April Notes of Interest
Sunscreen Forms
With warmer weather coming it is time to start thinking about sun care. We are sending home sunscreen forms for 2019. Please fill out the form for your child and turn it back into the front desk.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent Teacher Conferences will begin Mid-April. Please talk to your child's teacher for your exact date and to sign up for a time slot.
Creative Movement Show
If your child is in Creative Movement, Miss Gail is hosting the end of the year show on May 21st. There will be two shows; one at 6:00pm and one at 6:45pm. In a few weeks Miss Gail will post a sign at the front desk showing the time slot that has been chosen for your child's group. Please mark if your child will or will not attend the show. Just a reminder, the show counts as the last class for May.
Prep Freeze Cook Fundraiser
We have officially met our Fundraiser goal of $400 to pay for 4 new tricycles for the preschool playground! Thank you to all who ordered and helped with our fundraising goals. We will continue the Prep Freeze Cook Fundraiser this month to raise further funds for lending library materials.
Scholastic Book Fair Recap
We had a total of 20 books donated from families for our classrooms and we earned over $700 back from Scholastic to use on more books and materials for the classrooms. Thank you all for helping us have a very successful book fair this Spring!!