This Week in School and Campus Safety

Good morning,

This Weekly Update by the Illinois School and Campus Safety Program provides information on the IASA's Illinois Schools Step Up Toolkit, food safety and COVID-19, and promotes the upcoming Active Threats on Campuses: Protective Measures and Response class in Belleville

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Laura Black
Program Coordinator
Illinois School and Campus Safety Program
IASA's Illinois Schools Step Up Toolkit

The Illinois Association of School Administrators has updated the Illinois Schools Step Up Toolkit. The Toolkit features many resources, including documents on Proactive Leadership, Emergency Planning, and Moving from "Sprint" to "Marathon" Thinking. The Toolkit also features reports, a letter template, guides for virtual meeting platforms, and even Twitter graphics.
Food Safety and COVID-19

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has created a Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) webpage, which provides a wide variety of resources, including information on Food Safety and the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), Food Safety and Availability During the Coronavirus Pandemic, and many other resources. The Food Safety and the Coronavirus Disease page answers FAQs for both consumers and the food industry.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has also created a Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) webpage, which also addresses Access to Food and Food Safety among its many topical resources.
Upcoming Session of Active Threats on Campuses: Protective Measures and Response on June 16th in Belleville

The Illinois School and Campus Safety Program, in partnership with the Louisiana State University NCBRT, is pleased to announce a session of the course "Active Threats on Campuses: Protective Measures and Response" is being held in Belleville on June 16, 2020. For more information or to register for the course, click here.
Upcoming Conferences in Illinois

Cancelled until further notice - April 16, 2020 - Illinois School Safety Conference - Niles, IL
Illinois School and Campus Safety Program