist Church pastor, the Rev. Brett Johnson, as your tour guide! Get your brochure and register now using group number 24002.
Grow your church with #SeeAllThePeople guides
See All the People is a movement of United Methodists who have decided to keep their focus on making disciples of Jesus Christ. See All the People offers dozens of free resources that can help you grow your church. A great place to start is with these four guides: Developing an Intentional Discipleship System: A Guide for Congregations, Engaging Your Community: A Guide to Seeing All The People, Forming Disciples Through Worship, and Online Discipleship.
Local District News & Happenings
NEW- 12-Week Class - Taught by Pastor Paul –
(At Sidney UMC & on Zoom)
(Contact Pastor Paul W. for more info - or 315-329-4071)

Week # 1 – Tuesday – April 25th – 4:30 pm
Week # 2 – Tuesday – May 2nd – 4:30 pm
Week # 3 – Tuesday – May 9th – 4:30 pm
Week # 4 – Tuesday – May 16th – 4:30 pm
Week # 5 – Tuesday – May 23rd – 4:30 pm
Week # 6 – Tuesday – May 30th – 4:30 pm
(Books available in Sidney UMC Church Office)
Training & Education Opportunities
NOTE- Safe Sanctuaries trainings and policy clarification
How often does the three-hour basic training for Safe Sanctuaries need to be taken?
This question has been coming up quite a bit lately for Chris Mitchell and Arlene Schmidt, Upper New York (UNY) Conference Committee on Safe Sanctuaries, Co-Chairs.
Chris and Arlene would like to clarify. Each person who works with children, youth, and vulnerable adults both hired and volunteer, as well as all clergy persons MUST attend the UNY Safe Sanctuaries Basic Training only ONCE. As the policy as it is currently written is unclear about that, the committee will be taking this time to review the policy and minimum standard to update and make it more clear.
Please keep in mind that is the minimum standard of the UNY Conference; however, the local church can state that each person needs to take the training more than one time. It is recommended that each church and their committee on Safe Sanctuaries review the policy of their local church.
And remember, any training taken prior to 2011 when the Minimum Standards of Safe Sanctuaries were created is not valid, it must be the three-hour basic training which is provided by the Upper New York Conference.
There are several Safe Sanctuaries trainings available this year via Zoom.Click here for the full list of trainings.
Oneonta district Lay Servant Classes being offered

Advanced Course:

May 13 and 20th 9:30am-3pm at Sidney UMC
In-person and Zoom
Led by Pastor Paul Winkelman
Required Textbook:
Teaching Biblical Faith: Leading Small Group Bible Studies
By Jack L. Seymour    ISBN 13: 9781630884307
Teaching has concrete consequences affecting the very ways people of faith view the world and make decisions for living. It matters; it makes a difference in how people think and act.
This course provides a manageable way to inspire conversation about the many ways the Bible can be taught, the purposes and outcomes of each approach, and how biblical wisdom shapes personal and corporate decision-making. Useful strategies for leading group Bible study help congregations respond faithfully to the Biblical witness and cultivate a whole congregation approach to Bible study.
To register or for more information, email Pastor Paul at
Basic Course:
July 22, 9am-3pm, July 29 9am-1pm
In-person at Morris UMC
Led by Penny Harrington, Certified Lay Minister
Required Textbook:
Lay Servant Ministries Basic Course Participant's Book
By Sandy Jackson    ISBN 13: 9780881776263
The Lay Servant Ministries Basic Course discusses processes to help individuals discern and respond to God’s particular call on their lives. It encourages each person to recognize and employ his or her spiritual gifts for the church to become what God intended it to be. This course invites participants to consider the importance of exercising servant leadership, developing future leaders, remaining rooted in consistent spiritual practices, and being part of a group that holds members accountable in discipleship. It offers guidelines for optimal communication in leadership and presents numerous types of ministries in which lay servants may assume roles. Throughout the study, thoughtful questions provide excellent opportunities for individual consideration and group discussion.
To register or for more information, email Penny at
Clergy Education
Course of Study Information
If you are registering for a COS class at GBHEM – you will need to list the name and email of your COS registrar. 
That information is as follows:
Betsy O’Flynn,
UMC Clergy Education Offering Courses for Credit is a resource for clergy and church leaders, offering CEUs accepted by most United Methodist annual conferences.

Click here for a complete catalogue of recorded courses.

Click here for a list of all upcoming courses
Grants & Scholarships
Peace with Justice Grant application available
Each year, the Social Holiness Team considers applications for financial support of new and emerging justice ministries taking into account the United Methodist Social Principles as guidance for their work. 

The Upper New York Peace with Justice Grant is now available. The deadline for submission is April 30, 2023.
Nominations for the 2023 Harry Denman Evangelism Award are due May 1st.
The Harry Denman Evangelism Award honors United Methodists in each Conference whose exceptional evangelism brings people into a life-transforming relationship with Jesus Christ. Each year, Conferences join the Foundation for Evangelism in recognizing one youth, one clergy member, and one layperson in each Conference.
Apply for Lottie Brown Grant by May 1st.
Applications are now being accepted for the Lottie Brown Grant. The Upper New York Scholarship Committee seeks undergraduate students who are intending to enter a career in Christian service. A statement of your faith journey and philosophy of life is given high consideration. All application materials for this scholarship must be postmarked by May 1, 2023.
Gary Bergh scholarships available for young adult Conference in Jerusalem
Sabeel, the ecumenical Christian Institute in Palestine, invites young leaders ages 18-35 to join them in Jerusalem July 18 – July 27, 2023, for a fun and meaningful young adult conference entitled “Time to Kumui – Time to Rise Up.” Gary Bergh Scholarships are available for this opportunity. Contact Karen Peterson at 607-739-3141 for scholarship information.
(formerly United Methodist Women)
Offers grants to Assist Groups Ministering to Women, Children and Youth

It is the desire of the Upper New York Conference United Women in Faith to offer grants to non-profit community and church-based organizations that follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and address the needs of women, children and youth within the boundaries of our conference. Grants are not to be used for salaries or equipment. Applications must be filled out completely to be considered and will be evaluated by the committee. Grant period will be July 1 - June 30. Applications are due no later than May 23, 2023.
Applications now open for UMHEF scholarships
Paying for college can be stressful. For many families, affording higher education is the number one factor when deciding which school a student will attend.
The United Methodist Higher Education Foundation (UMHEF) scholarships help make it financially possible for qualifying students to obtain higher education, especially those attending United Methodist-related institutions. In rare cases, awards are also given to students attending other schools.
Click here to learn about the different types of scholarships available, eligibility requirements, and to apply.
‘Engage New People Grant’ available
  The Upper New York New Faith Communities' Team is excited to announce the “Engage New People Grant” to benefit local churches in the Upper New York Conference that are working to Engage New People not already in their church/ministry. New Faith Communities Conference-wide purpose is to reach people outside the Church in new and contextual ways. 
Grants will be available up to $2,500 to help local churches and ministries. Grant applications are accepted on a rolling basis in 2023. Churches and ministries may apply for up to $2,500 during one calendar year. Please expect 60 days to review your application.
Click here to apply for the “Engage New People Grant.”
Upon completing the application, the New Faith Communities' team will reach out to the pastor/lead planter of the church and/or contact person listed to confirm your submission.
News Revisited
District Administrative Assistants, Offices Reconfigured
This information originally appeared in the March 29th issue of the UNY Conference Weekly Digest. Click here to read the full article.
The Upper New York Extended Cabinet shared today, March 29, its plan to reconfigure how administrative support is provided to its districts. Beginning July 1, 2023, the current structure of eight part-time and two full-time administrative assistants serving districts will be replaced by six full-time Superintendency Administrative Assistants, each serving two districts as well as working collaboratively on the superintendency support team. 
The new configuration of district administrative staff aligns with the reconfiguration of the Cabinet announced in January by Bishop Héctor A. Burgos Núñez. Click here to read about the reconfiguration of the Cabinet.
By Jan. 1, 2024, it is anticipated all Superintendency Administrative Assistants and District Superintendents will work from home and all district offices will be closed. In this new arrangement, each district will still have a dedicated administrative assistant assigned to them.
Disaffiliation policy updated
The Upper New York Conference disaffiliation policy has been updated, clarifying some procedures needed for local churches interested in disaffiliation. It also clarifies the Cabinet’s oversight of the discernment process and the role of the pastor in this process.
The Terms of Disaffiliation established by the Conference Board of Trustees are unchanged from the previous version.
Bishop Héctor reflects on disaffiliation
Since last year, eight churches have disaffiliated from Upper New York Conference and more than than a dozen more requests are expected to come for consideration at the March 25 virtual Special Session. Bishop Héctor A. Burgos Núñez reflects on the process, offering clarification.
Sabbath Life retreats in UNY
These monthly one-day retreats focus on learning and developing a Sabbath practice, connecting with God in Creation, and connecting with others. Sabbath Life retreats will be starting in Upper New York at Sky Lake Camp & Retreat Center next month.
Blueprint for Wellness screenings
at UNY Annual Conference
Wespath Benefits and Investments have again teamed up with Quest Diagnostics to offer the free health screening program "Blueprint for Wellness" for eligible participants at the Upper New York Annual Conference in June.
Save the Date Mission u 2023
Adult Study Book: Living the Kin-dom: Exploring the Lord’s Prayer as a Spiritual Practice for Social Transformation by Riva Tabelisma
Registration forms will be available May 1, 2023.  Please email with any questions.  
Wesley Heritage Tour 2024
Join Pastor Brett Johnson on the trip of a lifetime to visit John and Charles Wesley’s homeland of England. We will be visiting sites of great importance to United Methodists, including the Wesleys’ hometown of Epworth, Oxford, Bristol, and worship in the Wesley Chapel in London.
We will also be stopping at Stonehenge and Stratford-on-Avon, the birthplace of William Shakespeare, and St Paul’s Cathedral. Tour dates are July 13-22, 2024. Please use the following link to register: and use group code 24002.
Contact Rev. Brett Johnson,, with any questions.
UMY Mission Central Hub News
NOTICE: Please direct all questions regarding the Mission Central HUB to:
Kristina Clark
Director of Missional Engagement
Upper New York Conference of the United Methodist Church
7481 Henry Clay Blvd.
Liverpool, NY 13088
Direct Line: 315.898.2066
Cell: 570.267.5711
You can find a list of the Conference Advanced Specials at the following Link:
UMCOR supports Ukrainian refugees in Moldova
Ukrainian refugees who’ve fled across the border to Moldova are being assisted through a partnership between the United Methodist Committee on Relief and Church World Service (CWS). At the CWS refugee hub in Balti, refugees can pick up food and hygiene supplies, get medical or mental health support, and connect to other services. Volunteers also are distributing warm clothes and blankets for the winter.
UMCOR cleaning buckets for Buffalo
In the aftermath of the Christmas blizzard, many have asked “What else can we do?”
Upper New York Director of Missional Engagement, Kristina Clark, recommends buying items from the Upper New York Mission Central HUB’s “Cleaning Kit" Amazon wishlist now through March 1 and have your items shipped to Harris Hill United Methodist Church, located in the Buffalo area at 8495 Main St., Williamsville, NY, 1422.
Harris Hill United Methodist Church’s “Go! Ministry” was prepared to respond to their community's cleaning needs after the blizzard with UMCOR Cleaning Buckets. They graciously provided these buckets to their neighbors and helped many make sense of the mess that was in front of them. Let's help replenish their buckets!
If you are dropping off in person, please call Harris Hill UMC to schedule a drop off at (716) 632-4688.
Feel free to buy items elsewhere and ship to Harris Hill UMC.
Click here to see what supplies are included in UMCOR cleaning buckets.
UNY Job Postings
Job Openings in the Upper New York Conference
For questions: please contact Tracy Rickett,
Human Resources Generalist
Upper New York Conference of the United Methodist Church
Direct Line: 315.898.2017
NEW-CONAM shares insights about Native American Ministries Special Sunday
The Upper New York Committee on Native American Ministries (CONAM) shares insights on how to start your service with a Land Acknowledgement and provides over a dozen educational resources about the past, present, and future of our Native brothers and sisters.
NEW-Native American Ministries Special Sunday kit for 2023
The Native American Ministries Special Sunday (NAMSS) is April 23. Resource UMC has created a NAMSS tool kit that provides a full package of ready-to-use resources to help your church celebrate the occasion and define how we give, why we give, and the impact we make through connectional efforts.
Gerrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary presents 'Ministry in the Public Square' Virtual Event, Tuesday, April 25, 2023, 12:00-1:00pm CDT: Are you someone who wants to serve but aren't sure if ordained pulpit ministry is your vocation of choice? Join us for a virtual event exploring opportunities to minister beyond the walls of the church. Register Here Today. (If you are unable to attend but are interested in the content, please go ahead and register. We will send the event recording to everyone who registered). 
  10 ways to engage people who worship online
 How can congregations better engage people who worship online? Jim Keat, Digital Minister at The Riverside Church, offers 10 tips for congregations to strengthen engagement and build relationships with online worshipers.
Focus on fresh content for spring
 United Methodist Communications has a social media shareable library to help your church increase its online presence. Discover unique graphics for all your church’s spring and Easter celebrations, and graphics for all occasions!
Eight children’s books for Easter
An Easter-themed book for children should leave room for children to wonder, deal gently with the crucifixion, and focus more on the resurrection, says children’s book author Glenys Nellist of Dearborn First United Methodist Church. "The books also should have inclusive illustrations," she says. Nellist suggests eight books that meet this criteria.
The Media Resource Center is a free lending library funded by designated donations and run by a dedicated volunteer group. There are a multitude of DVD studies, curriculum, and support materials for your use. Resources are available to help with small group studies, Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, church-wide studies, and special events. Click here for the online ordering catalog. Please allow for a timely response as the Resource Center is staffed on a part-time basis.
Each month, the Media Resource Center publishes a newsletter with updates and study suggestions. Click here to access the December newsletter.

News To Know
Bishop Burgos Núñez announces clergy appointments
After the prayerful discernment of the Upper New York (UNY) Cabinet, Upper New York Area Resident Bishop, Héctor Burgos Núñez announces the following appointments. All appointments, otherwise noted, are effective July 1, 2023.
View the full list of changes here.
Bishop Héctor Announces Changes in District Superintendencies
The Upper New York (UNY) Conference is blessed with the leadership of nine district superintendents. These women and men serve Christ and the United Methodist Church with passion, compassion, and great wisdom. In my short time as bishop, I have been impressed with their gifts and encouraged by their welcome. This is a great team of leaders.
At the end of June, three team members, the Rev. Nola Anderson, the Rev. Abel Roy, and the Rev. Ted Anderson, will complete their full eight-year terms of service. Please click here for Bishop Héctor's entire letter.
New York State Pay Transparency Law
 As communicated in a prior news article, the New York State (NYS) Pay Transparency law goes into effect on Sept. 17, 2023. A bill amending the NYS Pay Transparency law was signed into law on March 3, 2023.
Employer legal updates for 2023
With the end of 2022 has come (and will come) significant legal changes. It’s hard to keep up-to-date on all the new workplace laws that are in effect. Tracy Rickett, the Upper New York Human Resources Generalist, has you covered!
Click here for laws related to posting requirements. Click here for three laws related to leave. Click here to learn the pay requirements for exempt employees and a new law requiring pay transparency. Click here to learn about the Human Rights Law update. Click here to learn about amendments to the Nursing Mothers in the Workplace Act.
With these many new requirements, now is a good time to dust off your handbooks and update them if you have not done so recently. Tracy Rickett is happy to draft or review any handbooks or other policies for legal compliance. You can contact her at or (315) 898-2017.
This is a reminder that New York State updated the short-term disability claim forms. There are now 2 separate disability claim forms that need to be completed and submitted together to Guardian within 30 days of the start date of disability. To remain in compliance the updated disability forms should be used.
Form #1 – Employee and Health Care Provider form
Form #2 – Employer Form
There are several options to submit the completed disability claim forms to Guardian.
Mail to: Guardian State Disability Claims P.O. Box 14332, Lexington, KY 40512
Fax to: Guardian at 610-807-2953
Submit electronically: Go to Click on “Secure Channel” on the Guardian Anytime home page. This is the quickest option to submit claim forms to Guardian.
Important: Please indicate the policy number and division number on the claim form. This information can be obtained from the Certificate of Insurance document mailed to each church by Guardian every January. 
Additional information regarding short-term disability benefits can be located here
If you have any questions on this topic, please contact Tracy Rickett, Human Resources Generalist, at 315-898-2017 or
Certificates of Insurance for your Church
Please refer to the link below to obtain a certificate of insurance for your church - they are only good for one year.
Please refer any questions to Tracy Rickett at the
conference office 315-898-2017
CLICK HERE for the instructions
Reminder: Sexual Harassment training mandatory

New York State required sexual harassment annual training prevention reminder
New York State Law requires that employers who have at least one or more employees must conduct sexual harassment prevention training for all employees on a yearly basis. The timing of when to hold the yearly training is up to the employer as long as it is completed annually. A notice of the employer’s sexual harassment policy must be provided to all employees during this time and the employer should maintain records of the training for audit purposes.
Safe Sanctuaries training does not exempt churches from the New York State sexual harassment prevention training requirements.
Click here to learn more about what’s required in the training, how to create a sexual harassment policy if you haven’t already, and free training opportunities offered by New York City that satisfy the state’s requirements.
If you have questions, you can contact Tracy Rickett, Human Resources Generalist in the Conference Office at (315) 898-2017 or via email at
Don't Wait, Get Your Federal Tax Exemption Letter! 
You can visit to get started.

Contact Information
The District Office is open by appointment only.
Please Call ahead to make an appointment.
  Oneonta District Office
64 Chestnut Street Oneonta NY 13820 - Physical Address (Second Floor)

Mailing Address
Oneonta District Office of the UMC
C/O Teresa Wood
28 Orchard St. Oneonta, NY 13820

Phone: (607) 441-5102   FAX: 607-353-1034   Email:
Upper New York Annual Conference
7481 Henry Clay Blvd,
Liverpool, NY 13088
Phone: (315) 898-2000 Fax: (315) 898-2027

Bishop's Office
7481 Henry Clay Blvd,
Liverpool, NY 13088
Phone: (315) 898-2020 Fax: (315) 898-2150 
The Conference & District Office will be closed in observance of the following holidays:

·    Memorial Day Monday, May 29th
·    Independence Day Tuesday, July 4th
·    Labor Day Monday, September 4th
·    Thanksgiving Thursday, November 23rd
·    Day after Thanksgiving Friday, November 24th
·    Christmas Day Monday, December 25th
Christmas Eve (Observed) Tuesday, December 26th 
Your Partners in Ministry at the
Oneonta District Office
"Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by... living the gospel of Jesus Christ and to be God's love with our neighbors in all places."    
Rev. Bob Kolvik-Campbell- District Superintendent

Teresa Wood, - Administration-
Rev. George Gallandorm- District Associate -
Anna Buell,- District Lay Leader -
Cathy Honrath- District Lay Servant Director-