Issue: 324                          
April 19, 2018 
In This Issue

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Administrative Information
Reminder: Early Release Wednesday on 4/25

This is a reminder that next Wednesday, April 25, is Early Release Wednesday. School is over at 12:45pm and there are no after school activities. 
Dankeschön to ALL of our Volunteers!

April 15-21 is National Volunteer Recognition Week and we wanted to say vielen, vielen Dank to ALL of the wonderful volunteers at TCGIS! This includes but is not limited to: parent chaperones, library volunteers, EK's, PTO, Board & Committee Members, SEAC council, host families, and all of our special event volunteers! TCGIS is so appreciative of your time and we would not be the school we are without your help!

If you are a current bus family, or are interested in using the TCGIS bus service for the 2018-19 school year, please be sure to take our  BUSING SURVEY by  Sunday, April 29, 2018. Your feedback is needed for plan for next year's busing program!

Further information on finalized bus routes, stops, and registration procedures will be provided before the end of the 2017-18 school year.

Questions regarding busing should be directed to Gael Braddock ( gbraddock@tcgis.org). 
PBIS Spiritwear Sale - Now Through 4/20!

The  PBIS Team ( positive behavioral intervention and supports) is happy to offer school spiritwear for TCGIS. We are selling tshirts and sweatpants. The tshirts have the  classic design plus the three pillars: safety, responsibility and respect (in German). The sweatpants will have TCGIS printed on the left leg. There are pant samples in the main office for sizing.

Order online here by Friday April 20th! 
Reminder:  Order  Window for Lunches/Milk, Bus, Kinderclub and Sommercamp  Closes Monday,  April 23!

Don't forget to place your order for May! Please log on to our online store website Boonli now to place your child(ren)'s order for Bus, Kinderclub, Sommercamp and School Lunch/Milk. All orders must be submitted by midnight on Monday, April 23.
Keep Your Student Contact Information Up to Date!

Has your family recently moved or have you changed your contact telephone numbers? Please remember to send an email to info@tcgis.org throughout the school year to inform us about any important changes.
Last Week to Buy Ruhland Strudel!

This handmade delicious strudel bakes straight from the freezer!  It makes a great quick and easy dinner, breakfast or dessert. Ten flavors of savory and sweet available to purchase. They make a great gift and will be delivered before Mother's Day Monday, May 7th at TCGIS from 3-6pm (same time as the plant pick-up). TCGIS PTO receives 30% of each strudel sale. Shop here .
Facilities Update - We Still Need Your Help!

The facility committee is asking you to show your support for the TCGIS building project. If you've already sent an email or letter, THANK YOU! If you have not, please consider helping! Feel free to write your own letter or use the form letter here. Please focus your communications to the following parties. Timeliness is a factor, please send right away.

City Council President, Amy Brendmoen
320-A City Hall 15 Kellogg Blvd. West
Saint Paul, MN 55102

District 10 Community Council
Historic Streetcar Station
1224 Lexington Parkway N
Saint Paul, MN 55103

The school is scheduled to present at the District 10 Community Council Meeting on May 2nd, 2018 at 7:00 PM.  The location has changed to: Mission Orthodox Church -  1040 Como Ave, St Paul, MN 55103.   Please save the date for this meeting and plan to attend. It is very important that you show your support at this meeting.
Book Fair April 30-May 4 - Volunteers Needed

The Book  Fair is coming  April 30th-May 4th and we need v olunteers!  We cannot do it without parent help. If you are able to help out with the  book   fair , please sign-up here  . Email Ginger Sanford at  gsanford@tcgis.org  with questions.   

Volunteer slots still open:
Friday 4/27 3:30pm to 5:00pm Set up Book Fair
Monday 4/30 3:15pm to 5:30pm 
Tuesday 5/1 3:15pm to 5:30pm
Wednesday 5/23:15pm to 5:30pm
Thursday 5/33:15pm to 5:30pm 
Friday 5/4: 3:15pm  to 5:30pm 
Friday 5/45:30pm to 6:30pm Break down and pack up
LAST CALL for 8th Grade Graduation Announcements 

Last chance to get your 8th grade graduation announcement in the 2017-218 yearbook! Ad rates: 1 page: $125, 1/2 page $70, 1/4 page $40. Send announcement to bfrenette@tcgis.org. Checks can be made payable to TCGIS and dropped off at the main office. Payments must be received in office by Friday, April 20 at noon in order make printing deadline. Late announcements or payments will not be accepted.
SEAC Meeting on April 30

The Special Education Advisory (SEAC) is inviting everyone to the next meeting on April 30th from 6-7:30pm in room 100. We hope to see you there!
Letter for 4th Graders Interested in Band

Do you have a 4th grader at TCGIS who is interested in band at TCGIS? Please take a look at this letter from Krista Johnson, the band instructor at our school.
GEMs Summer Camp -  Girls 
Excel in Mathematics 

Missy Morrissey (Middle School), Kim Kulhanek and Stephanie Mekacher (Elementary School) are offering a summer MATH camp for girls with support from the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics Student Chapter at the University of Minnesota during the week of  August 13th-17th.

Who: All students entering grades 1-6
What: GEMs Summer Math camp
Where: University of Minnesota, Vincent Hall
When:  August 13th-17th, 2018, from  9am-12pm.
Cost: $150 (daily snack provided)
Registration Deadline: June 12th, 2018
Returning Families:   The curriculum will be different than last year's camp if you are interested in attending again!

Contact Missy Morrissey at  gemsummercamp@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Call for Nominations & Applications 
for the 
School Board

Find out how you can help our school, connect with our community, impa ct decisions and change. The work we do helps ensure that our school is able to provide a meaningful experience for our students.

We will elect THREE board members this year to serve three year terms . We are seeking any interested persons (parents, teachers, and community members) , especially those with experience in board governance, financial compliance, marketing and development, legal matters, or education.

If you are interested in serving or would like to nominate someone to serve details and forms are attached in the links below. You do not need to be nominated to apply.

If you have questions or want to talk to a current board member further about the role, responsibilities and expectations, feel free to contact any of the current Board members . Send your nominations or applications to cvelureroholt@tcgis.org .

Important Dates
April 13 : All nominations and applications due by 4:45 pm.
Send via email to cvelureroholt@tcgis.org or drop off in the school office.
TBD: Meet the Candidates Forum
May 14-18: Board elections, drop off all ballots by 4:45 pm on Friday, May 18.

Call for Nominations (detailed version)
Board Elections FAQ 2018 (including detailed timeline)
Mark Your Calendars for the End of the Year Picnic!

Mark your calendars for Tuesday, June 12! This is our last day of school and we'll be celebrating in style at the End of the Year Picnic and hope you join us! More information will be sent out in the coming weeks, including exact times of our picnic, activities we'll be offering, and ticket sales for parents and non-siblings. We can't wait to celebrate with you! 
PTO Announcements
Family Game time! Let's have some fun and escape endless winter!
K-2nd grade -  Sunday April 22, 2-4pm  @ TCGIS cafeteria
3rd & 4th grade -  Sunday April 29, 2-4pm @ TCGIS cafeteria
Middle School -  Sunday April 22, 2-4pm @  Fantasy Flight Game Center in Roseville. There are concessions available.

Strudel Sale closes April 25th Shop here. 

PTO retreat May 6th from 1-4:00 save the date and help us plan for next year. The retreat will be at Clare Roney's home. Please email for directions clarecole1020@gmail.com
Find more information in the  PTO newsletter and on our   Facebook page
GAI Announcements
TRANSFER OF MEMORY EXHIBITION and Special Events, April 9-30, 2018
Featuring the portraits and stories of Holocaust survivors living in Minnesota, this traveling exhibition documents the struggle for survival of European Jews during the rise and rule of Nazi Germany in World War II. Click HERE for more details & information about the months' events

Registration now open for Spring Spezial short courses & special topics classes. Classes include G100 Beginner German course, Speaking & Pronunciation, Gesprächsrunde and Oberstufe LK 'So ein Theater' for advanced speakers. Click HERE for more information and to register.