April 14, 2022

Important updates in this week's Tidbits:

Talent Show
Golf Club
Spirit Night
Summer Camp
Mustang Sports

Principal's Points
Good Afternoon St. Stephen Families,

As promised, the final numbers for the Spirit Raffle are in and we raised over $21,000! I am so very grateful for everyone's generosity and we are all excited about the updates and enhancements we are able to accomplish this year with these funds.

In our journey through Holy Week as we prepare for the resurrection of our Lord, our students participated in the annual Triduum Retreat and experienced the Living Stations of the Cross presented by our 7th graders. Thank you to everyone who played a role in creating this presentation.

Have a Happy Easter and a wonderful week off from school. Enjoy this time together with friends and family.


Linda Umoh
Upcoming Events
April 14 - Triduum Retreat Noon Dismissal NO AFTER CARE
April 15 - 22 No School Easter Break
April 25 - Spirit Night/Mandolas
April 29 - Jean Day
May 7-8 Holy Card Weekend
May 9 - Free Dress/Holy Card
May 10 - 4th Grade Field Trip
May 13 - 1st Grade Field Trip
Important Dates For The Upcoming School Year
August 8 - 1st Day of School
August 31 - No School and All church/school retreat
Nov. 21-25 Thanksgiving Holiday (Monday and Tuesday are hurricane make-up days if needed.)
Dec. 22 - Jan. 3, 2023, Christmas Holiday
April 7 - 14 Easter Holiday
May 26 - Last Day of School
It’s time to think about the Executive Committee PTCO leadership for next school year 2022-2023. Please consider what you can contribute to St. Stephen’s PTCO. Are you interested in holding a position as a PTCO executive committee officer? Click here to learn more about it.
Important UPDATED information for Scholarships

Families with a student benefiting from the following scholarship programs for the 2021-22 school year now MUST complete the “Intent to Continue” process (previously referred to as the “renewal” application) to secure their student’s scholarship for the 2022-23 school year NOW:
  • Florida Tax Credit Scholarship (FTC)
  • Family Empowerment Scholarship for Educational Options (FES-EO)
  • Family Empowerment Scholarship for Unique Abilities (FES-UA)
  • McKay Scholarship

(Applications for new families will be available in the near future.)

THIS IS A SIMPLE PROCESS: Step Up For Students families, including 2021-22 McKay families, are being notified via email that it is time to complete their “Intent to Continue.” If you experience delays using their system, please try again at a later time, as they are experiencing heavy traffic on their website. If you have any further question regarding SUFS, please contact Flo Pesquera at fpesquera@sscsfl.org.
 Happy Easter from Angels Among Us

Many of our SSCS students enjoyed the Easter Bunny party that was hosted by Angels and The Hernandez Family. The weather was beautiful and the children enjoyed a fun day with treats and lots of hidden eggs to find. Thank you Vanessa and Anthony for the winning bid at the Gala and thanks to the volunteers who helped make the party so special.
PLEASE NOTE! Spirit Night will be held on Monday, April 25th, not the 26th as previously scheduled. Thank you!
School Lunch Program
Interest Survey

Are you interested in bringing a lunch program back to SSCS for the 2022-2023 school year? Give us your feedback by filling out this form: School Lunch Program Interest Survey.
The SSCS Talent Show will be held this year in the FLC on Thursday, May 26th at 1:00 PM. Auditions for the talent show will be held on Tuesday, April 26th after school in Mrs. Stanley's classroom until 4:45 pm. If you would like to audition, please fill out the Google Form and submit it to Mrs. Stanley by Monday, April 25th. Pick up after auditions will be at the Angel's Wing gate at 4:45. Please bring any props or music you need to the audition or email your music to Mrs. Stanley at hstanley@sscsfl.org. I will need a digital copy of your music for you to perform. Thank you and I look forward to a successful talent show! Please email me if you have any questions. Click this link to sign up!
SAVE THE DATE: June 13-17, 2022
St. Stephen Catholic Church
2022 Vacation Bible School

This Catholic VBS called Birthday Blast is an exciting PRO-LIFE-themed program where kids will learn to DISCOVER, RESPECT, PROTECT, SERVE, and CELEBRATE life. This program instills an awareness of God's amazing creation and the beauty and dignity of the human person. Kids will receive life-giving lessons on what it means to be a child of God.
Coach Green is excited to continue the tradition of summer basketball and volleyball camp here at St. Stephen Catholic School. Summer basketball camp will be from July 11-15 and summer volleyball camp will be from July 18-22.


If you are interested in registering for basketball camp click on the following form https://forms.gle/7TGkDYfuDrui84sJ6.

If you are interested in registering for volleyball camp click on the following form https://forms.gle/3PFrXx4uPJ2bbNVz7.
GIRLS TRACK:  The girls track team had the second field event and running and relay meets last week. All of the Mustang runners did a great job. Here are the Mustangs that placed in the top 8 and earned points for the team. The JV placed 3rd and the varsity 4th overall.

Jessica L 4th-100, 3rd-200, 3rd-Discus, Tie-3rd-High Jump
Jayden O 7th-100, Tie-1st-Long Jump
Alexis J 6th-Mile
Angelina S-2nd-200
Taylor C 5th-Shot Put
4x100 relay-3rd, 4x200 relay-2nd, Mile relay-5th

Karly L 2nd-100, 3rd-200
Anelisse S 4th-100, 2nd-200
Leah M 3rd-400, 7th-800, 2nd-Disc, 6th-High Jump
Sophia W 8th-200, 6th-800
Francine A 8th-HJ
4x100 relay-3rd, Mile relay-2nd

The cross country meet on Tuesday was the final event of the girls track season. We had four Mustang runners participate and they did well. For varsity, Angelina S was 4th and Jayden O 6th and for the JV Anelisse S placed 3rd and Sophia W 5th.  

A HUGE Thank You to parent volunteer, Coach Jenn Daoud, for doing such a great job coaching and mentoring the girls track team this season. We appreciate your time and commitment.

BOYS BASKETBALL:  The boys varsity basketball team won their second game in a row on Tuesday with an exciting comeback win beating St Joseph, 41-37. The Mustangs were led in scoring by John S with 17 points including a three pointer with less than 15 seconds left to win the game. Alex P had 13 points. The Mustangs lost to Nativity, 52-24 and they were led in scoring by Alex P with 12 points and John S with 9 points. The boys JV basketball team lost to Nativity, 24-10. The Mustangs were led in scoring by Diego M with 4 points. The basketball teams have one regular season game left after the Easter break. They play on Wednesday april 27 against St Lawrence at St Lawrence. Varsity at 4:00 and JV at 5:15.    

Field Day 2022 was a lot of fun. Thank you to all of the volunteers and teachers for your help throughout the day, and to the 8th graders for their help supervising the K-4 activities. 

Coach Green
Everyone needs to be updated with their safe environment and fingerprints in order to volunteer in the school or to chaperone a field trip. Safe environment and fingerprints are good for 5 years. Attached below are the instructions on how to get your safe environment certificate and to have your fingerprints done. If you have any questions please contact Karen Biase at kbiase@sscsfl.org or call the front office atext. 1100. Click the link here for information regarding fingerprints. Click here for more information on safe environment.
Check out our
Mustang News morning show!
You can join our Mustang News team each morning at 7:50 as we stream live on YouTube to begin the day with prayers, the pledge of allegiance, and news. Subscribe to our channel here.
Summer Adventures Await At Our Lady Of Good Counsel Camp in Floral City.

This is a co-ed overnight camp that is owned and operated by the Catholic Diocese of St. Petersburg. All children 7 to 15 years of age are invited to attend the camp's 75th summer! One and two-week sessions are currently offered at affordable prices. All information is available on the camp website at www.goodcounselcamp.org or by emailing the camp director at info@goodcounselcamp.org. Please click here for the application form.
Join Amazon Smile and help
support SSCS!
It's simple to give money back to SSCS when you shop on Amazon, and now is the perfect time to sign up!
Here's how:
1. Visit https://smile.amazon.com
2. Sign in with your Amazon.com credentials.
3. Choose a charitable organization to receive donations, or search for the charity of your choice.
4. Select your charity.
5. Start shopping!
6. Add a bookmark https://smile.amazon.com make it even easier to return and start your shopping at AmazonSmile.
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Mission Statement
St. Stephen Catholic School is devoted to inspiring students to achieve their full academic potential while demonstrating a desire to continue Jesus' mission by applying Catholic morals, beliefs, values, and practices in their everyday lives. We are committed to motivating students to sustain a lifelong love of learning.