and are owned by

Littleviews is our blogging arm and Sketch-Views, our gift shop that financially supports our mission. This newsletter will keep you up-to-date on both.


Well, there has been so much news that every time I composed a newsletter, things changed! The good news is that everyone in our family is healthy, with no one being struck with the Coronavirus Disease.

What's New

+ Since mid-March, I have been sketching Pet Portraits (mostly Dachshunds) owned by people who are members of the Facebook "Dachshunds Lovers" group. Click HERE to see them.

My first style was graphic, which I will discuss in my next Cartoon Sketching Blog.

I now primarily sketch pups in watercolor which I transfer to Photoshop for finishing touches. The two pups you see here belong to Taylor Stearns and Madison McIntosh.

+ As of last week, I've added PUP PORTRAITS to Sketch-Views. If you have a pet you'd like to have sketched or want to give a sketch as a gift, I will do a budget version for a reasonable $10+, or a professional version for $55+.

+ By mid-May you'll be seeing more fabric designing for use in scarves, bandanas, and fabric jewelry. To make this possible, I'll be adjusting the HTML behind the scenes, vetting vendors, and doing all the designing. You can find the beginning of the SCARVES & BANDANAS collection here

+ And I've started a Commemorative Products section that focuses on people, events, and seasonal topics. Currently, we are honoring nurses. Please make the discount at the end of this newsletter known to people in the health and caring professions.

Latest Blog Posts

Since mid-March, I've been sketching several pups per week. I'll resume blogging a week from now on April 27th.

As for newsletter frequency, my target is at least one monthly, as I continue to miss my goal of two.

But as a newsletter reader, you still get a discount of 10% against any product or service offered on Sketch-Views. For the next 30 days, type in the code 2VEC8A4B15CM when you check out.

Need more information? Contact me, Karen Little, at or This newsletter was published on April 20, 2020