• The Ross County Health District has announced four COVID-19 cases in the county. No deaths have been reported in our county.
  • Governor Mike DeWine today announced the stay-at-home order will be extended to May 1, which is the same as the time period the schools will be out. Also announced was limits on the number of people shopping in stores at one time, although the stores will be asked to post the guidelines and police themselves.
  • He also announced the formation of the Economic Advisory Board, which will focus on the recovery of Ohio's economy in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic's arrival in Ohio. We'll have more on that as the concept as it develops.
  • Finally, you might have recognized the man singing Lee Greenwood's "God Bless the U.S.A." at the end of the press conference today. That's Ross County ODOT employee Lee Baxter. Click here if you missed it.
Click on the video above for more from Mike on this topic.
I got a question - that I've also seen on social media - from a friend the other day, and I think it’s a good one. They asked, “At what point do we stop eating at the restaurants still doing carryout and delivery? How do we know someone working there doesn’t have coronavirus, and they’re transmitting it through the delivery orders?"
First, I’ll say this person lives with someone in the high-risk population for COVID-19, so they aren’t asking the question out of spite. This person is also someone who regularly supports and promotes our local businesses when times are a little more reasonable.
All the small businesses and restaurants I know and have talked to are very clear about what this means to them. They are struggling, and even the ones who are still open are making a fraction of what they would typically make. They are grateful for whatever the community can afford for them right now but realistic as to how long it can continue. They certainly don’t expect it to continue for an extended period. We created the #BeSafeThinkLocal campaign to help them, but we all know that’s not going to be enough to replace what they’ve lost.

So, here’s my response to the questions:
While we don’t KNOW that everyone is complying 100 percent with the social distancing requirements set up by the State of Ohio, I believe we have to give our businesses the benefit of the doubt. The local restaurants I’ve talked to have met those requirements and put in measures that go beyond the state’s guidelines. They always have been sensitive to health concerns and that's not something they are willing to chance now.
Carry out or delivery is probably the best way to get some great food, avoid cooking for a night and still get the least amount of contact you can get with the delivery person or the employees that make the food.
Finally, I’ll say this: If you trust the business enough when we don’t have a COVID-19 pandemic, you can probably trust them now. Those businesses are the same people who you trusted two months ago; who sponsored your causes and teams; and who employed the same people that served you. They are worthy of your trust today as well.

*NEW* Information for small business owners
For yesterday's links, click here .

Information from the Ohio Small Business Development Center, via the Pike County Chamber of Commerce

The Small Business Development Center at The OSU South Centers  The OSU South Centers is offering free assistance. You must register to become a counseling client.
SBDC's business counseling services are: 
  • Effective: We have years of experience helping small businesses succeed 
  • Confidential: All our clients, their businesses, and related information are kept strictly confidential - we will not sell or provide your information to anyone without your permission. 
  • Free: Our business counseling services are provided free of charge to businesses and entrepreneurs. 

More on the SBA loans and CARES Act money
Click here for a Facebook video that compares the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) and Paycheck Protection Loan Program (PPP) and addresses which program, or both, a business should apply for in their current situation.

*New on 4/1* The latest Employee Retention Guide , SBA EIDL Guide , and Small Business PPP Loan Guide from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
Application and Informational Videos  

  • Clark County SBDC Facebook video explaining the viability of the Economic Injury Disaster Loan programs and presents information on whether the program is worth the effort.

  • Clark County Facebook video on the Paycheck Protection Program. NOTE: The program is not officially rolled out. This program is a modification of the current SBA 7(a) loan program. Check with your lender to determine if they are a SBA-approved lender.


  • *New* Friday at noon - Join the Ohio Chamber of Commerce and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce for a complimentary webinar on the CARES Act. (Webinar link)
  • *New* Thursday, April 9 at 10 a.m. - How to keep your company safe while working remotely (webinar link, register please)
  • Tuesday, April 14 - How to save your small business. (Cultivate Eventbrite site)
  • Each day next week - How to succeed at selling remotely (Zoom meeting (register please), courtesy of Southern Ohio Chamber Alliance)
  • *New* Wednesday, May 6 at 9 a.m. or noon - Grow with Google session: Manage Your Business Remotely in Times of Uncertainty (webinar link)
Miss one of these updates? Click below to catch up!
April 1, 2020 - Rapid-fire updates and more resources for monies available.
March 31, 2020 - What does 'state of emergency' for Ross County mean?; Community Response team
March 30, 2020 : More information on the SBA loans, CARES Act
March 26, 2020 : What 'essential' businesses must do; SBA loans and CARES Act
March 23, 2020 : REGULAR NEWSLETTER: Even as businesses close, they're reaching out to the community; video interview with Alex Kohls from the U.S. Small Business Administration on disaster loans.
March 17, 2020 : A video message from Chamber CEO Mike Throne
Coronavirus numbers, facts and figures
Links to information:

  • The Ohio Channel YouTube page, where the Governor, Lt. Gov. and director of the Ohio Department of Health give regular updates at 2 p.m. on most days.

  • Governor's Stay at Home Order (Link)

  • The Chillicothe Ross Community Foundation's Coronavirus Fund needs donations, and can potentially help non-profits with some of the costs of helping the community cope with the impact of COVID-19 in the area.

  • The United Way of Ross County is awarding micro-grants to non-profits working to address community needs due to COVID-19's impact.
Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce | Email Mike Throne |