BOB CAT BUZZ - April 2019 


Dear Cienega Families,
It is amazing that we are now in our final weeks of the school year. It's the time of year to encourage all of our students to have a laser focus on academics, attendance, and behavior. After working so hard for the last seven months, we all must "finish the race" with success. You can support your child by looking at their progress on PowerSchool and by contacting teachers to help with this process. Tutoring and reteach are still going on almost everyday, classroom instruction is going strong, and finals are just around the corner. We do not slow down until the very last day of school.
I am so excited for our seniors and their future endeavors as they prepare to graduate from Cienega. It will be very busy in the final months of the school year. SEP presentations are scheduled on May 1 - 3, 2019. This can be a very stressful time for our seniors as they are checking off the final boxes and thinking about what comes next. Please assist your senior in their final weeks as a Cienega student.
Mark your calendars: Here are some events that are coming up in the final weeks.

  • April 18-28th {Pima County Fair}
  • April 22nd @ 7:00 p.m. {Band Concert at VTOTA}
  • April 25th @ 6:00 p.m. {NJROTC Awards Night}
  • April 27th {Prom}
  • April 29th @ 7:00 p.m. {Band Concert at VTOTA}
  • May 1-3rd {SEP Presentations}
  • May 2nd & 4th  @ 7:00 p.m. { Beg. Drama 1 Acts}
  • May 5th @ 7:00 p.m. VTOTA {Baccalaureate}

  • May 6th @ 7:00 p.m. {Choir Concert}
  • May 9th @ 6:30 p.m. {Honors Night}
  • May 16th @ 5:00 p.m. {Powder Puff Football} 
  • May 18th @ 6:00 p.m. {Graduation at the TCC}
Due to our strong following, we always have large crowds at our graduations. The Tucson Fire Marshall and the TCC are now requiring tickets for admission to our graduation ceremony. For students and parents wishing to attend our ceremony, please find a senior for tickets. There will be an extra room next to the ceremony for those without tickets. Thank you for your understanding as we transition to this new requirement that we must adhere to per the Tucson Fire Marshall and TCC.
Lastly, the Arizona Education Foundation has selected us as an A+ school. I appreciate the hard work and dedication of our teachers, staff, students, and our parents. Cienega is a special place.
We are Bobcat Nation!!!
Nemer Hassey


This past Saturday our Unified Special Olympics team competed in Southern Arizona Coronado Area Track & Field meet. Our athletes took home many medals and ribbons, a total of 16 awards, as well as the pride of completing each event! 

Its an amazing feeling to see our students participating in this huge event, as it is the first competition some of these students have ever had the opportunity to be included in. Our families are so proud to be part of Bobcat Nation and see their students being included in events like track & field, basketball, and bowling .

It has been an absolutely wonderful year for our Cienega Bobcat Special Olympics team. It has been such an honor to be the Head of Delegation and coach for these amazing students and work with some amazing, selfless educators, paraprofessionals, and student partners. I couldn't ask for a better group of individuals to work with to make this happen this year! 

I want to send out a huge shout out to   Danika Leon  and  Madison Kroeger . These two ladies are absolutely amazing. It's students like these two that make Unified Special Olympics possible. They both have gone above and beyond to support and motivate our students with special needs. They came to all three of our events and participated as unified partner athletes in two. 

Bailey Bryant 
Special Education Case Manager 
Cienega High School Special Olympics Coach 


Graduation Reminders:
  • Graduation meeting for parents is on Thursday, April 11th at 6:00 PM in   the Student Union. Details about the ceremony and the Do's and Dont's   at the Tucson Convention Center will be discussed.
  • A ticket is required for entrance into the TCC arena. Only parents/guardians will be able to pick up tickets. Any tickets that have not been picked up will be distributed to students on May 17th during graduation rehearsal. Tickets can be picked up after the parent meeting   on the 11th and then during normal school hours in the Education Center.
  • Graduation Ceremony is Saturday, May 18th at 7:00 PM at the          Tucson Convention Center.
  • Graduation Rehearsal is Friday May 17th at 8:40 AM in the CHS gymnasium. Attendance is mandatory for all students who will be in the ceremony.
  • Honors Night for Seniors is Wednesday, May 9h. We will be recognizing every student who is on the Wall of the Future and will be presenting certificates to everyone who has received any scholarship. We would like to recognize everyone who has received a scholarship, but in order to do so, we need to know what honors or awards your son or daughter has earned. Forms are available in the counseling hub and available on the counselor link of the CHS website. Have your senior bring in their acceptance letters or enlistment papers to be added to the Wall of the future. Every time a student's name is on the wall, they are entered in the drawing for a free iPad to be given away at Honors night. Student must be present to win.
  • National Signing Day celebration: On May 1st during PAWS there will be a national signing day celebration in the auxiliary gym. An ice cream social sponsored by The Renaissance club will be given to celebrate their commitment to their future. Students who are on the Wall of the future were given a College Bound or Military Bound T-shirt to wear that day.
General Reminders:
  • If your student is taking any courses through correspondence or Dual Enrollment through Pima, it is their responsibility to bring the transcript  from that school to the registrar in order to get credit for the class and to be able to participate in graduation ceremonies. This deadline is MAY 1st unless taking a Pima class. That deadline will be two days after the class has been completed.
  • If nine absences are accumulated in any class regardless of the reason, unless it is a school related activity, the student will not pass the class and if the class is a required class for graduation, the student will not graduate.  Attendance appeals can be scheduled beginning May 1st with their counselor.
  • Seniors planning on attending a four-year college should have applied to their schools by now.  You may lose valuable scholarship opportunities by procrastinating any longer.
  • College bound seniors should have completed the FAFSA by now. If it has not yet been completed do so before May 1st.
  • Senioritis can sometimes creep up on students.  Please be aware of this and monitor your student's attendance and grades carefully so that there will be no unhappy surprises in May when it is time to celebrate the graduation of your son or daughter from Cienega.
  • Please utilize PowerSchool on a regular basis and stay informed of the progress your son or daughter is making in his or her classes ( .

Seniors-SEP Presentations
The May presentation schedule has been posted in both Government and Senior English classrooms.  Schedules are posted early so that seniors can plan accordingly and make themselves available for their scheduled time. If there is an important conflict, students are asked to have a parent/guardian contact Mrs. Magnuson no later than April 17th.   No exceptions will be made after that point, as students will need to switch with another student doing the same presentation type.

Stephanie Magnuson

Senior Exit Project Presentations


Help support CHS Link Crew and dine at Chipotle this Saturday 4/13 from 4pm-8pm. Proceeds help fund our monthly freshman events, and freshman assemblies.  Be sure to mention us at the register or show the flyer! Thanks for you support.   


It's Spring What Should I Be Doing Now?
While the school year is rapidly winding down, if you are a college bound student, you should also take some time to ramp up your spring and summer college preparation activities. Here is an outline of suggested spring activities for each grade level.

  • Continue your college search. Create a realistic list of colleges to apply to.
  • Continue your scholarship search.
  • Explore interests and learn new skills.
  • Look into summer learning programs, jobs or internships.
  • Continue gathering college information and start a file.
  • Visit colleges, either in person or virtually through the college's website.
  • Organize your financial information.
  • Start working on application essays.
  • Complete the CHS counselor recommendation packet                                    Student Recommendation Form                                                                    Parent Letter of Recommendation
  • Make early decision preparations. 
  • Re-take the ACT or SAT to improve your score. All juniors have taken the ACT through the Vail District this month. Consider re-taking the test to get  a higher score. Most colleges offer more scholarship money to students who score high on the ACT. Register for the ACT through the following website.
  • Plan to take the SAT. The test format is different. You may find that you score higher on the SAT than the ACT. Register for the SAT through the following website.
  • Update your account.
  • Continue to apply for anything and everything, even small awards.
  • You can still apply for scholarships while in college.
  • Consider participating in a summer bridge activity if your chosen college offers any. You'll learn about the campus and make new friends before college officially starts.
Preparation at every grade level will help you to make a smooth transition from high school to college.

Dainah l. Graham , M.S., M.Ed.
College and Career Counselor

The Construction classes are working very hard, and doing a great job, on their Tiny House project at Cienega.  The wood frame of the "Tiny" is almost completed, with the rough-in of the plumbing, HVAC and electrical to follow. 

Friday May 10th is the day set for students to show off their skills and hard work to the general pubic - that day is coming fast.  


The U.S. Marine Corps hosted 28 Vail NJROTC Cadets on Camp Pendleton 11-14 March 2019.  While on the USMC base the cadets had the opportunity to visit U.S. Navy Assault Craft Unit Five (ACU-5) and observe Landing Craft Air Cushioned (LCAC) operations.  The cadets also visited with USMC Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) personnel and toured the base Mechanized Museum for a personalized hands-on experience.  After eating their evening meals in the Mess Hall the cadets had personal time on the Del Mar base beach.  The cadets also took a trip up to Knott's Berry Farm Amusement Park for some deserved additional fun.  The cadets were excellent Vail representatives.  

On Thursday, 4 April 2019 the Vail School District NJROTC program conducted their Annual Military Inspection (AMI) at Cienega. The inspection is mandated by Naval Service Training Command and 
the NJROTC Area Eleven Manager.   Major areas evaluated during
the inspection include school district program support, 
administration of  the program, cadet mentorship, reports and records, program  facilities and cadet performance.  Cadets participated in a personnel inspection and a Pass-in-Review Ceremony in the Main Gym. 
Inspectors from the University of Arizona NROTC unit graded and
gave our unit "Outstanding" in all areas.

 Having sympathy and pity for he suffering and misfortune of others and a desire to do something to alleviate their suffering.


Happy Spring Bobcats! 

~ Upcoming VOLUNTEER Opportunities ~ 
Senior Exit Project (SEP) Judges Needed: 
Wednesday, May 1st - 3:30-7:30pm
Thursday, May 2nd - 3:30-7:30pm
Friday, May 3rd - 1:00-4:30pm  (half day for students) 

Please email me your   TOTAL VOLUNTEER HOURS  for this school year by the end of April! Thank you for your time and support of Cienega High School! 

Please watch for 2 separate sign-up genius emails coming soon! 
We are asking for donations for our CatFRAT teacher/staff appreciation gifts
and Senior Exit Project (SEP) sign-ups. 

Thank you for your donations, support and volunteer time during this month's testing events! 

Amy Burton
CHS Volunteer Coordinator
(520) 879-2811


Congratulations to the following Bobcats for being our Phat Cat drawing winners.

Tyleigh Butler- $100 Gift Card to Amazon


Nick Hays- Kindle Fire HD 8 with Alexa 


Thank you parents and community  for your support. We truly appreciate your involvement! 

Cienega High School


4/11- Senior Parent Meeting 

4/16 - Cat Frat Meeting

4/18 - ASVAB- Juniors

4/19 - No School- 
Good Friday

4/22 & 4/29 - Spring Band Concert at VTOTA

4/27- Prom at 
Loews Ventana Canyon Resort 

5/1, 5/2 & 5/3- SEP Presentations 

5/3 - Senior Parade 

5/3- Half Day Dismissal 12:40pm

5/6- Choir Concert 

5/8 - Bobcat Scholar Academy Awards Night

5/18 - Graduation Ceremony at TCC 




Cienega High School
Vision Statement
Cienega High School creates an educational environment utilizing partnerships among community, parents, and staff to assist students in maximizing their academic potential and promoting life-long learning.
Front Office - 879-2800     Attendance -  879-2803   
Bookstore - 879-2824 
Registrar - 879-2812

Health Office - 879-2810

Front Office/200 House   
Nemer Hassey
Secretary - Chris Rich 

300 House
Assistant Principal
Dean Nourse

Secretary - Gianni Wanaka 

Education Center
Eric Boxley 
A-C 879-2854
Rebecca Carrier-  D-G 879-1825
Colette Alvarado-  H-L 879-2904
Sylvia Lewandowski-  M-Q 
Sheri Mitzel -  R-S 879-2868
John Tritz - T-Z 879-1843  
Dainah Graham - 879-2819
Bobcat Scholar Academy

400/600 House/Athletics    
Assistant Principal 
Kelly Hadden
Athletic Director - Whitney Holland - 879-1813            

Secretary -  Sandi Morrison

500House/Special Education  
Assistant Principal 
Kim Middleton
Secretary - Cassandra Bahrychuk 879-2874

Special Education Secretary Patty McKnight 879-1804
Communications Coordinator
Juanita Mari- 879-2815   
CHS website:                 


Sodexo - 879-2090 or 

District Office - 879-2000

Transportation - 879-2475

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 Click here for Online Ordering  





Job Openings

Are you looking for a job?


The Vail School District is looking for dynamic, energetic and positive staff members. Please click on the link below for the job descriptions, qualifications, salary guide, and the application process.


Click for job openings here   


Cienega High School

It's that time of year again to pre-order your yearbook.