April 2020
Like so many of you, the NACMS staff is now working from home and meeting twice a week via Zoom to try and stay connected and maintain a sense of normalcy. Much of our conversation is about how we can be of most support to the Marianist Family. How can we help you feel less isolated? How can we offer options for quality learning during this time? What lessons can be shared from the Founders that we can learn to comfort or challenge us? Hopefully, some of the options below will help you or your community feel less isolated as we travel this unusual time together.
All of us at NACMS wish you a blessed and healthy Holy Week.
Let Us Pray
Adele began her weekly letters to her "Little Society" with an acte for all the recipients to pray about together.
The acte for this week is: "Prepare my heart, O my God, to make it your dwelling place." 
Please check our Facebook and Instagram accounts for future actes . We hope this mutual prayer will help us feel connected.
Words of Wisdom
In the midst of the anxiety of the current pandemic, it is helpful to look to some wisdom figures for their perspective. This short video from Fr. Joe Stefanelli was recorded back in 2013, but his message is just as relevant. We miss Father Joe since his passing in 2018 but know that he continues to intercede for us in heaven.
To watch and listen click here .
Celebrating Father David Fleming's Legacy
The world lost a Marianist giant on Thursday, March 12th: Father David Arnold Fleming, SM, the thirteenth Superior General of the Society of Mary, Marianist scholar, educator, and member of the NACMS staff. 
In honor of Fr. Dave's legacy and contribution to Marianist scholarship, we are highlighting some of the articles, circulars, and books that he has written over the years. We hope these resources will demonstrate Fr. Dave's lasting contribution to the Marianist Family as well as continue to inspire those who may not have known Fr. Dave. To read them click here .
Marianist Soundings
We are living in extraordinary times. This global pandemic is affecting every aspect of our lives. Here at NACMS we would like to chronicle how living in this world as a Marianist has supported or challenged you in this moment.
Because of our work here at NACMS, we understand and honor the power of preserving stories. How often do the letters of Blessed Chaminade, Blessed Adele, and Venerable Marie Therese give us insight into our lives today? We feel the stories we share about how Marianists live in these times will be beneficial today and in the future. We are also in a unique position to gather stories from people sharing this experience from around the world.
This project will continue for some time. For some of you, this may be too soon to share your experiences. Others of you may have insights that will give strength and hope to others today.
It is our ultimate goal to create a special e-version of our Marianist Soundings publication as well as collecting video and audio files in the appropriate time. However, if you are feeling so moved, feel free to send your written stories to Patti Gehred at [email protected].
With the author's permission, we will share stories that may help us feel connected as Marianists during this experience we are all living together, right now.
Stay tuned as this project grows.
Brother Tom Redmond, SM
The Spirit of Saragossa Retreat in Daily Life is in progress. One person began the retreat in early February and is meeting weekly with the retreat director online as the two live in different states. This weekly connection is a real support in the movement through the retreat but is also a source of mutual encouragement for both retreatant and director during these weeks of social distancing. Another person has inquired about the retreat and would like to begin when meeting with the retreat director in person is possible. If this sounds like something you would be interested in click here .
* NACMS Online Reading Group: May 6, 13, 20. 2 PM ET.
Watch for details and registration materials soon.
* Application for 2020/21 MSP 2.0 beginning in September
* Sr. Gabby's reflection on the 2019/20 Novice Course
North American Center for Marianist Studies
Dayton, OH 45430-1083

NACMS Office Hours by appointment only until further notice.
To make an appointment please call 937.429.2521.

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