On the News! - OLLI at University of Cincinnati
Race in Black and White - OLLI at University of North Carolina at Asheville
How Immigrants Shape(d) The United States - OLLI at The Pennsylvania State University
Class Learns "What Lies Beneath Our Inland Bays" - OLLI at University of Delaware
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Greetings from the NRC    Apr 2018 15
One of the near universal traits in Osher Institutes is our passion for going beneath the surface. It is readily apparent as we research, examine, and share ideas with one another. OLLI courses and activities strive for deep learning - going past the superficial details - digging into more profound meanings on the topics and ideas we gather together to explore.

This month's newsletter provides several narratives about how OLLIs around the country engage in delving deeper. We have reflections on, and a link to a television interview that goes beyond the typically quick "sound-bite" for OLLI at the University of Cincinnati; an impressive effort at University of North Carolina, Asheville that includes 23 courses addressing interdisciplinary study on the topic of "Race"; we examine surprising examples beyond the historical surface on how immigrants shape(d) the US from a TEDx presenter at Penn State who practiced her presentation on OLLI members; and, we literally go below the water's surface of the Inland Bays to learn about the natural resources near OLLI at University of Delaware in Lewes and Ocean View .
The Osher Network is truly a national community of learners who seek to intellectually explore the complex and nuanced aspects of our world, as opposed to the traits that are more easily seen on the surface of experience. I hope you are inspired by your association with OLLI locally and enjoy hearing about these fellow OLLI members who aren't just scratching that surface.
Best wishes as you delve into springtime, too!
Steve Thaxton, Executive Director

OLLI at University of Cincinnati
On the News!
OLLI at University of Cincinnati has an active Marketing Committee that has recently broadened its focus beyond paid advertising and catalog distribution to include other public relations opportunities. Last year, a local television station approached us about an opportunity that would require us to pay for participation in an hour-long special directed toward seniors. The Marketing Committee convinced them to permit us to participate at no charge, resulting in a positive segment on educational opportunities at OLLI that included footage from a class and interviews with members and volunteers.
This winter, we received another call from the producer of the special asking if an OLLI representative would like to be a guest on a new weekly show, Cincy Lifestyle, that airs just after the noon news. Again, most guests of the show pay to participate, but our previous positive relationship resulted in this invitation being extended without charge. The station also was able to use footage they had shot for the earlier program. Within seconds of the program's airing, the OLLI office phone lit up with requests for information.
Being on camera can seem intimidating. However, knowing your OLLI's "elevator speech" smooths the way. In this case, the station also provided the interview questions ahead of time. Smile, relax, use a bit of humor, and speak directly to the interviewer. The camera will find you, and the producer wants you to succeed. This program was not live, so we recorded it twice which enabled the station to edit and use the best responses from the two takes.
Submitted by: Cate O'Hara, program director, OLLI at University of Cincinnati

OLLI at University of North Carolina at Asheville
Race in Black and White
OLLI at UNC Asheville's Spring 2018 catalog boasts 113 courses. Of all the courses offered, 23 of them point to a theme of particular interest to our OLLI members: Race in Black and White.

OLLI members, staff, UNC Asheville campus and the Asheville community have held earnest discussions on this topic for many years. What can we do? What do we need to know to help us take steps that could lead to better understanding, to help improve race relations here? Can we listen better? Can we learn better?

To that end, then-chair of the Performing Arts Committee Carol Taylor challenged the 11 College for 
Seniors curriculum committees to explore ways each could address the theme on race in their topic areas. Much discussion ensued, with an impressive outcome, resulting in these 23 courses across multiple disciplines. Among other topics, spring courses spotlight contemporary African American art, blues, jazz, literature by recent African immigrants, early black filmmakers, black protest, and experiential discussions of current issues on race. Click here for a description of those courses .
Simultaneously, the Inclusion Committee determined to expand the focus on Black History beyond a single month, broadening discussions and activities past February .  Thus they planned "More Than a Month" programs over a three-month period to address issues of race and inclusion locally and nationally.  Those individual programs, free and open to the public, include:
  • "I Am a Recovering Racist"
  • "Beyond Privilege" workshop (registration is required)
  • Rosenwald Schools
  • A Screening of "Beneath the Veneer"
  • The History and Legacy of Lynching in North Carolina
For more information, contact Carol Taylor at [email protected] ; or Herb Gunn, College for Seniors program manager at [email protected] .
Submitted by: Judy LaMée, member and instructor, OLLI at University of North Carolina Asheville

OLLI at The Pennsylvania State University
How Immigrants Shape(d) the United States
Immigration is a topic often in the news and of interest to OLLI members at Penn State University. Last fall, OLLI heard from one of Penn State's own on the subject. Nalini Krishnankutty grew up in Mumbai and, after receiving her BS, came to Penn State earning her PhD in chemical engineering. A first-generation immigrant and American writer and researcher, she has been reaching out to spread awareness of America's immigrant history with a focus on the contributions of immigrants to our country's leading position in the world.
Dr. Krishnankutty, taught an OLLI at Penn State course last fall titled, "How Immigrants Shape(d) the United States". OLLI attendees found the presentation both compelling and informative. She began her talk by asking, "what word comes to mind when you hear the word immigrant?" She notes that the majority of first associations reflect a negative bias - words such as illegal, foreign, refugee, poor, desperate. Not only are immigrants characterized as "other" but immigrants themselves often report experiences reminding them of their otherness.
Immigrants now account for 14% of the U.S. population, more than 43 million across all walks of life. In her talk, Krishnankutty related that when the immigrant population was previously at 14%, in the 1890s, xenophobia peaked. She observed that since the immigrant population has again approached historic levels, there is again a tension between controlling immigration and the need for immigrants to meet labor needs.
Since this OLLI event, Nalini Krishnankutty has gone on to present this material, raising immigration awareness, in a TEDx Talk now available online.
Submitted by: Sarah Anderson, director, OLLI at Penn State University

  OLLI at University of Delaware 
Class Learns "What Lies Beneath Our 
Inland Bays"
OLLI members at the University of Delaware in Lewes and Ocean View recently had the opportunity to sign up for a new class taught by Susan Ball, chair of the Citizens Advisory Board of the Delaware Inland Bays and vice chair of the board at the Center for the Inland Bays in Ocean View, Delaware.

Participants in last fall's "What Lies Beneath Our Inland Bays" class learned about the ecological contribution of the Delaware inland bays - comprised of Rehoboth Bay, Indian River Bay and Little Assawoman Bay - which lie just behind a narrow spit of land in sight of the Atlantic Ocean and serve as the backbone of Delaware's coastal resort area. The inland bays contain salt marshes, submerged aquatic vegetation and winding creeks, which support an abundance of fish and birds.

A field trip to the James Farm Ecological Preserve in Ocean View, Delaware, was a class highlight. The preserve contains 150 acres of maritime forest, meadows, salt marsh and sandy beach on the Indian River Bay. The class learned about hands-on environmental literacy educational programs for local students and youth organizations. Bob Collins, manager of James Farm, explained how the shells of native hard clams and oysters are used in environmental restoration projects to clean water, stabilize shorelines and reintroduce oyster reefs in the inland bays, as well as how the center is experimenting with living shorelines in response to sea level rise.

Submitted by: Anna Moshier, manager, OLLI at University of Delaware, Lewes/Ocean View

Osher NRC 2017-18 Webinar Series

Mark your calendar for the next webinar on April 18, 2018 beginning at 2pm Eastern/1pm Central/noon Mountain/11am Pacific/10am in Alaska and 8am in Hawaii. Register for the webinar here.

Determining and Demonstrating the Value of OLLI
While all Osher Institutes are connected to their host university or college, some are more integrated and recognized than others. It becomes important for OLLIs to identify and demonstrate their place within the fabric of the campus community. Where does your OLLI fit within the university/college structure and mission? What value do you bring to this community?  Two experienced directors will share their unique perspectives on their distinctly different universities.  They will offer ideas to help your OLLI become more essential to your university or college.

Julie Mitchell, Executive Director
OLLI @ University of Dayton
Barbara White, Executive Director
OLLI @ California State University, Long Beach

  Scottsdale, AZ - October 2018
conference2018 Osher Institutes National Conference Schedule at a Glance
The 2018 Osher Institutes National Conference will be held October 22-24, 2018 at the Scottsdale Resort at McCormick Ranch in Scottsdale, Arizona. Registration for the 2018 Osher Institutes National Conference will begin in June 2018.

Who is Invited to Attend?
We limit participation to two attendees per Institute to make it possible for the delegates, National Resource Center staff and the Osher Foundation staff to meet each other, network, and have substantive discussions and interactions. An invitation email will be sent to only the main staff contact at each institute for their coordination. Each OLLI may decide upon the two delegates selected, but we request that one staff leader and one volunteer leader attend from each Osher Institute. The Osher Foundation is pleased to cover the cost of registration, accommodations, and meals for attendees. Individual Institutes will be responsible for arranging and paying for the transportation of their participants to the conference, including airline travel, ground transportation to and from the airport and personal expenses incurred during travel. 

An Advice Column for Osher Institute Staff and Volunteers
dearolliDear Olli
Dear Olli,
Our Institute is offering an international trip this summer and we have a few spots still available that we would like to open up to members of other Osher Institutes. What is the best way to get the word out?
Dear Wanderlust,
Not all Osher Institutes offer travel programs so I am sure there are members out there who would jump at the chance to travel with some fellow OLLI students. While the Osher NRC does not have any formal method of "advertising" trips for Osher Institutes, we do list three travel ideas each month in this e-newsletter. These travel programs are often just ideas for OLLI travel committees looking for new places to go or new travel vendors, but it is also possible to list those programs that are open to members from any Institute with a special note about availability. In fact, there are two programs, one to Spain and one to France that are open to the entire network listed in this month's newsletter. Check them out below.

Have a question for Olli? Please send it in care of Stacey Hart at the NRC:[email protected]  

Educational Travel Ideas from the OLLI Network
The OLLI Traveler
OLLI at Eckerd College
Cruising Burgundy & Provence to Cote d'Azur
OLLI at Eckerd College presents a 12 day river cruise tour featuring Francophile extraordinaire and Director Emeritus of the Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, Dr. John Schloder as instructor on this OLLI adventure. There are a few open spots on this trip that are open to OLLI members from any Osher Institute. For reservations and details, call 800.597.2452, press 2.  Please mention code G8-27105 when booking. Learn more about this trip to Burgundy.
Dates : June 14-26, 2018

OLLI at University of Vermont
Cultural & Historical Immersion to Spain & Portugal
Follow a gastronomic trail of tapas, innovative art, architectural wonders and centuries-old culture on this incredible tour through Spain and Portugal. Visit cosmopolitan metropolises, sleepy seaside villages, quaint towns set amid rolling green hills and atmospheric medieval citadels along the way. Admire the masterpieces of Picasso, Dali and Gaudí, experience the passion of flamenco, taste some of the best port in the world and be graced by the style and sophistication of Madrileños and Lisboetas - this history-and culture-packed adventure flaunts the very best of Spain and Portugal. There are a few open spots on this trip that are open to OLLI members from any Osher Institute. Questions? Please call: 802.656.2085. Learn more about his trip to Spain and Portugal  
Dates: September 22 - October 2, 2018

OLLI at University of California, Berkeley
Amalfi Coast
Journey to the Amalfi Coast, a serene paradise of majestic mountains, pastel houses and the cerulean Mediterranean Sea. Spend seven nights in your base of Vietri sul Mare and enjoy fascinating excursions and educational programs designed to immerse you in the region's daily life. Travel a serpentine coastline to Amalfi, and admire Positano, Italy's most vertical village. Tour Naples and view treasures at the city's Museo Archeologico Nazionale, one of the world's most important archaeological museums. Peek into the lives cut short at Herculaneum and Pompeii by the A.D. 79 eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Invigorate your senses while exploring lemon-scented Sorrento and marvel at the colorful gardens and Arabesque architecture of Villa Rufolo. Organized by Cal Discoveries. Learn more about this trip to the Amalfi Coast.
Dates : May 22 - 30, 2018

Quick Tips for Helping Operate an Osher Institute
didyouknowQuick Tip - Create an E-Newsletter 
Volunteer Team

Many OLLIs engage volunteer editors, writers, and photographers to contribute toward their emailed newsletters and other communications vehicles. But the burden can be heavy for those who have served successfully for long periods of time. OLLI at George Mason University divides and conquers this challenge, sharing the work of editing with an established team of volunteers that rotate in as "editor of the week" and the benefits of many hands help all to make their "eNews" inclusive and member oriented. (Note the use of many photos in this edition!)

  Career Openings in the OLLI Network
jobboardJob Board
Program Director, Office of Continuing Studies
Duke University

OLLI Registrar

Academic Program Assistant - Osher

Assistant II, Intermediate Clerical - OLLI
Yavapai College

Is there a staff opening at your Osher Institute? Please send it to us at  [email protected]