HUD Mega Waiver Webinars for CoC, ESG, HOPWA, and HOME TBRA: COVID-19 Emergency Record Keeping & Documentation Requirements
In order to ensure housing stability during the COVID-19 national emergency, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has issued a series of regulation waivers for the CoC, ESG, HOPWA, and HOME TBRA programs.
Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC), a recipient of ESG, HOME TBRA, HOPWA and 32 CoC projects, has established emergency record-keeping and required waiver documentation protocols for all subrecipient agencies during the COVID-19 national emergency.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Friday, April 24, 2020
Participation is required for all KHC CoC, ESG, HOPWA, and HOME TBRA subrecipients, though a recording of each webinar will be available on the
HCA Help Desk following the dates and times listed above for those who cannot attend the live broadcast.
CoC direct grantees (i.e., projects where the grant agreement is directly between the agency and HUD) are welcome to participate to learn about the HUD COVID-19 Waivers, but CoC direct grantees must communicate directly with the Louisville HUD Field Office about specific documentation requirements.