Spring is coming, so now is a good time to talk to our students about plants, nature and weather. The Oxford Picture Dictionary (OPD) has some great pictures to help with your lesson.
Here are the ideas our tutors came up with to help with these worksheets:
Levels 0 - 1
* Use the KWL Chart (Know/Want to Know/Learned), ask your student these questions:
* What is a text message? (demonstrate on your phone)
* Do you send text messages?
* Do you send me text messages?
* Do you send your family text messages?
* Say and write the days of the week and the months of the year.
* Use the Dialogue to practice saying the days and months to talk about your next class meeting time.
* Use your cell phones to practice the text messages. Now that you have taught about capital letters, you can make sure they use them.
Level 2-3 (All of the above)
* Talk about "yesterday, today and tomorrow."
Levels 4-5
*Discuss the writing checklist.
* Read about what happened last week. Answer the comprehension questions.
Levels 6-7 (All of the above)
* Discuss the proper form for writing an email.
* Discuss the proper punctuation for an email.
Thanks to everyone who helped with all these ideas!!!