Volume 4 | April 16, 2021

ALTITUDE Conference

~August 19-21, 2021~
at the
Historic Peabody Hotel - Memphis
Make sure you register for this event early!
Space is limited.
Be sure to stay up to date on any restrictions regarding Covid-19.

-Colburn 120 Call- Friday, May 21 @ 11:00 am (cst)

  • Owners Circle – Direct to Consumer & Recruiting Funnel
  • Power Dialer
  • Virtual Assistant
  • Virtual Mentor
  • New DFL tools
  • Daily Lead Allocations in Most States
Monthly Leaderboards

Let's celebrate the Monthly Leaderboards for March!
Great job!

Let's make sure we reach out and congratulate our new writers. Great work! We value each one of you!
Net-Placed Numbers
Great job getting your business issued!
Yearly Leaderboards - 2020
What an amazing year! Congratulations to all on the Leaderboards this past year! You are changing people's lives and building a strong business. Great work!