ASN Nutrition Notes
Monthly Member

April 2018
In This Issue: (scroll below for details)
  • It’s a "Wicked" Good Time to be in Boston for Nutrition 2018!
  • Vision 2028: A Look Ahead
  • ASN in The Gambia
  • Seeking Experts for LEPAC & Seeking Nominations for DGAC
  • Thank You to ASN Foundation 2017 Donors!
  • Thank You to ASN Journals Peer Reviewers. . . 
  • AJCN Editor Search Announcement
  • CDN PubMed Central Review Results
It’s a "Wicked" Good Time to be in Boston for Nutrition 20 18 !
Note: "Wicked" is Boston-slang for something that is neat or excellent

The weather is nice, the swans are out, the flowers are blooming. June is the best time to visit Boston for an unforgettable experience. Whether you're catching a Boston Red Sox game at Fenway Park, riding a Swan Boat in Boston Common, tasting some of the best cannoli in the North End, or shopping for art at SoWa Open Market--No matter which activity you choose, you’ll be right in the heart of it all in the Hynes Convention Center for Nutrition 2018, June 9-12. Click here to register and book your hotel by April 27!
A Focus on Sports Nutrition and Human Performance

ASN is partnering with the Collegiate and Professional Sports Dietitians Association on a half-day program at Nutrition 2018 titled Nutrition in Injury Prevention and Recovery on Friday, June 8, 1:00-5:00 PM. This program aims to expand the base of researchers and other professionals interested in the science of sports nutrition and human performance. In addition to an opening lecture by Stuart Phillips, PhD (Professor, McMaster Univ.; Director, McMaster Centre for Nutrition, Exercise and Health Research), Shawn Zell, RD, CSSD , performance chef for the Milwaukee Bucks will provide a culinary look at bringing the science to the meal table.  Erika Whitman, RD , a team dietitian for the New York Knicks and New York Rangers will share how she applies the science on injury prevention and recovery with her sporting teams. Roundtable discussions and time for networking will also be featured. This program is free to Nutrition 2018 registrants. Be sure to check the box for this satellite program when you register. If you have already registered for Nutrition 2018, click here and select “Modify Attendee Registration” to add this program to your itinerary. 
Promote Job Opportunities, Congratulate Nutrition 20 18 Awardees, Highlight
Research Collaborations

Are you looking for ways to promote employment opportunities to ASN members and meeting attendees? Would you like to congratulate colleagues receiving awards in Boston? Holding special events during the conference? Looking for ways to highlight university research collaborations and capabilities?

Nutrition Notes Daily offers digital and print advertising opportunities to reach both ASN’s membership and NUTRITION 2018 attendees. Opportunities include:
● Classified listings: $200 for 100-word listing
● Quarter-page ad: $375 in the digital preview
issue; $950 for one onsite issue
● Email banner ads: $900 per placement

Attendees recognize Nutrition Notes Daily as the go-to source for conference news and highlights. They will see your ad! For information on Nutrition Notes Daily, contact Jenn Waters,
Get In on The Hub

ASN extends a big THANK YOU to the many companies and partners who will be joining us as inaugural exhibitors at Nutrition 2018 in The Hub!

The Hub is the center of activity and the place for posters, exhibits, meetings, grabbing lunch & more!

Want to join this growing list? Use the links below for more information and secure your booth today!

Get In While the Getting’s Good: 
Student & Postdoc Travel Awards for Nutrition 20 18

Congratulations to our first recipients of the FASEB Presenter Awards for Nutrition 2018!
Christine Andrus McGarry, University of Utah
Jessica Soldavini, UNC Chapel Hill
Elizabeth Adams, Penn State University

These awards fund up to $1,850 in travel and related expenses including airfare, hotel, ground transpor-tation and meeting registration. Do you qualify for travel funding? The answer is “YES” if you are a:
  • full-time undergraduate/graduate/medical student or postdoctoral/clinical trainee fellow at an accredited educational institution in the U.S.; AND a
  • U.S. citizen or permanent residents of the U.S.

Awardees cannot accept funding from any other sponsoring organization. Therefore, while you may still compete in ASN student and postdoc competitions, you may not receive additional funding from ASN. Though, if you win an ASN competition, we will still give you the honor to post on your CV.

To be considered, you must be presenting an accepted abstract AND submit the award application by May 8, 2018. For more details, click here. Funds will be awarded on a rolling basis.
Vision 2028: A Look Ahead
Work continues on the development of ASN’s Vision 2028. The Strategic Oversight Committee is developing a draft vision from the outcome of the Vision 2028 Summit. ASN members will have the opportunity to review, discuss and comment throughout the summer both online and at Nutrition 2018 in Boston, June 9-12. The Board of Directors will approve a final vision by the end of 2018 to guide ASN’s path towards our 100 th anniversary in 2028. 
ASN in The Gambia

ASN President Mary Ann Johnson, PhD and Executive Officer John Courtney, PhD hosted a dinner for the leadership of the newly formed Gambian Society for Nutrition, representatives of The Gambia’s National Nutrition Agency, researchers from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the Medical Research Center Gambia (MRC-Gambia). During the dinner, Dr. Johnson presented a Global Leadership Award to Professor Prentice on behalf of ASN. The following day, Dr. Johnson visited the MRC Gambia research lab and clinic at Keneba, The Gambia.
Mary Ann Johnson at the MRC
Vision 2028 Breakfast
Seeking Experts for LEPAC / Seeking Nominations for DGAC
CDC Seeks Experts in Diet and Nutrition for LEPAC
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) seeks nominations for membership on the Lead Exposure and Prevention Advisory Committee (LEPAC). The LEPAC consists of 15 Federal and non-Federal experts in fields associated with lead screening, the prevention of lead exposure, and services for individuals and communities affected by lead exposure. Nominations are sought for individuals who have expertise and qualifications necessary to contribute to the accomplishment of the committee's objectives in the fields of diet and nutrition, epidemiology, toxicology, mental health, pediatrics, early childhood education, special education, and environmental health. Members may be invited to serve for three-year terms. Selection of members is based on candidates' qualifications to contribute to the accomplishment of LEPAC objectives. Nominations for membership on the LEPAC must be sent to CDC no later than April 15, 2018. For nomination consideration by ASN, please send your name, qualifications, and CV to ASN by Thursday, April 12 .

ASN Seeks Nominations for Dietary Guidelines Committee
Please submit the names of highly qualified nutrition scientists to consider for nomination to the 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC), including individuals who have previously served. Though this request has not been made publicly available at this time, the Federal Register intent to establish the 2020 DGAC will likely be published mid-spring or early summer. Expertise will likely be sought in categories similar to years past: behavioral health and psychology: chronic disease prevention; energy balance/physical activity; epidemiology; food science/safety/technology; general medicine; maternal, perinatal, and pediatric nutrition; gerontology; nutrient bioavailability/ biochemistry/physiology; nutrition education; public health; and evidence review methodology. Suggested individuals should be: knowledgeable of current scientific nutrition research; respected and published experts in their field; familiar with the Guidelines; and have demonstrated interest in public health through research and/or education.  
ASN Foundation
2017 Donors!

 Annually, generous donors to the ASN Foundation help the Board implement strategic programs to further our mission and advance the field of nutrition science and education. In 2017, we received a record amount of charitable donations from individuals who generously supported these efforts. Please join ASN in showing our appreciation to all of those who helped make a difference!

Visit our website to learn more about the ASN Foundation and opportunities to give to your professional home through a 2018 general donation, memorial or tribute gifts, or planned giving/bequests. 
Thank You to ASN Journals Peer Reviewers. . .

We acknowledge with thanks the over 1,700 reviewers who provided careful and expert evaluation of research manuscripts for ASN journals. Their reviews provided authors with information needed to improve their work, and their contributions were instrumental in determining the manuscripts that met the quality standards for publication in the Society’s journals.

We greatly appreciate their willingness to share their time and expertise in support of the peer review process for ASN journals. The anonymous, conscientious, fair, and timely peer review they provided is the lifeblood of scholarly publishing. All reviewers were formally recognized in the January 2017 issue of ASN journals. In addition, a combined list of ASN journal reviewers is posted on the ASN website
Editor Search Announcement:
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

The American Society for Nutrition (ASN) announces the search for Editor-in-Chief of The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition ( AJCN ), an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal that publishes meritorious work in basic, clinical, and population sciences relevant to human nutrition. The AJCN is the leading journal in clinical nutrition worldwide, having the highest impact factor among peer-reviewed research journals in the nutrition and dietetics category and subscribers on six continents. The five-year appointment of the new Editor will begin January 1, 2019.
Applicants should have achieved a high level of visibility in clinical nutrition research and practice and have demonstrated strong leadership skills. In addition, it is important to have a broad perspective of the field of human nutrition and clinical research experience and to be astute about emerging areas of research. Previous editorial experience and the ability to articulate a clear vision for AJCN are key elements upon which applicants will be evaluated.
Applications should be received by June 1, 2018 and include a cover letter describing the reasons for the candidate’s interest in the position, a brief description of the candidate’s editorial experience (including the evaluation the manuscripts of others), and a curriculum vitae. After review of applications, the top candidates will be asked to provide additional information on their qualifications and their strategic vision for the journal. Screening of applications will begin June 1, 2018. Finalists will be interviewed by the AJCN Editor Search Committee in mid-2018.
All applications and nominations should be addressed to the Committee Chair, Dr. Kathleen Rasmussen, and submitted electronically to Lisa Marshall, Senior Consultant, KWF Consulting ( ). For more information, please visit the AJCN Editor Search Announcement .
CDN PubMed Central Review Results

ASN is happy to report that its newest journal, Current Developments in Nutrition ( CDN), has passed the Scientific Quality Review for inclusion in the US National Library of Medicine’s PubMed Central (PMC) repository. The next step in this important process is technical evaluation, which involves meeting PMC’s technical requirements for delivery of files. After that step is complete, PMC will begin constructing the CDN site on the PMC platform. CDN will be depositing all content to PMC under a Full Participation agreement. Once the CDN site on the PMC platform has gone live to the public, PMC will begin delivering article citations to PubMed, which will allow all CDN articles published to that point to be discoverable in PubMed searches. ASN has also submitted a separate application to the National Library of Medicine for CDN to be indexed in MEDLINE. 
Interview with Kevin Klatt, Ph.D. Candidate in Nutritional Sciences at Cornell University and member of the Executive Board of the ASN Student Interest Group (SIG). 

Kevin Klatt received his B.S. in Biological Anthropology from Temple University with a Minor in Public Health, his M.S. in Human Nutrition at Drexel University, and is completing his Ph.D. studies in the Molecular Nutrition Program at Cornell University’s Division of Nutritional Sciences. Kevin has been an ASN member since 2013, actively involved with the Student Interest Group (SIG) since 2015, most recently as Social Media Specialist, and has contributed to ASN strategic planning initiatives, including the Vision 2028 Summit.

1. How did you first get involved in nutrition science and research? What made you interested in the field of nutrition and dietetics?
It took me a while to come to the field of nutrition science (or nutritional science? I think we need a session to find consensus on this question at Nutrition2018). I was first exposed to nutrition through my own efforts losing 85 lbs. in high school. The internet was full of varied information on nutrition and it piqued my curiosity that such vastly differing perspectives could be presented so confidently as factual. I originally went to college as an international business major with concentrations in Italian and Chinese, but quickly switched. Unfortunately, my undergraduate didn’t offer nutrition as a major, so I chose to major in biological anthropology to cover all the broad prerequisites needed to pursue nutrition. Originally, I intended follow a dietetics-only track and do more clinical nutrition—I remember being near-offended when the director of our Honors Program told me that she knew one day I’d find research and love it—She was right! After years of absorbing every possible perspective about nutrition, I realized that while still following dietetics, I would ultimately pursue research and enjoy asking questions and coming up with different ways to respond to those questions .
2. What influenced your decision to join ASN? What convinced you to become involved in ASN?
While taking my dietetics coursework, I heard about the Advances and Controversies in Clinical Nutrition Conference and thought it’d be fun to attend. It cost less to attend for student members, so I applied and joined ASN. I’ve retained my membership and have become more active because the society is a great place to network with other nutrition science focused communities. From a student/ young investigator perspective, I think it’s important to see how associations work from the inside and understand the social and political factors that impact science. Getting more involved with professional societies like ASN have been enormously informative about such factors .

3. What aspects of ASN membership have you found most useful, professionally? What other aspects of your membership do you find useful as your career has progressed? 
I used to blog for ASN and found it a great opportunity to generate conversation in the social media space and to hone my writing skills. Science communication is a really interesting discipline and is desperately needed in the era in which the top five Google search results about nutrition questions tell you five different answers from dubious or motivated sources. The conferences (aside from the student discounts) keep me coming back to ASN—these are great for putting faces to the scientists whose work you’re reading and network with them. The conferences are also a great exposure to aspects of nutrition science outside of your typical purview and provide a novel perspective on your own research or inspiration to address a new topic

  Catch Up on the Latest Science from Meetings You Missed!
Did you miss the ASN Scientific Sessions, or saw something you’d like to see again? You're in luck! - ASN meeting content is available on ASN on Demand . Some presentations are available at no charge. Additional content can be purchased on demand.
If you purchased ASN on Demand, access instructions were sent via e-mail. To view the presentations, add access to your account on using the access code sent to you. For assistance email .
Visit ASN NutriLink today

ASN NutriLink is an online community forum for members. Post discussions, browse resource files, and search for a mentor or mentee - all in one place! It is also home to over a dozen RIS and Council communities . ASN NutriLink is the new way for RIS leaders to communicate deadlines, plan events and share other information specific to the group. Use this guide to adjust your email frequency. Contact the ASN NutriLink Community Administrator  for any questions.
ASN Journal Highlights
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (AJCN)
March 2018, 107(3)
Featured Articles:
The Journal of Nutrition (JN)
April 2018, 148(4)
Editor's Choice:
Featured Articles:
Advances in Nutrition (AN)
March/April 2018, 9(2)
Featured Articles:
  • Are 100% Fruit Juices Healthier than Sugar-Sweetened Beverages? Ounce for ounce, 100% fruit juices often contain as much sugar as sugar-sweetened beverages, raising the question are they any healthier? While whole fruit offers more fiber than 100% fruit juice, Brandon J. Auerbach et al. found that “there are substantially lower health risks from 100% fruit juice consumption compared with sugar-sweetened beverages.” Adv Nutr 2018 9(2).
  • Is Nutritional Genomics the New Frontier of Healthcare? With direct-to-consumer genetic testing, people can easily gather information on their genetic vulnerability to different diseases, including obesity, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes. Marta Guasch-Ferré et al., however, find that more research is needed before nutritional genomics can offer customized nutrition based on an individual’s genetic makeup. Adv Nutr 2018 9(2).
Current Developments in Nutrition (CDN)
April 2018, 2(4)
Featured Article:
  • More than a third of the population in Bangladesh is affected by household food insecurity. The authors set out to determine the association between household food security and birth size of infants. They found that household food security is a key factor associated with small birth size, which in turn is associated with higher rates of mortality and morbidity. The authors recommend that "interventions to increase birth size should target women belonging to food insecure households." Chowdhury M, Dibley MJ, Alam A, Huda TM, Raynes-Greenow C. Household Food Security and Birth Size of Infants: Analysis of the Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey 2011. Curr Dev Nutr 2018 2(3):nzy003.
Important Dates
Sugar and Sweetener Series at GW   (Webinar / Washington, DC)
Nutrition 20 18 : Where the Best in Science & Health Meet (Boston, MA) - ASN's Flagship Nutrition-Focused Annual Meeting!
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the next generation of nutrition scientists.
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