SWAMC is launching a new project to develop an Economic Recovery & Resiliency Plan to help the region rebound from the pandemic's economic effects. This research will help us learn how our region was impacted by the pandemic – what worked, what didn’t, and what our communities might do differently in the future. As the first part of this project, we invite you to participate in our survey gauging the impact of COVID-19 on residents of Southwest Alaska.
Your participation is critical to the success of this work! We hope to receive a strong response from our communities, so please share this link with your friends, co-workers, and family members as well. The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete and individual responses will be kept strictly confidential.
As a thank you: At the end of the survey, respondents will have the option to enter a drawing to win one of eight (8) $50 Visa gift cards!
Please contact Katie Berry at McKinley Research Group, our partner firm on this project, with any questions at kberry@mckinleyresearch.com.