Generating Excitement for the
Sport of Snowmobiling

Contact Us

Snowmobile North Dakota

1600 E Century Ave, Ste. 3

Bismarck, ND 58503


701-328-5363 Fax

Upcoming Events:

 The April 2015 e-newsletter includes information on the following:  Sled'N Snap and the 2015 Legislation Campaign.


2015 Legislation Update

The 64th Legislative Assembly officially opened January 6th, 2015.  Here is the latest information on the snowmobile legislation:

  • Senate Bill 2139:  relating to the licensing of snowmobiles (transferring the snowmobile registration administration from the ND Department of Transportation to the North Dakota Parks and Recreation Department)
    • As of 4/7/15, the bill was placed in Conference Committee with Transportation Committee members from both the House and Senate; their first meeting was 4/9/15 and they tabled their final decision until a later date so additional research could be conducted (still waiting for more details)
  • Senate Bill 2164:  relating to the snowmobile registration fees
    • On 4/14/15, the Senate Transportation Committee concurred with the House Transportation Committee Changes; on the same day the Senate Floor voted and it passed 45 yeas and 2 nays
    • The next step is for the bill to be signed by the Governor and Filed with the Secretary of States office
    • Final Changes included:
      • Resident Fees will increase from $40/ biennium to $50
      • Non-Resident Fees will increase from $15/year to $25
      • The gas tax formula will increase from 30 gallons/snowmobile to 40
  • Senate Bill 2198:  relating to the minimum age requirements for snowmobile operators
    • On 3/20/15, the bill was signed by the Governor and it was filed with the Secretary of States office on 3/23/15
    • Effective July 1st, 2015 an individual 10 or 11 years of age may operate a snowmobile on public land including the state snowmobile trail if the individual is in the presence of a parent or guardian and has a snowmobile safety certificate
  • Please watch your emails for further updates

Sled'N Snap

Thank you to everyone who submitted their best sledding photos for this year's contest. Now it is time to vote on who you think should win the grand prize. The top 12 photos will be featured in our Sled'N Snap calendar for 2016. You can vote once per day. Get your friends and family to vote too! To keep everything fair, you have to sign in to vote. You can sign in with your Sled'N Snap account or through Facebook.  Good luck to everyone! Voting closes April 30 at 5:00pm MST.


Prizes include:  Aluma 2-place aluminum tilt trailer (there's one for Saskatchewan, Alberta, Manitoba and North Dakota) or you could win the Grand Prize (the use of an enclosed sled trailer of your choice (up to $15,000) for one year!)  North Dakota prizes include:  Vacation Package to BlueWater Lodge, MN, Winter Season Package to West Yellowstone, ThermaCELL Heated Insoles, Divas SnowGear Craze Pinstripe Jacket, and Giant Loop Kootenay Pocket.  



  1. Online trail signing and trail grubbing courses can be found at
  2. Please remember shop with Amazon Smile and to support Snowmobile North Dakota financially
    1. Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice. 
    2. Every time you shop online at; Snowmobile North Dakota earns cash.  Signup for a free account today and start getting paid to shop with their #CashBack program. To learn more about the #CashBack program click here!  
This message is brought to you by Snowmobile North Dakota and our international partners.