The Federal government is soon going to consider a new budget. The U.S. budget (like any other) is a moral document -- reflecting our values. Higher priorities are funded and lower priorities are not.
For example,
Education currently receives about
4% of the total budget.
The following receive less than 1%:
Foreign Aid (.6%)
Maternal Health (.01%)
Nutrition Programs (.003%)
Aid for Orphans & Displaced Children (.0005%)
HIV/AIDS Programs: (.1%)
Malaria & Tuberculosis Treatment (.02%)
Development Assistance (.06%)
International Disaster Assistance (.04%)
Migration & Refugee Assistance (.08%)
The U.N. Millennium Challenge (.02%)
International Peacekeeping (.07%)
Food for Peace (.03%)
Corporation for Public Broadcasting (.1%)
Meanwhile, a 10% increase to Defense and
cuts to these programs are being proposed.