courtesy of Sean Sheppard

Schooner American Eagle Newsletter
April 2019
In This Issue
Crew's News
Cruise News
Postcards from Away

Jayne Phair photo
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It's spring outfitting time all month, as well as all the time since last fall and into May as well. The osprey have returned to the nest box by the cove, the sparrows moved in under the osprey nest, the chipmunk is back on our front step at home, the eider ducks are in the cove, and paint brushes fly when the sun comes out.

Crew's News

Sarah in winter rig

Inspecting the new chart of Portland Harbor
Tattoo on the dining room table at home inspecting the new chart of Portland Harbor

Jamie and Christa painting the galley companionway

Christa in the rigging
A narrated video of Christa climbing up to paint the fore truck, alias the cheese wheel.

Winter cover coming off on April 18th. Christa and Chris wall walking

......with hammers

Art and Mark finishing the John Deere installation.. exhausting work, literally.

Art has his arm in the cupboard tightening a bolt.

Cruise News ..

Which lighthouse is this contest from our March newsletter.

Two correct answers on this one; it's Boston Light on Little Brewster  Island, first lit in 1716.   Bob Parker won the  hat.

The old fog signal cannon   is  even older and may have been brought back from Port Royal, in what's now Nova Scotia, by Sir William Phips in 1690. Phips in the unsuccessful siege of Quebec later that year lost a cannon to the French. That cannon is on display in a museum in Quebec City.

And Bob sent this shot of his 1932 something or other parked in front of Beavertail Light in Jamestown, Rhode Island.

Postcards from Away  

Gloucester's Golden Age Of Fishing: Part 1 (1623 - 1923)
Gloucester's Golden Age Of Fishing: Part 1 
(1623 - 1923)

This is a long documentary highlighting the period 1930-50 in the fisheries. While the American Eagle is not mentioned, the Canadian
( 1930-1945) and later Italian ( 1945-1984) owners are, including Ben  Pine.

Island picnic

Evening deck lanterns will be in service in a month.
  John and the crew

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